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27 people found this review helpful
110.1 hrs on record (79.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly a pretty good game. I like the combination of the battle system from Ultimate General Civil War and the large scale Total War kind of map. The American campaign is very good and I love how the map expands over time as you gain more generals and a larger force to fight with. This also allows you to gain experience in preparation of the larger, whole conflict. The British campaign was just added and I like the idea and most of the execution. It is a little hard at the start of the British campaign since you begin with the entire American map showing so you have to make some hard choices on what to control and what to give up to the rebels.

About some other reviews, there was some unhappiness with the difficulty level at release as well as some misunderstanding about some of the difficulty functions. I'm glad to say that this has been fixed and more options have been added so you can customize the difficulty however you want. There is also many comments on there being no tutorial for some reason. There IS a tutorial system, it just appears inside the game during the campaign. On the right of your screen you will get recommended actions that give you resources as a reward when completed and if you click on these notifications you can see an explaination of what to do with some very helpful videos.

Overall I'd recommend buying the game since its got a lot of good mechanics and two campaigns now which I think make it worth the current price tag. If the base price tag is too high though, getting the game on sale would be a definite buy in my opinion. There are most likely openings as well for more campaigns to be added in the base game or as dlc (7 years war, war of 1812, native wars) and I can see support for this game and new content being added for years.
Posted 14 October, 2024. Last edited 14 October, 2024.
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87.1 hrs on record (82.1 hrs at review time)
This is amazing game that clearly had a huge amount of effort put into it over the years. It's been almost a decade now and I can't complain about Terraria at all. There's no reason why you shouldn't get this masterpiece.
Posted 26 November, 2021. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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28 people found this review helpful
1,204.9 hrs on record (934.6 hrs at review time)
So... This game is great. I have already beaten the game on every difficulty on each side (Maybe 10 campaign completions total?). I keep coming back to the game and playing through again because the ability you have to change your army. The first few times I played I went hard on infantry and numbers to win. In later campaigns I used more cavalry and artillery and it was a whole different experience. I even went and tried no infantry at all and it was great; I managed to get completely destroyed in later battles, but it was cool trying to find strange ways to attack and defend without infantry. No onto the good and bad.

- Awesome Graphics
- Design your own army
- Chose bonuses and traits for your units, officers, and army as a whole
- A ton of battles
- Lots of replay ability
- Realistic casualties depending or distance, weapons, terrain and experience
- Historical units
- Casualties transfer between days in a multiday battle
- Favor points to get extra stuff (weapons, cash, men, generals) that are gained or lost depending if you win or lose a battle

- No multiplayer :(
- Once and a while a unit glitches or does something weird (usually cavalry attacking fortified infantry or something similar)
- Not much really

Not really a con to me, but some people complain about regaining loses for the confederates and such as being unrealistic. This is because if you play on a hard difficulty then the AI needs to make up those loses and to make the game challenging. I find nothing wrong with this since if you want the game truly historical and to be able to steamroll the south every battle then you can play on the easiest difficulty. All in all the game has something for every play style of strategy gaming.
Posted 10 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2019.
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2,370.1 hrs on record (497.6 hrs at review time)
This is a great game and Ive spent many hours playing it. I definently recomend getting the DLC if you have money. There are a huge amount of options and different ways to play the game so you can play for hours.
Posted 15 February, 2018.
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