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kayıtlarda 10.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 8.6 saat)
This is another cute, quirky, "anime-aesthetic" game where everything is not how is presented at the start. This game is a rather dark story (more like stories) of a girl wanting to become a popular streamer. You play as p-chan, her producer/boyfriend/choose what she does each day. And, this is nearly perfect for what it is aiming for.

I am not a major fan of near any types of streamers, but I still have been loving this game. I really do love the portrayal of mental health, online communities, and just having to navigate a girl dreaming of blowing up from... well blowing herself up. There are many endings which really does add to the playthrough value. Highly recommend this if you have enjoyed games like DDLC and other more dark visual novel games.

Yayınlanma 5 Şubat 2022.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 39.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 39.6 saat)
YS IX Monstrum Nox is a good, solid JRPG. If you have played other YS games, specifically YS VIII, then you will have a decent idea to how this game operates. It is an action JRPG where you play as Adol, an adventurer, with his partner Dogi. You arrive at a new city, and your adventure begins.

YS IX takes place around a large prison city where you explore the city itself, the surrounding areas, the prison, and the dungeons throughout. This is a JRPG with a party mechanic. Adol meets the other party members, the "Monstrums", throughout the first few chapters. Piece by piece main plot comes in, and the last few chapters are based around that. Now that is a quick rundown of the game, so here are my positives and negatives. I have only played YS VIII in the YS franchise, so I will compare a lot to that game b/c they are pretty similar.

- Characters: Surprisingly, this JRPG has no character that I hated for just being a poorly designed character. There are a couple side characters which are the typical JRPG characters you have seen a billion times, but I really liked the main cast of 6 + Aprilis. None of them are revolutionary to the JRPG formula, but I think all characters get to shine somewhat. My personal favorites were Credo, Aprilis, and Krysha. A-

- Combat: The combat in YS IX is a solid B. It can be a lot of fun, but it can be mindnumbing boring depending on how you go about it. Also, this game can be very easy, so I recommend raising the difficultly one higher than you normally play. You can swap in between the three active party members you have during the battle, with each having a strength. I do think it is very simple to just stay with Adol the whole game, but the other characters are fun to control so I do recommend taking advantage of them.

- Story: The story is pretty rudimentary at first. I will not lie, the first couple chapters where the main quest, the party members, and just background info were being told to you can be boring. The first few chapters have the same exact routine: do some sidequests, meet your new party member, and then go into the prison. However, I do think the characters redeem this somewhat, but the story really picks up around halfway through and continues until the end. I did not love the ending, but it was a decent ending with some problems for me. Did like the Epilogue quite a bit! I give the story a B.

- World: The game takes place in a prison city. What is a prison city? A city based around a massive prison where prisoners from all over are taken. Honestly loved the prison city, the new movement makes it actually fun to traverse around and find the side activities such as chests. The outside of the prison is rather barebones sadly, but it is not really in the game that much. I do wish the world was a bit more lively. Trails, another Falcom game series, makes their worlds feel a bit more lively with updating NPC dialogue and just more a sense of the scale of the town you are in. I do think the prison city is a bit too "dead", but there are a couple cute NPCs who have their own story throughout the game if you care. B

- Movement: The new hook to this game, the new movement. You can climb walls, fly around, enhanced vision, become stronger, teleport (sort of), and become "invisible". Really, the climbing walls and flying around are actually quite a bit of fun. Specifically in the city, I actually enjoyed running around and seeing the city. A

- Sidequests: I mean I should have expected it b/c YS VIII has similar quests, but the quests in this game are mostly basic and boring. There were a couple sidequests that kind of had me interested, but the routine of just picking something up or killing a monster gets old. I will say though, each sidequest is pretty quick so take that as a positive or negative. C-

- Graphics: I get that this is Falcom, and a lot of their fans and others do not care much for graphics. And, I love Trails, one of my favorite series of all time. But, these graphics are not good. I found the charm in them, but that could easily be because I have hundreds of hours in other 3d Falcom games. I could easily see someone looking at a screenshot and thinking this game is 10 years old. So, if you do care for graphics then this game will not amaze you. C

- Ending: I mentioned this in the story and said that it was a decent ending. I do think that, but it sort of just felt a bit too anticlimatic. Will not spoil or get into details, but it wish it was just fleshed out a bit more with story. I will reiterate again though that the Epilogue is amazing! Smart decision by Falcom to "play" the Epilogue.

