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5 people found this review helpful
22.3 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
The game is fun until you're trying to dig a little deeper.

There are around 3 themed buildings for each theme (Fantasy, Western, Pirates, etc.). All the other buildings are either un-themed or bricks.

In order to not have bricks in your park, you have to build your own buildings from scratch using a very complicated editor that's taking a while to fully figure out.

Of course, fortunately, there's a lot of pre-built themed buildings in the workshop, but if you don't have the required DLC for the building it just won't show up ingame. You also won't know which DLCs you have to buy to make that certain building work, as there's no workshop or mods tab ingame, so it would be best to just get all of them, unless you want to spend 12h creating a simple food stall.

Alternatively, if you don't want to buy all DLC, you can get a monthly subscription.

So you can either go full pay to win, or you can go full subscription.

Absolutely not worth, I'd refund if I would've gotten the game at full price.
Posted 30 May, 2024.
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130.7 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Edit: as with every game that suddenly got popular, the servers are pretty overwhelmed. You only notice this in scene transitions to cities.

Given that it's an actual small indie game company that started from a kickstarter campaign, they're trying their best. Their communication is 10/10, I haven't seen any gaming company being this close to the players, explaining things in discord, given accurate updates.


similar feel to diablo 3 but with more depth, doesn't require a spreadsheet like PoE does, we don't talk about D4 in here

Also global chat = barrens chat, 10/10 entertainment if you wanna sit back and relax ever so often
Posted 11 February, 2024. Last edited 24 February, 2024.
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766.8 hrs on record (357.6 hrs at review time)
> Win Count: 6000

Pretty cool game. Can recommend. Always love to play this on the side when I'm talking with someone, just want to unwind, or feel like not doing anything else.

The only wish I'd have is a mobile version.
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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101.9 hrs on record (20.5 hrs at review time)
Game of the decade, similar to the massive success of Skyrim a decade ago.

It's setting new, incredibly high standards for the whole industry, with the broadest most complex story arc progression that has ever existed. Meanwhile, it's also completely redefining dialogues, complexity in classes and race combinations, bringing the most modern graphics technologies (except for ray tracing that is, unfortunately)...

Getting this game for 70$ is an absolute steal, and feels like you're getting more content then any game that has been released.

Have I added that it's having all features of D&D 5e implemented? Yeah. All of it. All spells. Everything.

And then there's also romances between characters, NPC interactions that have consequences based on how the player deals with them...

And then there's multiplayer, which is surprisingly enjoyable, even though it's somewhat restricting. Split-screen is a bit lackluster, but it's playable in that way. Having 2 PCs is definitely to be preferred if you can.

I probably missed a massive amount of other things, since they're so countless that I couldn't even think about them all at the top of my head.

Get this game. Do yourself a favor. Even if you've never touched the genre at all, you WILL enjoy it.
Posted 22 August, 2023.
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5.1 hrs on record
Absolutely incredible indie cyberpunk story-driven game. Reminds me heavily of Cloudpunk, but with a less dystopian spin and a very different artstyle + different gameplay focus.

If you love cyberpunk settings in any kind of way, get this game!
Posted 12 May, 2023.
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2.8 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)


I'm gonna give this game the review it deserves, after having been frustrated for god knows how long.

I have never, in the whole time of ever playing games, had this terrible of an experience of getting a game to run, and I'm one of the few people who was able to get Star Citizen to run on Linux with EAC.

I have tested this game both on Linux and Windows

1. To begin with, there are framerate stutters. These are not fixable. If you have 30 fps in this game, congratulations, that's probably the highest you'll ever get. This happens both on Linux and Windows. There's no fix.

2. The game often just doesn't start on both Windows and Linux, ending up in a whitescreen. You have to force close the game and try and restart it.

3. If you do manage to get into the game eventually, the servers are probably down because there's constant server maintenance, so online play + all the apparent "meme messages" aren't there.

