Portsmouth, United Kingdom (Great Britain)


NSE Winter 2018 3rd Place Challenger Division - chausKii, kARMA, k0nvict, Tactical Banana, Tal

TheNuel Spring 2019 10th Place Championship - chausKii, kARMA, OLSANDAN, Tactical Banana, Tal

NSE Spring 2019 6th Place Championship - chausKii, kARMA, OLSANDAN, Tactical Banana, Tal

TheNuel Summer 2019 5/8th Place Championship - chausKii, kARMA, starcie, Tactical Banana, Tal

NSE Summer 2019 2nd Place - Devil, Has, kARMA, Piniu. Tal

NSE Stay at Home Series 2020 5/6th Place - Kris, OLSANDAN, kARMA, Tal, Tenshi

UKValorant Tournament #1 2020 2nd Place - Devil, Faith, IDWBU, kARMA, Tal

UKValorant Tournament #2 2020 1st Place - Devil, joek1, IDWBU, Piniu, Tal

Tällä hetkellä pelissä
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 85 tuntia
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
500 pistettä
Saavutustilastot   0 / 13
yhteensä 5 122 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.7.
yhteensä 2,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.7.
JOGUNN.ttv 28.6. klo 15.09 
best british person i know
Michael Morbius 23.6. klo 13.44 
AYO it's been 13 minutes and I miss my comment, could you come back and Copy Paste it again?
Michael Morbius 23.6. klo 13.30 
Living in his head rent free, if you took that time to learn to play instead of writing comments you would be more than a 9 kill Andy on Inferno. I could just block you if I didnt want to see ur comments but funny how you tell your other friends about it as well xD
Michael Morbius 23.6. klo 11.30 
+1 Extremely bad player and toxic cry baby with UK accent.
9 frag in 19 rounds + leaving novels on my profile, no one reading all that
cry baby 23.3. klo 7.16 
toxic cry baby
KizaxAL 23.2. klo 14.18 