Overall I give YS IX a 7.5/10. For comparison, I really did love YS VIII and give that game a 9/10. I do think it is a downgrade compared to its predecessor, specifically in the storytelling and just general direction of the beginning of the game, but it does make up for it at the end for me. I will say I do not recommend spending $60 on this game unless you are enamored with the YS series.

I recommend it on sale.
Yayınlanma 2 Şubat 2022. Son düzenlenme 2 Şubat 2022.
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kayıtlarda 152.6 saat
It is one of my favorite single player games of all time. Seriously a 10/10 for me. I will not post too much (hopefully) regarding this game b/c by now everyone has heard of it and either has already bought it or will not, but here are just my quick positives and some negatives.

- Story: Absolutely the story of this is excellent. From the main quest, to the side quests, to even simple witcher contracts, and then two whole DLCs with their own unique stories. CDPR did a superb job with this story and I think most people will fall in love with it. A

- Worldbuilding: The world of Witcher is one of my favorite fantasy worlds I have seen in media. It is a more "realistic" fantasy world in the sense that the world is not as black and white as it should be. It is definitely a bit dreary in some parts, but the world is fantastic to explore. Both the main places and then having a whole new region in Blood and Wine DLC. A+

- Characters: I love nearly all of the characters in this game. I think again CDPR did great with their writing of most characters and it is great to see both the highs and lows. There are some characters who just do not have the same time in the game and some of them kind of falter, but that is a balancing act which I think can be near impossible to perfect. Geralt is such a fascinating main character, and mix that in with interesting friends and foes. A

- Combat: One of the biggest complaints I have seen of this game has been combat being just a simple "hack-n-slash" which I will say it can be, but depends entirely on your decision on what type of combat you want to do. If you want to spam Quen and left click then the combat can be extremely boring. I highly recommend actually diving into the arts and alchemy. Crossbow does suck tbh tho. B+

- Amount of Quests/Side Quests/Contracts: I could see this being a huge negative to some if they just have to do every single question mark on the screen and in their menu, but to me I did not do everything in this game. I did the side quests and contracts that interested me and loved almost all of them. So many great little side plots which can take a couple minutes to a couple hours. I will say, if you do feel overwhelmed, then just focus on the major side quests and story. I can easily see someone dropping the game after becoming overwhelmed. A

- Glitches: This game has glitches. A lot of them are actually sort of funny, but I had a couple issues where my game would freeze and I would need to backtrack from my last save or autosave. The game is definitely in a better state than 2015, and a lot of the glitches are fairly small like facial hair on NPCs coming in late, or an NPC walking into a cutscene.

- Tiny bit of the Story: Some story parts of the story are just a bit too dragged out. And one particular sidequest has a character acting so dumb out of no where it took me out of the story a bit. Again, I loved the story, but like all works of media there is some peaks and valleys in the plot.

As near as flawless a game can be, and if you love a more dark fantasy adventure, then Witcher 3 is perfect!
Yayınlanma 24 Ocak 2022. Son düzenlenme 4 Şubat 2022.
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kayıtlarda 7.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.0 saat)
It is a cute, puzzle game. Find the object or person hidden within the map. The maps are elaborately done and honestly I had fun just looking at the maps themselves while trying to find the hidden folks. There is some interaction in this game with this map, but do not expecting some elaborate puzzles to find folks.

It is like Where's Waldo. Solid game, had fun.
Yayınlanma 20 Aralık 2021.
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kayıtlarda 51.1 saat
I will say three things first off: I enjoyed this game, this review is spoiler free, but this is the worst of the trilogy for me.