4. If the servers are up and running, you need to hope that you aren't locked out of the menu because "your framerate isn't high enough for online play". I saw this one on Linux specifically, restarting worked.

5. Once you reach the main menu on Windows, you'll soon realize that controllers are not supported for this game, even though everyone will tell you that you should play souls-like games on controller. You can try and work around this issue by manually mapping your joystick controls with the steam menu, your movement will feel weird. It seems to work without an issue on Linux, weirdly enough.

6. If you manage to go through all this hell, you'll be greeted by a decent, but very laggy mess of a game. Eventually, you will notice that the enemies are just suddenly popping in and out, or are completely invisible. This is yet another bug in this game, and it will make you die out of nowhere sometimes because an invisible enemy gets a backstab instakill on you without warning.

7. This bug also affects most NPCs in the world. I have once accidentally attacked a merchant, causing the guy to wildly attack me and instant kill me. The campfire I respawned at was right in front of him, he attacked again, causing me to throw away my safe game and needing to restart.

8. The graphics look pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in general, similar to Skyrim.


I heavily heavily urge anyone to NOT buy this game, no matter what all your friends are telling you. I feel personally scammed by From Software and Bandai Namco, and I sincerely hope that I can still get a refund because this game is, by any kind of means, absolutely unplayable, no matter if you play on Windows or Linux.

This is the first game from From Software I have ever properly tried out, since all of my friends not only heavily recommended it, but also seem to be playing it non-stop, and I can assure you that I'll likely not buy any From Software game ever again, not even on Sale, since the Reviews on these games are highly misleading due to an abysmal amount of fanboys.
Posted 28 February, 2022. Last edited 28 February, 2022.
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77.8 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
So... I want to heavily mention, it's not like this game is absolutely terrible or anything, and I'd actually give it something of a 7/10 in almost all aspects, the story is breathtakingly amazing, the graphics are a bit outdated but timeless, the combat has some interesting ideas behind it.

The issue I have with it though is the fact that the "Tactics" menu is probably one of the worst explained things in any game I've ever seen. In theory, the game gives you the illusion that you can "just set this to default and you'll be alright". The issue with that is that you won't be, not even remotely. So after you've died multiple times due to the fact that your companions start running around like headless chicken, you start to actually pay attention to this system that, so far, you've only looked at as some sort of "micromanagement optimization thingie", which then gets you into the heart of the problem:

This game has a steeper learning curve then games like Guild wars 1 or even Dark souls. Not because the gameplay itself would be hard, but because you'll have to invest many, many hours into minmaxing and theorycrafting these "tactics", at the end of which you'll probably be able to write AIs for Indie games even though you've never wrote a single line of code.

That, by itself, wouldn't be too big of an issue. The concept is pretty cool, to be honest. It allows you to set up your party the way you want, the way that fits a specific playstyle, which all in all allows a lot of unique flair (a vibe that is being brought in with the story as well, as the story feels vast and incredibly branching). The issue comes from the game being advertised by everyone and their grandmother as "casual game that anyone could play". No. It is not. I don't know what kinds of "casual laptop grandmother gamers" some of these reviewers have, but I press a massive doubt button on this.

The even better part of this slightly obfuscated and confusing system is that there's no proper explanation for it. You'll have a quick tutorial popping up, telling you very briefly that all of this exists, and that's it. If you ask around in the community, people will just tell you to "get good", or sometimes they'll downvote you or tell you that "this is probably just not your genre and you should just refund".

It's as if the community guards the secrets behind figuring out this absolute cluster♥♥♥♥ of a system, with no proper help being brought.

All of that would be *fine*, if that was the only nuisance you had to deal with. But, of course, it isn't. There's constant stutters, some graphical glitches, a few audio glitches, and ever so often the game crashed my whole PC when I alt-tabbed out of it.

