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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
33.6 h en tout (33.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Best way to equip and swap animated wallpapers in a second. Has a huge selection!

You can even enhance your own wallpapers and upload them, it has a small software built in just for that.

Some wallpapers eat more resources than others, might want to look out for that, in case you need full power for some games.
Évaluation publiée le 19 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 19 novembre 2022.
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15 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
92.3 h en tout
WARNING: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE FIRST TWO DANGANRONPA GAMES! Can't tell you why because of spoilers, but trust me, you'll be confused if you play this as your first Danganronpa!


After enjoying the other 2 games, naturally I had to play the third part too.

This is a detective game in which you'll need to solve a mystery. The gameplay is not really what you'd expect, it has a some unique twists to it. In my opinion, they made some really good changes compared to the first two games, and some bad changes as well sadly.

I can't really tell more about this game, as every small detail would spoiler it, and ruin the experience. The only thing I can say is that investigating and solving the mystery was nicely done!

The first games story was the most "realistic" one, the second game was more "anime". This third entry is quite crazy and weird. I preferred the more "down to earth" setting of the first one. The second entry was also better in my opinion. Which means for Story, this is the weakest one out of the three games. Not bad, but not as good as the other two.

The Art and "Graphics" are very funky. I personally really liked it, as I'm fond of crazy art directions.

Sadly there is a bug, where it doesn't always register when you left click. Nothing terrible for a visual novel, but for some minigames it's sometimes annoying.

If you are a 100% achievement guy or gal like me, then be ready for some grinding and suffering.
Évaluation publiée le 18 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 18 novembre 2022.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
58.6 h en tout
WARNING: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE FIRST DANGANRONPA! Can't tell you why because of spoilers, but trust me, you'll be confused if you play this as your first Danganronpa!


After enjoying the first game, naturally I had to play the second part too.

This is a detective game in which you'll need to solve a mystery. The gameplay is not really what you'd expect, it has some unique twists to it.

In my opinion, they made some really good gameplay changes compared to the first title and some... not so good changes as well. Nothing too bad, just stuff which could have been left out or optimized. Still quite fun to play tho!

I can't really tell more about this game, as every small detail would spoiler it and ruin the experience. The only thing I can say is that investigating and solving the mystery was nicely done and exciting! Compared to the first game, it is way more "Anime", characters are more crazy and the environment is weirder as well. I preferred the more "down to earth" setting of the first one, but if you prefer more crazy, then this game is for you!

The artstyle and "Graphics" are very funky. I personally really liked it. Some areas are a bit weirder to look at compared to the first game. It has more 2D areas while the first one had more 3D ones, which I preferred more.

For a PSP Port the game is nice looking if you are more into crazy art direction. The music is also great and complements the gameplay very well.
Évaluation publiée le 23 octobre 2022. Dernière modification le 18 novembre 2022.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
45.3 h en tout
A friend of mine recommended me this game. I was first hesitant, as I'm not really a big fan of Anime games, but this game positively surprised me!

This game is a detective game in which you'll need to solve a mystery. The gameplay is not really what you'd expect, it has some unique twists to it.

I can't really tell more about this game, as every small detail would spoiler it, and ruin the experience. The only thing I can say is that investigating and solving the mystery was nicely done and always exciting! It never felt cheap and everything was quite logical.

The Art and "Graphics" are very, let's say, funky. I personally really liked it. And thanks to their unique style, it still holds up today and is cool to look at. Some artwork is a bit pixelated compared to others, due to the reason that it's a Port of a PSP game and now upscaled, but it somehow fitted very well with the general art direction. The music is also great and complements the gameplay very well.

I might also give other Detective games a try thanks to this game. Glad that I have now a new type of game which I like.
Évaluation publiée le 2 octobre 2022. Dernière modification le 18 novembre 2022.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
514.9 h en tout (431.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Another Soulsgame, another masterpiece. If you like to struggle, overcoming a challenge and having a wonderful feeling of success after beating a hard boss in a mysterious and beautiful fantasy world, then this game is for you!

If you haven't played a soulslike game before, then Elden Ring is the perfect start!
There are many Builds (Bleed or Magic for example), NPC Summons or Enemy type summons (called Spirit Ashes) which will aid you in battle and make the game *almost* too easy. In my first playthrough I did a Solo run as usual (Love you my trusty Zweihander), which many veterans will most likely do, but on my second run, it was a breeze with my Battle Mage Spirit Ash summon. You can also play co-op with friends, which is nicely done via password matchmaking.