If you have played DR1 or DR2 I think you will enjoy this game for the most part, with the one key thing that will make or break this experience being the ending. I am not going to say anything regarding the ending, but to me it is just okay. Seriously, I think most people will love it or despise with some people like me thinking its just not executed well. Enough with the ending, here are my positives, negatives, and neutral opinions.

- Location: I really enjoyed the location of this game and I think it is probably the best of the three. With the small caveat being it is a pain to explore sometimes with a lot of walking.
- Trials: I liked most of the trials. DR3 trials do have some issues like DR1 and DR2 had, but if you had played those and looking for this game then DR3 trials will be a positive. I did not hate any trial, but I do think the quality is uneven during the game.

- Characters: In the other two games, there was always some character that I just did not like. DR3, I at least tolerate all characters, but I do not LOVE any character. None of these characters greatly interested me and as the game went on, my opinion on some soured and others improved. The reason I have the characters in my neutral opinions is that it just sort of evens out to me.
- "Love Hotel": I only did this twice, but I think the mechanics of it are rather strange. It expands on characters which is nice (it is random which character btw), but it is weird having a Love Hotel part of the game. It just seemed really awkward and I think if they just fixed it from a "Love Hotel" to just hanging out with the random character it would be better.

- Port: This port can be horrific. It is most definitely not issues with my hardware. I had one time the game froze while exiting a room which made me have to backtrack around 20ish minutes. And, not sure if it was just me, but I played with my keyboard and my inputs would not work A LOT. It was crazy, especially during minigames where my keys were not working. I had a couple fps drops, for some reason, but I had 60fps for 99% of the game.
- Some of the minigames are just so boring, and do not challenge you at all. Just make you spend a couple minutes for a thing you already knew. Talking specifically about one with some vaporware aesthetic.

Overall, if you liked the first two then I recommend this just to at least experience some quality trials and to see the ending. If you have not played any other Danganronpa games, do not let this be your first one.


DR2 > DR1 > DR3

P.S. DO NOT LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME BESIDES JUST A CHARACTERS GIFTS THEY WANT. Spoilers are so easy to see, especially when just typing a name into Google.
Yayınlanma 19 Aralık 2021.
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kayıtlarda 2.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.5 saat)
This game is good. However, I do think a lot of people will not like it. Why? This is a walking simulator, or more like a rolling, gliding simulator through space. You travel through space as a ball visiting planets. That is the game.

Now, does that sound fun or not? Well, depends on the person, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am quickly gonna list out what stands out.

- Visuals: This game is mesmerizing. Each planet is unique and beautiful and was a thrill to explore. Seriously, absolutely stunning game and I think anyone who enjoys space will have a ball.
- Game Mechanics: There are five things that you can do as the ball. That is it. And, I think it is perfect for what this game is. Gliding around these planets is so much fun. Trying to get a huge launch and be able to soar into the sky is amazing and lets you see both the planet and what is beyond it. Play the demo to see the mechanics, but I think that the game strongly captured the "walking" part of the game.
- Sound: It can just be haunting at times.

Here are my personal negatives for Exo One.
- Length: For $17 you are looking at around an hour and a half to 3ish hours for your first playthrough. That is up to you to decide if that is worth it, but for me I got it for around $14 and I am not upset with the length. I do think I will play this game whenever I just want to zone out and explore, but for others I think the length can be a major issue.
- Story: I am not sure why they included the story as it is. This game is meant to explore worlds, view the beautiful visuals, and move around. The story is here to kind of move from planet to planet? This story is barebones. Personally, it did not affect my enjoyment, but I do wish they either downplayed it at parts or went and added a more fleshed-out story. It can feel kind of in between at parts.

I highly recommend this game, but understand what this is. A short, space exploration where you move around as a ball. Play the demo to see if is something you will enjoy because I really do think space-lovers will fall in love with the visuals.
Yayınlanma 2 Aralık 2021. Son düzenlenme 2 Aralık 2021.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 32.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.1 saat)
Of course you will see a ton of other negative reviews here, but I will say I do LIKE this game. I have played battlefield off and on since 1942 and this game does still have some of that magic. However, like you probably have heard, the technical issues of this game are extremely bad which is why I cannot recommend this to people. I hate saying this, but I bet this game is a lot better in a few months. We are all sick of AAA studios releasing in this state, but if they actually focus on improving the graphical and network issues this game will be a lot of fun.

