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Tercatat 2.6 jam
If you like Portal 2, you'll probably like this game. In this game, you play as a prisoner who participate in an experiment with a gravity gun. The mechanics with the gravity is very similar to Magrunner but I would say that I prefer this game because it's easier to understand and overall, it's a solid Portal 2 clone.

The only problems with this game is that once you chose something, you can't get back to try different choices (for example, the end of the game ....) and that it's really short (I finished it in 2h30 without any help).

It's not as challenging as Portal 2 since you won't have to think a lot about how to finish a puzzle. Most of the time, there's only one thing to do and it's easy to figure it out.

For 4$ (price on sale), I would say that it was totally worth it if you're into first person puzzler
Diposting pada 26 November 2015.
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Tercatat 0.7 jam
Rituals is a short point-and-click adventure game. In this game, you start in an empty building and you have to figure out what is happening.

- The polygon art-style is beautiful to look at even if it's not extremely detailed.
- It's really mysterious
- The music is really well done and atmospheric
- The puzzles are simple enough but they are not too easy. You'll have to take a look at everything you can interact with and think about it. Everything makes sense !

- Too short (Finished it in 43 minutes)
Diposting pada 19 Juli 2015.
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Tercatat 9.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I just finished episode 2 and I must say that this is one of the best game I ever played ! It's like playing in a movie.

In Life is Strange, you are Max, a young student who suddenly discovers that she can rewind time. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the story so I won't spoil anything.. But she keeps having this strange vision/dream of a lighthouse where strange things happen...

This game is really similar to Telltale's games. In each cutscene/dialogue, you have some options about what to say or what to do. Some choices aren't really important but some really matters since it changes the story a lot !!! (and I'm only at the second episode). You can also interact with a lot of objects/posters to know more about characters or just about anything. The good thing about all this information is that you actually care about the characters because they all have a story.. You can even open your diary to see your personal diary in each chapter to understand Max's thoughts, notes about everyone and other things like that, it's really a nice addition to the game.

One of the best part of the game is the music. The music is perfect for this game. It's a relaxing mix of guitar/piano with some really great songs. It's an important part of this universe and it really makes you feel that you're really in there. In that world.

The graphics are gorgeous. Sometimes, you'll enjoy to take a look around just to see every single detail that was put in this game. It's really amazing how it really feels real. Each chapter should lasts about 1h30-2h to finish depending of your interactions with everyone or if you want to observe everything that this game has to offer.

In conclusion, if you like story-driven games, you'll love this game. It's one of the best (if not the best) in this genre and it's really an unique experience. I would recommend this game to everyone because I seriously doubt that someone can hate this game.
Diposting pada 18 Juli 2015.
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Tercatat 7.2 jam
Portal Stories: Mel is a free standalone mod for Portal 2. It's a different story even if there are a lot of similarities. You play as Mel, a person who was chosen to be part of a test experiment but there is an explosion in the facility during your first night there. It's up to you to escape this place.

First of all, the difficulty. I would say that the game is adressed to the people who already finished Portal 2 and wanted harder puzzles. The first puzzles in Portal Stories Mel aren't really tutorial levels. They are really hard puzzles that need a lot of reflexion. The game is about 7 to 10 hours long, depending of your capacity to understand the puzzles fast. For a free mod, this is definitely something I did not expected at all. It's as long as Portal 2 and it's also really well done.

The game is really similar to Portal 2 in term of the architecture of the levels. You'll find similar-looking rooms and a lot of things that you already saw in Portal 2. There is nothing new except maybe the new look of the Portal Gun.

The game is meant to be funny. Virgil (the robot who accompanies you to escape the facility) always try to be funny but I would say that it didn't really worked for me as well as the humor in Portal 2. At least it stays true to the Portal series but that's something that could have been better.

In conclusion, if you liked Portal 2, you should definitely try this mod. It's a whole new story and it's always a pleasure to get back to the Portal universe.
Diposting pada 27 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 1.6 jam
It almost hurts me to give a bad review to a Telltate game since I usually love their games (Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Wolf Among Us, Jurassic Parc, etc...). Even if this game has an interesting story from a great movie, it has a GAME-BREAKING BUG in the first episode. I read that if you don't do exactly like they programmed it, you won't trigger an important cutscene and you won't be able to hit the pipe in the soup store ...

