Roman   Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
I really like the Mass Effect franchise and quite a lot of strategy genre games, although shooters are pretty good too.

Notice in Black Mesa: NOTICE. Your noticing of this new notice has been noted and any continuing participation in noticing new notices will be noted. And reported to the notable authorities.

C-Sec Officer: You want me to arrest you?
Wrex: I'd like you to try.

"HA HA! Look, that porcupine has a hillbilly stuck on its ass!"

Priest: "I took a vow of piece, and now you want me to kill all these men?"
Machete: "Yes padre."
Priest: "I'll see what I can do."

"I have never shot a coconut before. I'm guessing that it will not be good for the coconut and probably not good for me." Shoots coconut. Pieces splatter all over. Points in a direction. "I think i see a piece."

Daina: Sorry, Isaac. You'll have to fly against the flow of the garbage upstream to get out.
Isaac: Fly against the flow of the garbage. Wonderful.

Ellie: Isaac, no. This is a really bad idea.
Isaac: Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution Ork Campaign Wargear Descriptions:

Big Bad Moon Shoota: Fer shooting da big bad moon. Wot? No? So it shoots moonz outta it, badly? Its shoots Bad Moonz dat're big? Zog it, nevahmind.

Masi Shoota: Masi was one o dem boyz wot could paint dem little glyphs gud, dats why dey'z all ova dis 'ere shoota. See 'ere it sez DIS SHOOTA IS DA PROPPA...PROPEL...PORP...DIS SHOOTA BELONGZ TA MASI, SO SOD OFF!

Smokey Rokkit Launcha: Youz can't see past da smoke when ya fires it, so even if youz miss da target, youz can pretend ya hit it.

Bad Moon Deffgun: Costs a good numbah of teef to buy some kit off a Bad Moon. Course, once da exchange is done, you can always take da teef back.

The Boss: You gotta follow your dreams kids! Cause if you don't, you know what happens? You're gonna become your parents. How ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ depressing would that be? Think about it.

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