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게시 일시: 2021년 3월 8일 오후 3시 02분

As the first soulslike game I've played, I can say that I really enjoyed almost everything about this game. Even for somebody with no interest in the Star Wars franchise like myself, I found myself invested into the story and gameplay which proved a challenge throughout my playthrough.

To put this game in a single category would be doing it injustice. The combat is definitely Sekiro / Souls inspired with parries and dodges as the main mechanics, however the introduction of the force as a combat tool is unique and fun. The combination of abilities you unlock feel rewarding and when chained together feel satisfying. Playing at Jedi Grandmaster, I had a very hard time adjusting to the combat and with no prior experience, I found myself struggling at not only bosses but lesser enemies too. The scripted action sequences and platforming feel great, almost as if it was taken out of a Tomb Raider or Uncharted game. These sections were refreshing and offered a break from the onslaught of blasters and weird extraterrestrial creatures. My only issue with the combat is that at times some of the attacks from enemies felt ridiculous. This may be due to my lack of experience in this type of combat, but I feel as if sometimes their moves sets and animations were janky.

The story is pretty good. There's nothing to shout home about, but it was a nice introduction to the Star Wars franchise for a complete novice. It was interesting and some of the moments were really well executed, but being quite short it doesn't offer the level of character progression and personal insight that a longer game could. I am very interested in seeing how Cal's story continues beyond the game and hope that a second instalment will dive into the aspects I think were a bit weaker.

From a graphical standpoint, this game looks phenomenal. Everything from textures to SFX look great. Respawn have created amazing environments that really make you feel like you're in the game. I was very impressed to find that it ran very smooth too. I had no problems running on a RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16GB memory, minus some loading points where the framerate would tank for a second which is consistent with other reviews.

Overall, I think this is definitely a game you should pick up if you're looking for a challenge or something new to play. I played this game through EA Play, however I think it's worth its' full retail price, and would not hesitate to buy it if I wanted to play it again.
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