Sucrose ♡
Anya   Lithuania
Time to Roll.

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Lamentable is the Autumn Picker Content with Plums ♡
Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums.
Lamentable are the humble who settle for breadcrumbs.
Lamentable is the contentment of just surviving.
Living is not the same as the refusal of dying.
Lamentable is the satisfaction from bare necessities.
Abundance is still less than infinities.
Lamentable are the frugal who save every penny.
How dare you not have it all when most don't have any?
Lamentable am I, most of all, for being so weak.
For screaming the sweetest, yet unable to speak.
For wanting more than what I was handed.
For havingless than I demanded.
For wanting the stars and the warmth of the Sun,
Even if my flesh they may burn.
Better to die of gluttony than to live on crumbs.
Better to die picking poisoned apples than rotting plums.