Other negatives:
- Maps, they are rather barebones in a lot of sections
- Weapons, really need to work on balancing
- The Battle Royale Mode, this ♥♥♥♥ will be dead soon. $60 for an average BR just cannot exist.
- Operators, I will miss the classes in Battlefield if they stick with operators. Made your squad play as a squad. I will say that teamwork still does exist in this game but operators just make it more that you are playing solo than team-based sometimes

- Portal Mode. Sell this mode separate. This can get really big if 2042 can fix their issues. I bet in a few months the amount of game modes that have been implemented on this might make me never touch the core 2042 game modes ever again.

TL;DR Don't buy it. This game can feel like an alpha quite a bit. I am having fun though!
Yayınlanma 23 Kasım 2021. Son düzenlenme 30 Kasım 2021.
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kayıtlarda 117.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.8 saat)
I originally gave this game a negative review when I first played it b/c of the technical issues I experienced. I have not had any issues in the 50ish hours I have played over the past two and a half months.

So, I will always recommend OOTP for people interested in the management of a baseball team instead of playing the actual game of baseball. Perfect Team needs to be split off into its own game though. It is clearly ruining the state of the releases of each version judging by reviews of OOTP 23. I would say you'd be fine getting OOTP 21, 22, or 23 if you want to dive into OOTP.
Yayınlanma 16 Kasım 2021. Son düzenlenme 18 Mayıs 2022.
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kayıtlarda 56.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 56.7 saat)
First off, I highly recommend this game if you loved Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal. It is a great spin-off that actually adds something to the characters' stories from the last game. I will say that if you have not played the previous Persona 5, then I do not recommend this to be your first game in the series. The game really does assume that you know what happened previously and only does a bit of background knowledge.

Another caveat, this game is NOT turn-based like the other Persona games. Now, while I prefer turn-based combat, this games combat is extremely fun. It is not just random button mashing, but instead a bit more strategy needs to be put into each fight no matter the difficulty. I played the whole game on hard and I will say that at the start it will kick your ass if you have no experience playing musou games. However, once you start to understand the combat, the personas, each character, and the skills then the game becomes a lot more easier (still not easy, but you will have better knowledge into the combat).

Story-wise, this game is extremely strong much like Persona 5/Royal. Is it as good a story? No, but then again the length of the game is like one half that of the normal games. I will not write any spoilers, but I did enjoy the story with each character still being the same, but growing a bit. It is such a good feeling to see the Phantom Thieves interacting with one another, in both the happy scenes and the more serious ones too. The addition of some new characters was something that I was worried about, but I think they handled it remarkably well. They both have interesting backgrounds, interactions, and actually important to the story.

Just one last mention, the music is fantastic again. It sounds just like Persona 5 which I loved back when I played it and I still love it now.

Issues I had with the game. I see that people have struggled with crashes and I will say that I only crashed once and thankfully I had saved like a minute prior. But, I do think that each person's game will act differently so make sure to save as much as possible! The other issue I had with this game is just the lack of side stuff to do with the Phantom Thieves like what was possible in the previous versions. I did not expect nearly as much as the last games, but I think there could have been more interesting "requests" with the members.

I highly recommend this game!
Yayınlanma 12 Mart 2021.
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kayıtlarda 45.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 37.7 saat)
Amazing game! Please do not look up any spoilers regarding the plot of the game because that is the main selling point of Danganronpa. I will say negatives would be some of the minigames can be confusing at first (not in a good way) and I think some people will hate them entirely. Besides that, I very much enjoyed the game and highly recommend it for anyone interested in VN especially focused on mystery, high schools, or trials.
Yayınlanma 1 Ocak 2021.
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