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Neue Rezensionen von jer

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Ergebnisse 21–22 von 22
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444.4 Std. insgesamt (32.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
If you enjoy baseball and enjoy simulating sports instead of playing the actual game then this game is for you! You can play the game as a manager, but I think the best part is being the GM of a team. This game can be as simple or as complex as you want. While I just play normal MLB seasons and try to bring bad teams to be winners, you can create a whole new world! Or play throughout the history of baseball! There is even online play, but I will say it can be a bit of a pain to actually set up and play online. This year is an improvement over OOTP 19 (I did not buy 20), so I recommend this game. However, I do understand it is quite a bit of money now. If you do not know if you want to spend the money on this game at this time, I recommend waiting for the price to drop (happens regularly) or buy an older version. The improvements this year have been the most dramatic so far in the past couple iterations, but it is still basically the same game. I highly recommend this series! I just hope they finish their Football game too soon.
Verfasst am 30. März 2020.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
10.7 Std. insgesamt (7.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game is the best football game on PC (Except old Maddens) and has great potential. It is extremely exciting and actually is suprisingly tough. All they need to do is make a franchise mode (include drafts, trades, and all that) and you will have a great football game. It has some humor in it, but I mainly just like the names of real players who they turned into mutants. It was sometimes a puzzle to figure out who they were. I recommend this game as the best football game on PC and I really hope the Devs continue to update
Verfasst am 18. Januar 2018.
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Ergebnisse 21–22 von 22