I lost about 30 minutes trying everything and nothing ever happened. I had to trigger a certain conversation with the bad guy but since I already talked to him, I can't talk to him about the thing that i need to ... If you ever buy this game, just know that if hasn't been fixed since years. I won't encourage something like that. The game was fun and I was really hoping to play throught the 5 episodes fast but I have no choice than asking a refund for a broken game.
Diposting pada 24 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 3.5 jam
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a First Person Adventure Game where you play as a detective trying to resolve the case of Ethan Carter. To do so, you end up in a forest, trying to search for clues to retrieve the little boy.

First of all, the first thing that you will see when playing Ethan Carter is that the game is beautiful. A lot of work was done on the vegetation of the forest (as well as the buildings, the water, everything !) just to make it look as realist as possible. And it worked ! I found myself starring at some landscapes for minutes just because it looked so real.

Since you're a detective, you'll have to find clues and interact with some of them to be able to reconstruct the crime scenes. After you found every clue, you now have the ability to revisit the crime. To do that, there are 4 or 5 visuals and you'll have to define the chronology of the events. This aspect of the game is pretty easy and it's well done. The story is really interesting and you'll want to know what happened in this strange forest and why Ethan went missing.

"This game won't take you by the end". In Ethan Carter, you're free to go wherever you go when you want. It's possible to miss some puzzles the first time and you'll have to come back later to do it (not sure if you have to do EVERY puzzle in the game to see the endgame). The puzzles are fairly easy. The only difficult part in my opinion would be finding a specific object when you have no clue about it's location. You know it's near but it could be everywhere on the ground.

I would definitely recommend Ethan Carter to everyone who wants to play a good adventure game which isn't too hard to get into. The game is relatively short (between 3-5 hours) and doesn't have much replayability but these are intense hours that were totally worth it !
Diposting pada 24 Juni 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 24 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 7.2 jam
Being a fan of the TV show 'Sherlock', I had to play this game. This is my first Sherlock Holmes game and I was pleasantly surprised. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes is a point-and-click adventure game where you play as Sherlock (and Watson) trying to resolve the murder of a Reverend in his own church. I won't say more about the story since the main reason of playing this game is to discover that.

The gameplay is faily simple. Where you can interact, there is either a magnifying glass to look at some items or a hand to show that you can take the item or that you can interact with it. That's it. Most of the time, you'll have to look through everything to be sure that you didn't miss any important clue. The rooms are small enough so it's really easy to find everything.

Also, as a detective, there is a deduction board. You'll have to discover every clues to see statements about them. With these facts, it's up to you to choose between 3 answers which one is the right one about what happened in this case. There are multiple questions to be answered and you won't know if you're right until you have all the right answers. It can be hard but if you pay attention to the story, it will be fairly easy. There is also a lot of puzzles in this game. Some are logic and really easy once you understand how they work but some of the puzzles that does NOT involve any deduction/logic can be really hard and frustrating for some people. There is a skip buttons after some minutes so don't worry !

One of the problem in this game is that it's too linear for a detective game. There is no real choice to be made and even if you choose to go to a location instead of another, you'll end up going to both places without any change.

The story is really interesting and there are a lot of twists (I found it similar to the TV show and it's a good thing). The problem (because it's a videogame !) is that Sherock is not as funny as Cumberbatch's Sherlock (but it's understandable since there is no actor involved).

In conclusion, if you like point-and-click games, you'll like this one. It will definitely entertain you for hours ! (I finished the game in about 7-8 hours)
Diposting pada 23 Juni 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 23 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 5.9 jam
Do you like games that focus mainly on the story such as The Walking Dead (or every game by Telltales)? If so, you should like that game. Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy is a point-and-click adventure in which you control Lucas Kane, a guy who wakes up in the toilet of a restaurant with a knife in his hand .. and a body on the ground just next to him ! Also, you control two other characters, the two cops that are in charge of the investigation for this murder.

