Stop Memes
Was Stop Memes   California, United States
I don't know anyone on my friends list anymore
Currently Offline
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animol crackor in my soup, monkeys and rabiits loop tha loop
Stop Meme's Descriptmeme
a showcase of stuff said on chat and in servers:

:bomberrat: = Friends and Steam Chat
:badcat: = Server

:badcat: *DEAD* Pokedude (SmallRealBall) : Hey, meme, try being more epic IRL and IN game..

:badcat: Kelvat : i would suck you dry (sarcasm) (your ♥♥♥♥ looks like a pushpop)

:badcat:*DEAD* Aludin : someone stop stop memes

:badcat: "Stop Memes's Grenade Launcher has reached a new rank: Hale's Own!"

:bomberrat:Vox: :_)

:bomberrat:Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy the game. I may have a fairly simple MS Paint request for you next summer if you're not too busy then.
Have Fun,

:bomberrat: Stop Memes: hi i am egg how are a
egg: aasfcafadfaf
Stop Memes: u are memes
Stop Memes: how are ya
egg: ii am big poppy dumb face

:badcat:MusleKfan082 : ogo to ontrol

:bomberrat: Ezekiel,
And Jesus said unto Ezekiel "haha yo what up ma homie check out this new game"
Buckle Up,
The messiah

:bomberrat:hans zimmer,
hans me zat good oofendinken ja!
Over n' Out,
Gunther (Jesus Panini Maker 3000)

:badcat:*DEAD* Stop Memes : Merry Critmas!
Arctek ★ Immortal Turtle : *Christmas
Arctek ★ Immortal Turtle : ohhhhhhhh
Stop Memes : i hate hightower

:badcat: *DEAD* FestiveShyGuy🎄 : im not just a mario character

:bomberrat:DeepDarkDad: You used to call me on my cell phone

:badcat:ButtWrench : minecraft is for faggotes

:bomberrat:Jesus Panini Maker 3000: we are two week
Stop Memes: TWO WEEK

:bomberrat:Rolly Polly Olly: Its 20 degrees out and thats ♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥:_)♥ Stop Memes: i squint my eyes
♥:_)♥ Stop Memes: celcius
♥:_)♥ Stop Memes: my western anglo saxon eyes dont comprehend
♥:_)♥ Stop Memes: 95 degrees FREEDMONheight

:badcat:Microsoft Word 2007 : why am i getting punsihed for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ JUPING

:bomberrat:🎃:_)🎃 Satan Panini Maker 3000 is now Online.
🎃:_)🎃 Satan Panini Maker 3000: italian cuisine
🎃:_)🎃 Satan Panini Maker 3000 is now Offline

LuigiMax101 : Whats the best sniper secondary?
:bomberrat:Spaghettisaurus : Having a good team to carry you.

:bomberrat: Deko: I am where I am needed most
Deko: In the garbage
Stop Memes: anime expo 2015
Deko: thats what i said
Deko: garbage

:bomberrat:Stop Memes: 3d noodle
Stop Memes: aw
Stop Memes: 3d noodle
DeepDarkDad: hi
DeepDarkDad: i am regie anime
DeepDarkDad: i bring
DeepDarkDad: 3d noodle
Stop Memes: regay

:badcat:Bonk Boy : so, hes a good shot whatever

:badcat: *DEAD* Warden of the North : ♥♥♥♥ this server
platinumWarden of the North : ♥♥♥♥ u memes
Warden of the North left the game (Disconnect by user.)

:bomberrat: Xylophone,
stupid dumb unfunny idiot mooney panini maker literally rips money in half after recieving it from ATM, hand half of ripped bills to steam peer Stop Memes
Game On,
jebediah panini maker

:bomberrat: Janie Jones: Memes, budddd. I am a huge fan of corn! "Get that corn outta my face" is the only really funny part I can remember from the film Nacho Libre. (w. Jack Black)

:bomberrat: The Circus Of Value™: I can rim your ass bro

:bomberrat: Stop Memes: how do yo u die in prim. the enemies there are bagels
Janie Jones: You're a bagel!

:bomberrat: Stop Memes: i boughty goldbin
SnickerNut: Cool
Stop Memes: golbin run
Stop Memes: goblin kids
Stop Memes: hey its me
Stop Memes: Zachary
Stop Memes: head of the goblin kids
SnickerNut: Goblin child
SnickerNut: I am Teena
Stop Memes: you mean
Stop Memes: tina
SnickerNut: No
SnickerNut: Teena
Stop Memes: i dont think teena is a word
SnickerNut: It is now
Stop Memes: ar u the goblin princess :D
SnickerNut: Yes
Stop Memes: ♥♥♥♥ the monarchy
Stop Memes: ♥♥♥♥ you
Stop Memes: Im Zachary C.E.O of goblin corp

My real name for all y'all that care
♥:_)♥ Jesus Panini Maker 3000: Azael
DeepDarkDad: Azal friend O
The Moon's Ambassador: azazel
Dyust: azeal
Snowbell [TAVRN]: azeld
Chief Keef | [TAVRN]: Jimmy
Dr. Orpheus: azoozle
👌:_)👌 SnickerNut: AZZAGSO
Chaotic: Azazazazel
Screenshot Showcase
okay that was greatly timed imma give you that much
14 1 1
$NOT 27 Oct, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
+Rep forlorn but not forgotten be the days of yore, when warm melk ran aplenty and gaming lasted hours or more. In my dreams we part valleys in the clouds to view our version of Eden; an orchard ripe with love and memories. But upon descent the cold embrace of reality shakes me awake before ever tasting that supple fruit.

-Rep really and actually tried to scam me for my Vintage Sandvich named "Erin Mooney's Lament", yes i know it WAS yours before literally all your items were phished out of your inventory bald, but, you snooze you laggard loon. You have hereby been reported to The Worst Business Bureau!
Jo?? 30 Dec, 2023 @ 9:45pm 
:GoldenA::zzzz::GoldenA::eeee::lp3l: :fraud::GoldenR::eeee::GoldenG::oooo::sgsurvivor::oooo: :comicw::oooo::GoldenR::kickbtn::sgsurvivor: :GoldenA::GoldenT: :Ambulance:
Jo?? 9 Jan, 2023 @ 2:03am 
:oooo::GoldenP::eeee::NletterNKOA: :NletterNKOA::GoldenA: :NletterNKOA::oooo::oooo::comicr:
Snoopy 4 Sep, 2022 @ 8:43am 
📂Local Disk (C:)
└📁Program Files (x86)
⠀ └📁 steam
⠀⠀ └📁 steamapps
⠀⠀ ⠀ └📁 common
⠀⠀ ⠀ └📁 Fallout New Vegas
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ └📁 Data
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ └⚠️Immersive_PREGNANT VERONICA_Redux 2.5.8.bsa
rental cat 25 Jul, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
with a blog
rental cat 17 Jul, 2021 @ 10:22pm 