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Évaluations récentes de swiftdraw

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
11.9 h en tout (3.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I don't know what sucks more; the game or the community in the game. Slow pace isn't bad, but the way they enforce squad cohesion and having to stay in the trenches just makes the game tedious. Not by your NCO? 15% stamina decrease? Not following the order he forgot about 3 assualts ago? Going to be moving slower. Also if you're anywhere doing a defense put with in 6 inches of the trench, well that's desertion boy-o! The chat is full of toxic, edgelords and salty players chat 90% of the time and the in-game community is usually unhelpful. Oh, and that feeling when you have a 10 second spawn penalty for being 'overpowered' and still losing ground.

TLDR: About as fun as fighting in WW1
Évaluation publiée le 23 décembre 2019. Dernière modification le 23 décembre 2019.
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34.6 h en tout (32.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you want to zoom in a modern ear jet fighter destroying a nation's entire military single handedly while taking in some absolutely stunning graphics, get it. Get it now. The DLC levels are out and they are good. Sound track can be amazing as well.

If you want a cohesive story, brilliant voice acting (not cheesey/meme-y brilliant, it can be that), and an lively multiplayer, best look elsewhere.
Évaluation publiée le 26 novembre 2019.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
522.8 h en tout (93.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Its not bad, but there are a few things that just absolutely irritate me about the game.
1) You only can command one non-reinforceable lance while you can face up to 4 plus base defenses. And enemy reinforcements will occasionally drop in out of nowhere too.
2) No tonnage limits and mission designs that punish you for not taking the heaviest lance possible. By mid game, mediums are useless and a couple of the lights are niche at best.
3) Performance tanks hard in this game and I'm afraid to look down the top case vents of my PC least I look into Chernobyl's core.
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2019.
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517.2 h en tout (506.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The base game is a very fun colony management/survival game that can be engrossing for tens of hours no problem.

Then you discover the mods.

I want my life back plz.
Évaluation publiée le 17 novembre 2019.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
586.8 h en tout (419.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I really want to like the game, and I actually do for the first century of play or so, but after the mid game (mid to late 2300's) the game is unplayable. But here are my other gripes with it.
First; the game speed slows to a crawl even at max speed, freezing every month for several seconds on all but the smallest games.
Second; usually by the late 2300's there is incredibly little to do outside of just getting into a few piddly wars to clean up your borders while waiting for the final crisis.
Third; I really miss the tile and simpler resource system. The newer district system just adds to the micro-management as you have to worry about jobs, housing, amenties and so forth and the AI some how get this more wrong that the old planetary tiles. The extra strategic resources are just more crap to keep track of and can potentially gimp your fleet (or force you to corvette spam) as all but the most basic techs require them.
Fourth: every expansion seems to be broken or break the game itself for a couple of weeks to a few months. The Megacorp DLC and the patch that came with it introducing the new planetary changes was by far the worse and I'm hoping the upcoming Federation DLC isn't as bad as that train wreck.

Even with all that, I still play it as 2200 to 2300's its really an interesting game and I have fun with it, but I honestly can't recommend it to others.
Évaluation publiée le 17 novembre 2019. Dernière modification le 17 novembre 2019.
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12.0 h en tout (11.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Review in a sentence:
A solid turn based tactics game with an interesting stealth mechanic.

The Good:
Realtime travel across stages. Turns only occur in combat
Stealth/combat avoidance mechanic. Easier to get by or setup around enemies, but harder to find items when on.
The stages can be rather pretty
A good bit of environmental story telling

The Decent:
The story. Gave itself away about halfway through and not terribly deep.
Voice acting. Has its highs and lows, but overall not bad. Farrow can get annoying though...
The combat. Similar to XCOM, but the hit probabilities are simpler. Late game enemies and stealth kills can be tedious.

The Bad:
Holding Q and moving the mouse to adjust camera.
The small flying robots in particular in city settings occasionally get stuck in inaccessible areas trapping you in combat.
Farrow taking her sweet time delivering lines before shooting.
Campaign is rather short (10hrs) and ends on something of a hook for a sequel. The bit might get resolved in the DLC(?)

Things that annoyed me but didn't detract from the game:
The chronology seems to be all over the place. The way folks talked and environmental cues seem to place the fall from a few decades ago to centuries ago.
Some of the writing. "Why would the ancients stack logs on their sides?" he said while standing on a wooden dock.
Farrow's combat lines. Slightly offset by the fact she is super useful in a couple of sections at the end, but only slightly.
Évaluation publiée le 12 mai 2019.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
7.7 h en tout
Remember NFL Blitz? Like that but more violent. The announcers get repetitive after a few games and the AI can get suckered by a few same plays, but otherwise this has been the best non-motorsports game I've played in years. Sure as heck beats Madden at this point.
Évaluation publiée le 18 janvier 2019.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
The ship set is cool, but the leader portaraits don't offer any variaty other than the base models. In other words, you can't change their hair or facial features at all. Rather disappointing.
Évaluation publiée le 26 février 2018.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
2.1 h en tout
TL;DR Kind of tricky to recommend. Overall it'd be worth it, in my not-so-objective opinion, for maybe $20 or so.

What the game does well: A basic, but highly mobile, fighting system that is fairly fluid once you get into the rhythm of things, though there is a few issues with some aspects. The platforming portions are also well done and only twice in my time thus far has the camera been a hinderance. The game's ledge grabbing detection is also very forgiving, which is nice most of the time. Many of the level designs are also very well done and look good, if dated. The added single levels, Versus and arena mode, and the previous game definitly are a good content addition to the game.

What isn't so good: The graphics, as I mentioned, are dated. This game has been in developemnt of just over 9 years and it definitly shows here. Most noticable in the rather muddy and bland world textures. The story is basic and the levels are individual set peices. Character development and interaction is minimal and restricted to pre and post level in game cut scenes.

What is really annoying/bad: There are some intresting physics interactions in combat. Where this rears its head the most is with the jump kick manuever. If you have a lot of momentum going and you land a solid hit, you're going to going flying a kilometer in some direct. If its straight up, you're pretty much guaranteed to die on impact. The dual use of some keys will lead to frustation in some areas. Trying to pick up or throw something is bound to 'Q' and there will be times when you try to pick up a second weapon in combat and end up throwing your first. Also the tendency for your character to auto-grab ledges can be fatal in combat when you're jumping around a lot.

Not good, Not bad: WIth about 2hrs in I'm having fun, but reaching the point I'm thinking "now what?" I think the long term viability of the game is going to rest with the dev and community adding levels and content. I'm finding the game itself is rather basic, but is a good parkour type with a melee fighting system. Good level designs being added are whats going to keep this game going.

Overall: A solid combat platformer game, but one that feels a bit dated and with a few flaws. Enjoyment of this game past a few hours is probably going to rest with what is added post release.
Évaluation publiée le 16 octobre 2017.
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