First of all, the gameplay. It plays like a regular point-and click adventure game but an important part of the game is the cutscenes . The problem is that in some of these cutscenes, you have to do QTEs (Quick Time Events) in the form of 'Simon Says' with 2 pad of 4 arrows. Sometimes, it's just useless since there is no action at all and it's distracting. Some other times, it might be too hard and unforgiving for some people (I had no problem with that but read a lot of bad comments about that). The game is quite easy. You won't be stuck anywhere since the characters always tell what to do.

My favorite part of the game was the story. Really interesting story. It starts out as a thriller. Why did Lucas did that? Why did he mutilated himself in the toilet before commiting the murder? Why doesn't he remember? There's a lot of questions that are answered later in the game and I won,t spoil anything. It's better that way. I had no idea what this game was about and was pleasantly surprised at the end. There is also different endings depending of the different choices that you make during the game !

Another really good thing about this game is the voice acting. It sounds like a movie and it's definitely a good point. In French (don't know about the English voices), the voice-over is perfect and really intriguing. The music is really great too. It's mysterious and it adds up to the atmosphere of the game (and you can buy some good songs with bonus points in the 'bonus' section !)

Last thing that I really liked was the camera angles throughout the game. Sometimes, you'll see 3-4 views at the same time to show more informations of where the people are or where to go next. Really fun and useful !

In conclusion, if you don't mind about the QTEs, get this game. The story is amazing, the writing is engaging and you'll definitely want to know what happened. Also, it's long enough to be well worth the price of the game (Took me 6 hours to complete it)
Diposting pada 21 Juni 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 21 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 4.2 jam
Lucius is a game where you play as the son of the devil. The goal is really simple: In each chapter (there are 18), you have to kill someone in a SPECIFIC way. Even better, you're all isolated in a big manor in which you can explore in every chapter as you wish (mostly). There's not much to do in this manor except the goal of each chapter and some optional chores (to be a good boy ;) ) but it's still fun to explore every corner of this giant place every time.

The main problem with this game for most people is that you don't get to choose how to kill this person. You have to find some items, put them (or interact with them) at specific places to achieve your goal. For me, it's not a problem. As long as you're okay with that, you'll like this game very much !

Each murders are not extremely hard but I wouldn't say that they are easy. You'll have to think about everything and listen to different conversations to know the locations of different items that might be useful for this muder. You also have access to a notebook in which there will be clues as you progress in the murder. The clues are sometimes very specific and sometimes hard to understand but it makes the charm of Lucius. Take your time and think about it.

Also, as the son of the devil, you'll have supernatural powers to help you kill people without being detected by the other members of the manor. These powers aren't use enough in my opinion and it would have been usefull to work more on that to have more ways to kill people.

Finally, if you like horror games that doesn't always take you by the hand, you'll like that. Just know that there is only one way to kill each person so see this game as a puzzle in each chapter and you'll have a lot of fun !
Diposting pada 21 Juni 2015.
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Tercatat 7.6 jam
This was my first Silent Hill game and my second Silent Hill experience (after the really good movie). In this game, you arrive in a small town to discover that almost everyone disappeared. It's up to you to discover what happened in Shepherd's Glen. The interesting story is part of the reason why I bought this game.

If you liked Alan Wake, you'll like this game. It's also a 3rd person horror game and it's almost as scary. I would say it's more gore than scary most of the time but the atmosphere is still really good. As for the gameplay, you discover many weapons (melee or ranged) throughout the game but the ammos are limited so it's up to the player to use them wisely !

It's not really long but I would say it's adequate for this kind of game. It took me about 7-8 hours to finish. It's longer than most of the horror games nowadays.

As for the PC port, I read so many bad reviews that I was wondering if it would run on my computer. Finally, it worked without any problem for most of the game. I did NOT encounter any crash but at the end of the game, the game 'freezed' before saving for about 20-30 seconds. Pretty annoying but it's nothing game-breaking. There's also a puzzle at the beginning of the game (Wires) that did not work at all since i couldn't click on something else with my mouse. I had to plug a controller and then unplug it to finally be able to select the next wire. That was the worst bug I saw in this game.

In conclusion, buy this game if you love horror games and don't mind about some bugs from the PC port (also considering that it's the only Silent Hill game on Steam, there's not much to complaint about.. at least we have this one)
Diposting pada 20 Juni 2015.
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