Would I recommend the game? Unless you literally have 2 weeks of your life to burn just to learn the basic mechanics that make this game enjoyable, no, I would absolutely not recommend it. Not even during a 90% sale. And even if, at that point you should just get into Dark Souls, it's much simpler and easier to pick up.

As the story is absolutely 10/10 amazing, I'd still recommend you to get Dragon Age 2 or Dragon Age Inquisition instead, where the devs removed all of the clunkyness from this confusing system.

"But why are there so many good reviews on this?", well, dear reader, because some people have had 2 weeks to burn and they did their spreadsheets and PHD-level calculations to figure this system out. And yes, granted, once you reach that level, it's absolutely the most amazing experience in the world. But the path to get there is absolutely atrocious and I would not even remotely recommend going down that rabbit hole. I wouldn't say it's worth it for your average person.

Myself? I probably will go deep into this, mostly because I'm literally unemployed, unemployable and receive unconditional social welfare.
Posted 6 January, 2022. Last edited 7 January, 2022.
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13.6 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
This game is waaaaay too good for the 20$ it costs. The gameplay is addictive (and I will definitely come back to this game ever so often to just ride in the streets).

The story is unfortunately quite linear and also not the longest, but that's to be expected from a short game like this. It's still very engaging and puts you into heavy emotional decisions that will rip your soul apart.

The control take a few minutes to get used to, but soon enough you'll master dashing through these streets without a scratch and with staggering speeds.

The OST is breathtaking, to the point where I'll definitely listen to it ever so often while playing other games like Star Citizen.

But I believe the main feature of this game is the whole world building and background of the whole place. This city is rough, and by that I don't just mean "haha cyberpunk bling bling gang wars lol" rough like Cyberpunk 2077 is, but actually ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up rough, like a cyberpunk city is supposed to be.

An absolute staple to the cyberpunk genre, you will, without a doubt, feel blade runner vibes, while also feeling some TRON legacy electro vibes here and there.

Huge recommendation to fans of the genre, this is an absolute must-play.
Posted 26 March, 2021.
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40.1 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
At first I was like "cheap HS clone", as I saw this game as a sponsored vid on kripparians YT Channel. I could not have been any damn wronger!

To keep it short, this game combines chess, magic the gathering and really small parts of Hearthstone (controlled, free trading), while giving the game some completely new mechanics with the mana being kept in between turns and the ability to choose between building new lands, getting another mana and getting another card each turn.

Trust me, the amount of decisions you're doing in this game is absolutely insane. Also, it feels like every move matters, especially with a control deck (played Control Warrior and Freeze mage in Hearthstone a lot, it's nothing compared to the most basic control deck in here).

Aggro is not ridiculously OP and can be outplayed when done correctly.

There is not that much luck in this game. The luck you got is purely "calculated", as in you can calculate the probabilities of what's probably going to happen and play with that in mind (which, by itself, is fine in a card game in my opinion). There are no "complete random cards" with a massive difference between "playing this just lost me the game" and "playing this just won me the game".

There are some more things to be said about the amount of gold you get and stuff like that, but I didn't pay that much attention to that so check out other reviews if you're looking for that information.

to conclude: if you like Games where you have to put a huge amount of thoughts into every decision you make, this is the one you've been looking for since you were too lazy to go that chess-club or too bored of Hearthstone or too poor to get those standard-cards for magic.
Posted 16 March, 2017.
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667.8 hrs on record (52.6 hrs at review time)
You feel like you merely spent a few hours in the game and suddenly you realize that 24 hours have passed.

You feel like you just somewhat started to get into the game while you also realize that you've got like 500 hours in it. You haven't read through all the event texts in detail yet and haven't even seen all of them, nor have you ever started to play the wildly varying playstyles the game supports.

This game is something else, and always will be something else.

Big recommendation is to somewhat RP your empire, as well as playing it with friends. It's probably the best game ever, while seeming like a small little time-waster.
Posted 24 November, 2016. Last edited 26 December, 2022.
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