★[Teddy Boyo]
Niedersachsen, Germany
❝︎We can see how games could be a purposeful escape, a thoughtful and active escape, and most importantly an extremely helpful escape.❞ :firewalk:

❝︎Games don't distract us from our real lives. They fill our real lives: with positive emotions, positive activity, positive experiences, and positive strengths.❞

❝︎Gamers want to play the game. They want to explore and learn and improve. They’re volunteering for unnecessary hard work—and they genuinely care about the outcome of their effort.❞

❝︎The truth is this: in today’s society, computer and video games are fulfilling genuine human needs that the real world is currently unable to satisfy. Games are providing rewards that reality is not. They are teaching and inspiring and engaging us in ways that reality is not. They are bringing us together in ways that reality is not.❞

❝︎The opposite of play isn’t work. It’s depression.❞ :firewalk:
~Jane McGonigal, Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
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Varkoo 11 Mar, 2017 @ 12:11pm 
beautiful tumblr profile :rosebud:
Maudy 18 Jan, 2017 @ 1:44pm 
merry christmas:camel:
Erica 18 Jan, 2017 @ 1:33pm 
Oh Hella:8bitheart:
Bearcat 24 Dec, 2016 @ 8:17am 
Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute für Dich und Deinen Lütten und Deine Familie. Aber ich denke wir hören uns eh, oder?
Maudy 23 Dec, 2016 @ 11:56am 
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
 '  '  ** .  * .'   '*   **  . '  *.   *  *  .
Maudy 9 Sep, 2016 @ 2:35pm 
………….……………………. „-/*"\„,„,
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.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- GIVE THIS UGLY DOG
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
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