The new approach they took with this game, compared to their other games, is that it's open world now. There are tons and tons of secrets. Hidden dungeons, mini bosses, secret items or quests, no matter where you go, you'll find something, which impressed me a lot. Especially as many open World games have quite an empty map sadly.

To traverse the stunning world, you'll get a goat spirit horse. You can also explore the world by foot like I did, but be ready to explore a very, very, veeery big map (first playthrough took me 280ish hours by foot, exploring every nook and cranny).

This is sadly one of the points which made this game a 9/10 instead of a 10/10 for me. The map is almost too big. Sure, it is filled to the brink with stuff, but some dungeons and mini bosses are repeated, with only slight adjustments. I think the reason for that is, if a normal person just rides through the map with their goat spirit horse, they'll miss tons of dungeons and mini bosses, which makes it ok to have some of them repeated. For Hardcore explorer like I am, it was a bit boring to fight through some same dungeons again and again. Wasn't too bad in the end, but a slightly smaller map with less repeated content would have made the game perfect in my humble opinion. 10-20% smaller map maybe.

The combat feels great, weighty attacks with nice feedback and reactive gameplay. Replayability is guaranteed with so many spells, weapons and weapon arts (equipable upgrades, which gives you a special attack or spell for you weapon, a great system to make builds even more unique)!
The game plays completely different depending on your build. Some bosses which are hard for one build are a breeze for the other and vice versa.

I'm excited for the upcoming DLC(s)!

Give Elden Ring a try, it's a masterpiece through and through. And if you do, then make sure to check out other games made by FromSoftware too!
Évaluation publiée le 26 septembre 2022. Dernière modification le 22 novembre 2022.
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22.0 h en tout
At first I was really hesitant about this game. Sure, I got the base game for free, but I'm not a big fan of Horror games or Platformer. But I played Limbo in the past and really enjoyed it, so why not give this game a try too?

The first playthrough was quite enjoyable, I have to say. I had some '♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!' moments, but I think that's quite normal for such games. It's most likely because I played with mouse and keyboard, which was alright, but not optimal I'd say. Moving the camera was a bit clunky at times, especially in the DLCs where you had to aim with your flashlight.

For its genre, it's an amazing title. The visuals are great, the puzzles are very creative and fun to solve. The chasing sequences were stressful (which is a good thing for such games I think), not my thing but it does it great. It never felt unfair when they caught you.

What really shines is the mysterious story with its visuals and sound design. What happened to the humans? Who is that? What's this? Why? The whole setting is basically a very dark and twisted version of Ghibli's 'Spirited Away', which is a great idea.

I also had a lot of fun with the speedrun achievement, really taught me how to play the game properly after the first playthrough, which made it even more fun in the end.
Évaluation publiée le 16 février 2022. Dernière modification le 16 février 2022.
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21.7 h en tout
What a wonderful game! The story is heart warming, really liked it from A to Z. It has humor, sad moments, action segments and quite creepy/dark stuff in it. The gameplay is unique and fun. It's a mix between rolling a dice (for mana), which is needed to play cards, which you draw from a deck (you can built the deck yourself, there are many different cards to choose from), and action combat. The biggest plus is the world and it's story. It's simply fantastic!

It reminded me of several things, like Fable: Lost chapters, Rayman, Tim Burton movies and also books like the discworld saga by Terry Pratchett or Walter Moers 'Captain Bluebear' (or other stories he wrote, like everything about Zamonia). If you know these things I mentioned, and you like them of course, then you will absolutely adore Lost in Random.

I felt like a kid again while playing this game. And for this I'm really thankful. Highly recommended. Go play this game and follow the adventure of Even and her trusty Dice 'Dicey' through the world of Random.

Évaluation publiée le 7 février 2022.
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18 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
3.3 h en tout
The soundtrack is an absolute banger. Art style is cute, love the simplistic approach. It's a puzzle game, so story is just there, nothing special. You are a human who loves demon girls and goes to hell for them. Great plot 10/10.

The additional content was quite hard (found in the chapter select, don't miss it), which really caught me off guard, especially the last level. Very satisfying when you finally beat it.

