Huswyn 23 Jul @ 10:40am 
Feeling lucky today? Let's play!
basement spongebob 17 Jul @ 4:53pm 
dumbass comment
Lidl 10 Jul @ 8:26pm 
^^^ incoming dumbass comment ^^^
Junos 9 Jul @ 12:22pm 
top-notch gaming, bro
Andromarius 26 Jun @ 11:46am 
+rep insane play in gwyf✊
Lidl 18 Jun @ 4:02pm 
admitting you tunnel and following up with that by calling yourself soft. LMAO :steamhappy:
Aqua 18 Jun @ 3:58pm 
smart enough to know when to avoid some trolling
Lidl 18 Jun @ 12:27pm 
1. i dont play killer. 2. you got rolled for 3 gens in the first 120 seconds of the match. 3. you blocked me before I could comment on your profile? how soft are you LMAO
Aqua 18 Jun @ 12:18pm 
this kid cries about being tunnelled when he clearly tunnels more than i do
Lidl 14 Jun @ 6:37am 
nice link man
Lidl 10 Jun @ 10:21pm 
crazy you would leave me mid chase two separate times if im such a bad survivor. womp womp.
worst survivor ever, died to a p14 Oni. feel bad for you, baby jake.
Squidzoid 28 May @ 4:25pm 
That is one of the longest steam profile comments arguments I've ever seen, Im impressed
Lidl 21 May @ 10:46am 
You are actually so stupid. Torni players tunnel because that have 4 survs at my skill level. That would be an awful game for any killer. Still doesn't make it right to tunnel and bhvr knows it. Why would they buff BT and DS? You suck. You face camp and tunnel. You've accepted it. I win.
gabe 21 May @ 10:26am 
So by your logic, top tournament players who are 10 times your skill level are also trash players for tunneling? Only bad players complain about this. You’re telling on yourself right now but it’s not like I didn’t already know you’re a garbage player.
Lidl 21 May @ 10:06am 
It's just funny you accept and honor tunneling and face camping. Knowing well all trash killer do this. You are just proving that you're awful at the game with that play smooth brain play style. Can't wait to break your cankles again idiot.
gabe 21 May @ 9:35am 
Lmao congrats on the participation trophy I guess. If that makes your loser ass feel better, count it as a win. You didn’t win the game though, and I promise you next time we face each other i’ll make sure to tunnel you out again.
Lidl 21 May @ 7:16am 
I would constitute a near 2 minute pursuit without me going down is a win. Topping it off with getting power struggled EZ. Bro get embarrassed then gotta face camp like the trash killer you are.
gabe 20 May @ 6:07pm 
Where am I crying about perks? I don't mind most survivor perks, even the meta ones which you should use btw to help you win some chases :steamhappy:
Lidl 20 May @ 6:04pm 
Look at how upset you are about your awful play style. Weh weh weh bro is crying because bhvr buffs some perks and probably gets crossed up by it zzzzz. If you look at your regurgitated screen shot I used none of those perks. Idiot.
gabe 18 May @ 7:47pm 
Crying about facecamping when bhvr added anti-camp meter, basekit borrowed time and buffed ds & otr shows how bad you are at the game LMFAO the devs are literally holding your hand & you still suck :sacrificed: alright buddy ima do a deal with you. If you get to Iri 1 I will enable my comments again
Lidl 18 May @ 7:44pm 
Yap yap yap. All you've shown me so far is that you play awful as killer so you have to face camp. That's kinda sad after the 900 hours you have but you're low level really shows. it might be time to call it quits.
gabe 18 May @ 7:26pm 
Yap yap yap. All you've shown me so far is that you only play the ez role and can't win against a clown and a freddy. That's kinda sad after all this time you're still low level garbage :sacrificed: it might be time to call it quits
Lidl 18 May @ 7:23pm 
i think you have me mixed up with someone else who can't run a top trash clown for two gens? Check your notes idiot.
gabe 18 May @ 7:11pm 
Less barking more grinding buddy c'mon now hop on killer and stop playing the safe role because of your massive skill issue
Lidl 18 May @ 7:08pm 
You disable comments because you will get called out for every game you play. Tunneling. Face camping. Getting your canks broken on the reg. You can't take being called out for absolute garbage play style. You are a weak beta. Cope.
