Πρόσφατες κριτικές από τον Punnilingus

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Εμφάνιση 21-30 από 99 καταχωρίσεις
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
46.1 ώρες συνολικά (34.1 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Pro union. Eat the rich
Αναρτήθηκε 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
8 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
14.7 ώρες συνολικά
I do not recommend the game, but with a caveat - I don't recommend the game unless it's on sale. It's a good game but very, VERY shallow.

Despite the, odd, "overwhelmingly positive" reviews, the game doesn't have much to offer but the same ol' thing over and over and over again with very little in the way of changing playstyle. The best weapons are the best weapons, even if those weapons are low tier, they're still better than most high tier of any other weapon. Don't get that weapon? Lol. Sorry?

The "upgrades" from the basecamp (the thing that makes this a roguelite) are basically useless. Sure, they add a little help but not a whole lot. Many of the "upgrades" are to increase the chance that you'll get, for example, higher level or higher tier weapons, but despite putting "wrenches" into those, they don't seem to work all that well. I remember the 2nd upgrade to the 'increase weapon rarity' was followed by 3 whites, 1 green, none of which were the good weapons.

This game appears to really center around achievement hounds who just want to "beat" or "finish" everything. For example, you can get a battle buddy that is absolutely useless. But, it's there. For no real reason. You can trade out a weapon slot (you only get 2) for it but, yeah, it really isn't good. Go ahead, level him up .... use up those power cells. It still sucks but, you did it! Yay you.

The game play really is solid, though. The graphics are pretty killer. But, the mechanics of the game leave much to be desired and you'll end up just doing the same levels over and over and over and over and over again just to "get that thing that sucks."

If I were you, I wouldn't spend more than $14.99 on the game. It's not worth $25, imo. There's just not enough there. I've played 14 hours and actually reached the boss level in my first two hours of play time because I just happened to get the right drops on the right class with the right weapon. It's basically the only way you can win. Skill won't get you there. "choices" won't really get you there either. You can't make a good build from things that drop by changing your strategy - it's just not a thing in this game.

You have to RNG the right weapons, the right level perks w/the right gadgets. If you don't, you won't get very far. When you do, you'll get to the boss and you'll get snagged in multiple ridiculous hacks (that take control of you) or "stunned" over and over again. Instead of the enemies being "harder," they just throw cheesy "difficulty" tactics at you and "yay you" if you happen to have a build that will overcome it.

Skill isn't the winner or loser in this game - RNG is. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game. But, they really need to fix this stuff. I shouldn't rely on certain weapons with every playthrough. But, that's the way it is.
Αναρτήθηκε 28 Νοεμβρίου 2023. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 28 Νοεμβρίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
68 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
6 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
70.1 ώρες συνολικά (56.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
If you can write in a review that "hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal" happened IN the game, it leaves you no choice but to suggest it.

If you know, you know.

Just buy the game. For real. Just do it. Dev does videos on YouTube teaching you how to mod and he does it while he works on the game, openly, with his process on full display. Support this behavior, folks. Pay up.
Αναρτήθηκε 21 Νοεμβρίου 2023. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 22 Νοεμβρίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
20.6 ώρες συνολικά (11.5 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
This is an exploration game with automation and base building thrown in. Yes, I recommend it but I think, at the moment, the game shouldn't be priced more than $24.99

The game runs well, though. It looks fairly polished, though kind of generic, I think. A LOT of QoL things need to be added such as: easier location of vital parts you need to scan (to then research) to further the game. I keep hitting a bottleneck because I just can't FIND the parts I need to scan, but I have more than enough research cores to buy the stuff.

Base building is kinda' "meh." I do like the power floor concept, but it's all kind of meh.

I do like the game and am interested in the storyline. Voice acting is very well done. The script is good too.
Αναρτήθηκε 27 Αυγούστου 2023.
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1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
92.0 ώρες συνολικά (3.6 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
This is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, aside from Madonna's plastic surgery.
Αναρτήθηκε 16 Αυγούστου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
19 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
1.5 ώρες συνολικά (0.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
I put no but I mean "not at this time." The prologue, when I played, was absolutely amazing, even with the various bugs here and there.

But this EA release is all but unplayable. "Take off helmet," tutorial says (w/o saying how), so I figure out how to do it (remove helmet and place in inventory (as opposed to, ya' know, a ♥♥♥♥♥ hotkey)) then the game immediately closes the inventory and now I cannot move. I can spin around in 360, fine. But can't move. I cannot open the options menu via ESC, can't open up the inventory (TAB) or do anything so I have to force-close the game.

Other people are reporting the game gets in an infinite load and the dev team is like "send us your save file or we won't be able to figure it out." Now, I GET that they will need a bug report but the sheer volume of people reporting this problem makes it really hard for me to believe that not one of the computers the devs are using won't reproduce this issue. Please.

If you want to pay to be an Alpha tester, then fine, the game [COULD] be awesome down the line, but as it sits, nah. Sit on this thing for 3-6 months and come check the reviews.

I'll update this review once we can actually play the game. If they need alpha testers, they can pay someone to do it. EA is not for this level of (doesn't work). EA is for "help us add additional content and tweak things" not "help us get the game to work."

**Edit to Dev response**
I was all about this game during prologue and bought it the moment it was for sale. I will NOT refund the game because given what you've done so far, I have faith that you'll be able to fix it.

But, I can't in good conscience recommend the game to anyone at this time for those very reasons.

I will update this as soon as a patch fixes at least those two game-breakers.

Αναρτήθηκε 11 Μαΐου 2023. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 11 Μαΐου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Ένας δημιουργός απάντησε στις 12 Μαϊ 2023, 8:00 (προβολή απάντησης)
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
134.7 ώρες συνολικά (39.6 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
I got the fever
Αναρτήθηκε 6 Μαΐου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
6 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
39.3 ώρες συνολικά (0.5 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Pretty accurate depiction of how successful people get their millions:
1) Be born to a wealthy family: ☑️
2) Be given money from said wealthy family: ☑️
3) Quit menial labor after just 2 days to "start business": ☑️
4) Use banking connections to get a loan without any business experience because of family connections: ☑️
5) Have a Larry at the bank that makes your loan payments all but non-existent: ☑️
6) Continue utilizing family members for everything while you "grow your business": ☑️

If you want a completely realistic business simulator, and can ☑️ all the boxes, buy Big Ambitions and spin your story as you being "self-made" like the rest of 'em!

Next step: use family connections to buy legislation that allows you to be a millionaire while still getting EITC refunds at the end of the year because you don't actually "own" anything ... your "businesses" own it all.

☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ / ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️Would use generational wealth to pretend I was self-made again!
Αναρτήθηκε 13 Μαρτίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
4.2 ώρες συνολικά (1.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
All your base are belong to us V2.0
Αναρτήθηκε 3 Μαρτίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
57.3 ώρες συνολικά (28.4 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
This game is worth every penny, without a doubt. This is probably the best game I've played since Red Dead Redemption 2.

It is NOT Harry Potter - it's Hogwarts and it's just absolutely amazing. The graphics are amazing, the story is amazing, the voice acting is (nearly 100%) amazing.

Little puzzles everywhere, so many things to do.

It's not PERFECT as there were design things I would have changed like having more starting gear slots and more renewable treasures (currently it appears gear is relatively finite).

If you have the money, pay the $60. It's absolutely worth it.
Αναρτήθηκε 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2023.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
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Εμφάνιση 21-30 από 99 καταχωρίσεις