TLDR; It's free, it's fun, music is a banger and it doesn't take too long to complete. Recommended!
Évaluation publiée le 31 janvier 2022.
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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
10.5 h en tout
First I was very hesitant, when I got that game. I'm usually not the type of player, that plays games which are more of a movie than an actual game. A friend of mine bought me Hellblade anyway, because he obviously really wanted me to play it.

The start felt very slow paced. First thought was "It's just a glorified walking simulator...". Tried to explore the area which I was in. Nope, this is not an exploration game. There is one path, and you walk this one exact path. Wasn't a big fan at the start up until the first Combat Tutorial. It felt so restrictive, especially as someone who loves exploration in games. Short combat tutorial done. Afterwards I could choose 2 paths. I picked one and went ahead.

After this, I really started to like this game. The puzzles are very creative! And, since the start of course, the game was pure eye candy, it is beautifully crafted, the world, the characters, the sound design.

The more I played it, the more I got into it. I really wanted to know what happened to this world. I totally forgot that it was "just a walking simulator". I was totally immersed in it. Combat was still very basic, but combat is just a tool to spice things up a bit, not a main focus. Puzzles were still my favorite parts. Collecting Rune stones, listening to it's lore. Slowly understanding what happened to our main character and the world around her. It was a very nice experience.

In the end, I really liked the game. It's still more of an interactive movie, but it is a really great one. I recommend it, if you want to experience an epic but tragic story in true viking/ celtic fashion.

Good game, can recommend it further. Thanks Airhead for gifting me that game!
Évaluation publiée le 24 janvier 2022. Dernière modification le 24 janvier 2022.
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417.6 h en tout
This game is a must play, if you are just in the slightest a fan of fantasy games! It's build like a tabletop game. Round based combat, party composition, build variety, persuasion of NPCs etc etc.

You can play this game alone, with NPC's/ heroes (which all have great storylines, worth to play them!) or with your friends! Up to 4 people can play together and create a mess. It's like your average DnD party, everything will go wrong and everything will be on fire (quite literally) if you play with friends.

The game also has a DnD map and campaign creator, if you are into online DnD.

The Good:
  • One of the biggest strengths imo is build variety (in any game, really), which gives any game replayability. In Divinity, you can create so many different builds. You can combine every school of magic with physical arts. Ranger with magic? Warrior with necromancy? Playing as Avatar and controlling all 4 elements? Thief with a pet demon? Everything is possible.
  • The game is a real bargain. You can sink so many hours into this game for just 40 bucks. On sale even less of course!
  • The sound design is wonderful, the music really sets the tone for the game and underlines everything perfectly.
  • The world is a classic high fantasy world, filled with so many tiny details, lots of humor and enough different areas to spice things up, even more compared to Divinity OS1.
  • The NPC Companions in this game all are great! I really recommend Lohse's storyline, so make sure to pick her up and follow her Qest!
  • Quests are usually quite tricky and sometimes hard to figure out. But! Each quest can be solved in many different ways. It always felt like Larian Studios covered every possible stupid idea on how to solve a Quest. Props to them for that!
  • The game mechanics are very well done. You can combine different spells to greater effects! For example; when you cast rain, everything gets wet, and receives more lightning damage or gets frozen more easily with ice spells. Set up poison fields and let them explode with fire spells, grenades or arrows for some nice damage!
  • Puzzles and dungeons need some brain and wits. If it's too hard, then you can always google your way out of it. But everything is doable if you take your time and read the items, books and questlog. There is also a chat history, in case you forgot something important.
  • After the tutorial, you can respec your character/ Companions whenever you want and an unlimited amount of times!
  • Combat is very satisfying, the ui and indicators makes it very clean. A big upgrade compared to DOS1.
  • Also crafting is very well done. Don't want to slip on ice? Combine shoes and nails. Want a bigger Health Potion? Combine 2 smaller potions. It feels quite natural most of the time. There are tons and tons of crafting recipes and books where you can learn them from.

The Bad:
  • Inventory management, sort everything, mark them to sell etc. takes ages due to the many items you'll get. But that's maybe just me, because I picked up everything during the first few playthroughs. In the last ones, I only picked up necessary things, and threw the rest away. It's way more comfy that way and you usually swim in gold anyways (midgame+)
  • There is one fight, which I really despise:When you see some burning lizard skelettons in a city, make sure to have Bless and Rain equipped.

The Ugly:
  • Bishop Alexander.
Évaluation publiée le 22 janvier 2022. Dernière modification le 22 janvier 2022.
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