gabe 18 May @ 7:05pm 
I disable my comments because seeing you on my profile is an embarrassment. You think imma let a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ survivor main run his mouth on my stuff? You live in delusion buddy :steamhappy: chop chop get on dbd and get that iri 1 you have 3k hours it's sad as ♥♥♥♥ you don't have it at this point
Lidl 18 May @ 7:01pm 
Thats why you disable comments on yours from being called out for dog water game play? Sucks you suck man bronze IV is top trash, but you know that.
gabe 18 May @ 9:48am 
The day i'm stuck bronze IV on killer is the day you finally get good at survivor which we both know will never happen, that's why instead of trying to improve you cry like a manchild on people's profiles :er_wave:
Lidl 18 May @ 9:39am 
bro doesn't understand overall gameplay ranks. Crazy they let people like you vote. Keep watching that Otz stream and bring a pen ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
gabe 18 May @ 9:37am 
uhhh ackshullay thish ish your overall killer rank so you're bronze IV lollllll ezzz cope 🤓☝️ You're too scrub at DBD to even know the ranks reset once a month i'm dead
Lidl 18 May @ 9:34am 
Good thing you're accepting you're dog at the game. Step 1 complete. Watch the demo you neanderthal
gabe 18 May @ 9:33am 
You gotta be trolling at this point there is no way you have a fully functional brain. Yeah bro I have 920 hours in DBD but I never got past Bronze IV on the role I play the most, that's right! :steamhappy:
Lidl 18 May @ 9:30am 
Icing on the cake is that you succumb to being a top trash killer and you've accepted it to the fact to rename yourself to "I<3Tunneling". this is just too ez
Lidl 18 May @ 9:28am 
are you dumb???? thats killer grade from all game progression. Bro is actually mentally handicap? wHo dOeSnt haVe bOTh aChiEveMeNts actually so cringe. top trash tunnel/hookcamp killer with comments disabled because you cant take being called out on your own profile. Cpt. Copium ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ get rocked idiot
gabe 18 May @ 9:24am 
Are you slow? The grade reset happened 5 days ago. You know I have Iri 1 on both sides like most decent players. right? Who doesn't have both achievements in 2024 LUL oh wait... you don't have them :sacrificed: so cringe
Lidl 18 May @ 9:10am 
bro tunnels and hook camps AND is still in bronze LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Lidl 18 May @ 9:09am 
"User: 76561198073995564 Killer Overall: Bronze IV" LMAOOOOOOO better stay on that stream idiot take them notes ZZZZZZZZZZ
gabe 18 May @ 8:40am 
Otzdarva is streaming some killer gameplay rn on twitch. I think you should watch him so you can finally get out of bronze grade after 3k hours
Lidl 17 May @ 8:33pm 
you must have a lot of hope in blind arm less toddlers because I snapped your cankles for 1/3 of the game... zzzzzzzzzzz
gabe 17 May @ 2:41pm 
a blind toddler with no arms would loop better than you, btw
Lidl 16 May @ 8:46pm 
dawg did you just try and insult me because you have more achievements? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is too ez. If you think we are in the same category of surv in skill level you actually need to be medically evaluated
gabe 16 May @ 8:43pm 
LMAOOO i have 900 hours in dbd and i’m better than you at both roles 😂 104 achievements ass mf :steamfacepalm: can’t take anything you say seriously
Lidl 16 May @ 8:42pm 
blud just admits he watches youtube tuts on how to play DBD :steamhappy: LMAOOOO
Lidl 16 May @ 8:40pm 
Killer is boring and looping idiots like you is too much fun for me. You having nearly 1k hours and still resulting to face camping says enough... yikes
gabe 16 May @ 8:38pm 
3k hours and too afraid to touch the killer role LMAO you're so trash at dbd you stick to the easy role and can't even be good at it :steamfacepalm: Please dude just watch a couple tutorials it's ok to learn from better players...
Lidl 16 May @ 8:37pm 
I didn't know two gens can be done in 5 seconds... bro is crying because his ankles look a balled up slinky...
gabe 16 May @ 8:35pm 
3k hours in dbd and never reached iri 1 on killer LMAO that's the bare minimum you could do. You can't even do that LOL there is no way you played survivor for 3000 whole hours and still can't last longer than 5 seconds in a chase. IM CRYINGGGGGG :steamhappy:
Lidl 16 May @ 8:34pm 
thats all you got? just keep regurgitating that same screenshot of the game you got smacked on...what a snooze....