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Recent reviews by Sheik Yabuti

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0.2 hrs on record
Posted 24 December, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
DLC does NOT work. I have tried to restart the compuuter, everything, yet the DLC does not show in my ubisoft accout.
Posted 17 November, 2024.
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14.3 hrs on record
Excellent mix of Hotrline Miami, Splinter Cell with EFT gun customization. Worth every penny.
Posted 1 October, 2024.
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105.7 hrs on record (104.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
4 vrtulníky jsou pořád málo, i když ukazují, kam letí.
AI střelí mě, nemůžu běhat, mířit, nic. Já střelím AI a borec je druhý Zátopek a olympijský střelec.
Často musím AI střelit 4-6 DO HLAVY, abych zabil.
Málo zbraní. Sice tam je série Ratnik, ale chybí zbraně, o které by každý ve Vietnamu zakopával (M14, AK-100 série, Colt 1911,...). I Bren nebo vz.58 bych viděl radši než Ratnik

Hra vypadá skvěle
Velká mapa
Hra běží plynuleji než při vydání.
Posted 8 May, 2024. Last edited 19 January.
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101.3 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
ArmA, now with furniture, also you can jump now, the game runs better. I can't wait for Arma 4
Posted 17 November, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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919.2 hrs on record (870.9 hrs at review time)
I can send Russian kids to Ukraine conflict. Valve does not care if you are racist (stop casual racism we are going ranked). Kids made fun of me being a n-word on daily basis (I have seen a black guy once in lifetime). You can also use all kinds of hacks without any consequences (since 2013).
Posted 6 October, 2023.
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54.5 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
I would love to see gun customization from the Payday 2 (sights, barrels, etc.) and peer to peer multiplayer. Can't even boot up the game in this state.
Posted 21 September, 2023.
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11 people found this review helpful
166.5 hrs on record (141.7 hrs at review time)
After Tencent aquisition now micro transactions are a thing.
Posted 18 August, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
The expansion reminded me of Doom (2016)
Posted 12 August, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Poorly made expansion at price of the new BG3.
Posted 12 August, 2023.
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