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Recente recensies door ANTIBUGCORP

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76.1 uur in totaal (42.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
wouldnt trust this game around my mom .... w rizz
Geplaatst 24 februari.
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717.3 uur in totaal (570.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
tequlia sunrise --
basically my guess is one of the developers were wasted at a bar taking shots whenever he heard anyone at the bar talking about fortnite. He looked at his tequila sunrise a tear came to his eyes. he felt hopeless and the tears started to roll down his eyes, he had no idea what he could do. Then looking at his drink, he got an idea. he called up his boss still wasted and to explain his grand idea to compete with fortnite. In a drunkin stupper he whispers to his boss ,"Tequilia Sunrise". His boss Mike ignoring the fact that is head developer Brendan is wasted and calling him at 4 in the morning says , "What?". Jim more confidently says , "Tequlia Sunrise". Mike upset from being woken up and his everyday struggle of his main video game going to ♥♥♥♥ screams , "Brendan what the hell is tequila sunrise." Brendan suprised that his boss is actually listening to him begins to pitch the idea. Brendan says , "shotguns and melee weapons only! its is going to be be a bloodbath and the people are going to love it." Mike suprised that brendan actually thought of a decent idea still feels that PUBG is still his game and says ,"Brendan that sounds great but i have one detail....... no meds." Both of their eyes light up as if juesus himself rose from the dead. Tears of joy rolled down there eyes for the first time since releasing their unfinished game. But just like where Brendan's throw up ended up right after his early morning call to his boss this game is trash
Geplaatst 5 april 2018.
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