Rebecca   Washington, United States
Part costumer, digital artist, and gamer, full-time collaborator - let's make something new!

Sunnybrook1 on the dA []
About the person behind the name...
▶️Life Level: 37 ▶️ Hails from: Pacific Northwest ▶️ Currently: Improving step by step

☻ Temperament/Preferred Gamestyle: Peacemaker, Healer, Support, Item Collecting & Sorting ☻


deviantArt []
Tumblr []

Favourite games
❥ Minecraft
❥ PlateUp!
❥ Stardew Valley
❥ Terraria
❥ Sky: Children of Light
❥ Dome Keeper

Looking forward to playing
🔹 Grounded (with friends)
🔹 Horizon: Zero Dawn
🔹 Subnautica
🔹 Beat Saber (VR)
🔹 Breath of the Wild
🔹 Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Thanks for visiting my profile
Sunnybrook1 14 feb 2016 om 20:42 
Ahhh, Undertale rocked. :D I am firmly into it now, planning on cosplaying one of the characters next chance I get~
Proteus 12 feb 2016 om 13:50 
How is undertale?
Nds21 26 dec 2014 om 16:21 
lol yeah you can
Sunnybrook1 25 dec 2014 om 16:29 
Lol, didn't know one could leave comments here - heyo~
Nds21 24 dec 2014 om 20:53 