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Reseñas recientes de tdogredman

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39.8 h registradas (24.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
an insane amount of content and the player gets an insane amount of control over their tools. insanely immersive, which is funny to say for a game that is pixellated, but it truly make you feel in a living world. you walk into a room and see enemies fighting, causing explosions, etc. highly recommend at full price. keep in mind the game is crazy hard though. you can always get a mod that spawns you with better loot or something if thats not your idea of fun.
Publicada el 4 de enero de 2023.
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127.6 h registradas (35.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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solid basic roguelike worth the price.

has an unlock system to keep you playing and difficulty levels to keep you playing further.
Publicada el 2 de enero de 2023. Última edición: 2 de enero de 2023.
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736.9 h registradas (644.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
ill just unlock this item and then ill get off

wait i can get this one though

wait ill unlock this item and then ill get off
Publicada el 28 de diciembre de 2022.
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38.4 h registradas (23.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
fun simple live laugh love
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2022.
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8.0 h registradas (6.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
excellent video to show to new hires, explains how to attain the corporate mindset very thoroughly
Publicada el 22 de diciembre de 2022.
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24.5 h registradas (9.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
They will literally update this game until they die.
Publicada el 19 de diciembre de 2022.
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118.7 h registradas (3.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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very fun. I'm going to try and give a detailed review here.

First of all, the whole game takes clear inspiration from many different games (usually roguelikes) like binding of isaac, dark souls, enter the gungeon, and even stuff like terraria, with enemy designs and some mechanics paying homage.

You have money, bombs, and keys, all with uses that are similar to isaac or gungeon (or many roguelikes really).

The gameplay loop is really fun and honestly doesn't feel repetitive if you're a roguelike fan. What keeps runs interesting is the different weapons, ranging from guns to swords to bows to wands and the leveling system, which allow you to make really unique kits each run if you want to, by modifying your DEX, INT, and STR when you level up, unlocking passive abilities every 5 levels. These stats also affect weapon strength, as weapons scale off of these stats. For example, if you find an sniper rifle with S level DEXterity scaling, you'd want to use it if you had high DEX specifically.

Using souls (wonder how they came up with that) you collect in runs, you can both unlock new characters that start with stats + starter armor/weapons and buy permanent upgrades for all runs.

Each room is a simple square. Each time you clear a room, you are offered two doors, each with either a core stat upgrade to help level up, or a weapon, or a chest, or a shrine, or a shop, or special rooms, etc. You can't go back to a room you've left, meaning you're always progressing forwards.

This really is a great game, and I've only played 3 hours so far! You can trust me though because I love roguelikes and have a ton of hours in them.

A criticism would be the game is a little on the easy side, unless im missing a hardmode that you unlock when you beat the final boss enough times or something.

EDIT: just fought a harder boss you can unlock (not gonna spoil) the game's difficulty is fine.

Also, I think the game could benefit from more unique room shapes, even if your path is always upward towards 2 doors instead of a sprawling open map, as it keeps things fresh.

Another feature that could be fun would be static traps/invincible attacking sentries (or something similar) like the spitting heads in isaac.

Regardless, this game is MORE than worth its current price (6 dollars but I got it for 4), and I'm sure I'll get plenty of hours of fun out of it. Based off of what's currently here, theres no doubt in my mind the dev will keep expanding upon it and I have high hopes for its future.

Huge reccomendation.
Publicada el 26 de noviembre de 2022. Última edición: 27 de noviembre de 2022.
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63.4 h registradas (44.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
i beat the game for the first time but sir junkan gave his life, it doesnt even feel like a win I just feel empty.

being serious tho: lot more skill based than binding of isaac for example. the game is really big on dodging bullets in a bullet hell. plenty of content and well made. huge reccommend.
Publicada el 11 de octubre de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
22.4 h registradas (14.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Addictive and fun Roguelite that introduces a mechanic that motivates the player to attempt speedruns: managing your cult of animal followers. While you're out killing people, your followers have hunger, cleanliness, medical, and loyalty needs that, if not met, lead to them losing faith in you and leaving. You find followers out in dungeons, as well as supplies you might need to help build your cult in an animal crossing-type village. It's honestly hilarious and very tongue-in-cheek to see these cute little animal people put on demon robes and sacrifice one of their own with big smiles. You also get to write docrines, which are basically religious rules your cult will follow, like enjoying when one of their members are sacrificed or finding joy in elderly followers dying.

The gameplay is really fun, I played on the hardest difficulty and found it very entertaining.

It's a roguelite combined with a "village building" simulator wrapped together with a fun cult theme. I highly reccomend it at full price even with only having 14 hours at the time.
Publicada el 12 de agosto de 2022. Última edición: 16 de agosto de 2022.
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70.9 h registradas (14.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
add jerry from rick and morty please
Publicada el 1 de agosto de 2022.
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