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2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
Tetris Effect is probably fine for people who don't play other versions of Tetris, and just want to try it for the first time, but it's not very good. In the zen, trippy kind of singleplayer, you're not able to see the colour of the piece coming, which makes it artificially more difficult than it needs to be. I suppose that this would be an issue if the game wasn't also painfully easy, at least for what I played. After clearing the beginning of the campaign I jumped into the MP, which is poorly thought out for 1v1. The default settings prevent your board from always being on the left(lol), and there's a feature which allows anyone to stop time and make Tetrises out of a bunch of singles. The performance is also not the best compared to other(free) options.

As steam does not allow refunds after 2 hours play time, I did not play further in order to get a refund. I am sure that someone will say that these issues can be mitigated in some way, many of them are foundational though.

The classic mode, which apes NES Tetris, looks fantastic and I'd recommend that to anyone who doesn't want to get a NES and the game, but I already own a bajillion versions of old school and new-rules Tetris, I don't need another NES Tetris. That being said, I'm sure that mode is fantastic for online play, and for tournaments, and probably will pick up more when CRTs get rarer, and people don't want to use AVSs and high refresh rate monitors.

If you just want Tetris to play, there's better options. You're paying for the dazzling effects, which make the game harder to read, lower the performance, and makes it harder to play. Definitely a "cool" game, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Look at Tetr.io if you want a good, free, multiplayer Tetris, or easily accessible 40 lines.
Közzétéve: július 28. Legutóbb szerkesztve: július 28.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
5.1 óra a nyilvántartásban
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
If you're interested in free form first person games like Deus Ex, Dishonored, and Thief, this game will be right up your alley. That being said, it's not exactly the strongest Looking Glass - type game. Because the price is so low, if you like the genre, purchase this game and you will love what's already here. If you're not interested in these types of games, it won't change your mind.

Currently, there are 5 medium to large sized stages in the game that are all at least passable, with a few standout levels. The gameplay is most similar to Thief at a surface level, however there is also a brawling component that's most similar to stuff like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and the Condemned games. Enemy variety is exactly what you imagine. A few dumb melee guard types that mostly serve as detection triggers for the tougher ones, some projectile mediums, and machine gunners and stuff at the top of the hierarchy. Keep in mind that, I consider all of the gameplay in this game to be at least enjoyable at a basic level, it's just that when you are competing with some of the greatest games ever made, all the little flaws become more apparent.

At a basic level, the stealth and brawling both work quite well. There are issues with both, though. Enemy vision is extremely limited, and it seems quite difficult to actually ♥♥♥♥ up and trigger the guards without willingly doing so, or being surprised(IE firing a gun and going loud, or getting unlucky when a guard rounds a corner at short range). Instead of being like Thief, where the guards have sort of inclinations of the player's position, or the 'trail of clues' that guards pretend to follow in other stealth games, or just the basic perceptiveness and alertness of the guards in Dishonored 2(on higher difficulties), guards in this game aren't trying very hard to find you, and not in a Chaos Theory "I hope I don't find anyone" kind of way, but in a more straight up ineffective kind of way. On more constricted levels, these types of guards would work very well, and there are some very tight designs in this game, but several of the stages in this game as it stands are too big, and the levels need a second pass badly to make them more challenging. Additionally, the guards have 0 sense of self preservation, and not in the sense of "haha it's a stealth game and he presented his back to me," but more in the sense of "these guys *want* to die." At no point do the enemies flee from you when you're smashing through their friends. The hearing range for detecting fights is decent, but guards never seem to try and sound alarms, or run away to get their buddies. They don't put on helmets and body armour, and they don't barricade rooms to try and avoid further casualties. There was never once a proper alert cycle where a significant number of guards started to patrol the level looking for me, before slowly calming and returning to neutral. It only ever happened with small numbers who went to neutral too fast. As a compliment, though, they do notice when their friends have gone missing, and often will find and wake them up if you dump unconscious bodies near a patrol path. AI guards this dumb work great in stealth games with level design that suits them, some of these levels need more drafts to go green. If you need something to scratch the stealth game itch and you've already played Thief and Splinter Cell, try Dishonored 2 and deny the mark, or Filcher on Steam.

The combat in this game is super fun and hard hitting, but also significantly lacks challenge if you have any kind of skill. Weapons hit hard but have limited durability, and the main character used to be a boxer, so he's good in melee even unarmed, which is really great. Enemies go flying, and you can whip people off ledges, or lure them into tripwires, and cause other crazy calamities. The guns also feel suitably powerful in the player's hands and can drop enemies in incredibly satisfying and graphic headshots, while also having limited ammo. The issue is that, all the combat is painfully easy. If you want, most levels you can smash all the enemies to pieces just grabbing random items without really considering which is best, or just using your fists. Enemies with guns like snipers and machine gunners hit hard but their vision can be exploited, and the MG bullets move so slow that I slow walked out of a level with a sniper and a machine gunner shooting at me, only managing to score 1 hit between the two of them. The navigation often allows the player to get on rooftops and hard-to-reach areas for alternate paths, but you can just stand up there with a revolver, which is very accurate, and pick off all the hard-to-dodge guards easily. By the time you've climbed down, no guards will care about the corpses.

The big issue is the level design. The first stage set in a city, and the mansion level are extremely well put together, the streets stage more as an exploration/interwoven path/mixed gameplay stage, and the mansion as a Thief throwback(if slightly clunky with the mission objectives). The other 3 stages, which are a garage, a nightclub, and a dockyard, need serious work. The dockyard comes right after the first stage, which is the best one, and is probably the worst, as it's way too big for the guards to work correctly. The garage stage has a few fun sequence breaks, but is also way too large, and the nightclub should be climactic but it's the level where I went full neo, dodging bullets without trying at the base walking speed. The levels are often gorgeous, with their Doombuilder architecture, and moody lighting, but they don't really fit with the gameplay at times. All of them are at least playable, but they do not approach the better 2 stages.

I played the demo when it came out and didn't like it, and this partial release is much improved, and I very much enjoyed it. Hopefully, the devs add more and harder difficulties, tighten the level design or add new, better levels, and correct the guards slightly as development continues.
Közzétéve: június 19.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
Absolutely fantastic. This expansion pack is a perfect continuation of the excellent main game. If anything, some of the levels are even more detailed than the original game. The music goes INSANELY hard even compared to Ion Fury's stellar tunes. Some of the stages exploring with the hoverbike are so cool, but it doesn't even become a gimmick, it's just a new way to play on a few levels and doesn't overstay its welcome. Oh, and it's funny too, especially the mall level. Before long, you get dropped into heavily BLOOD inspired areas that rival the best that that game has to offer. If you were a big fan of Ion Fury, this is a must play.

It's about 5-6 hours of new stages if you're on a higher difficulty that presses you to play smart and grab items and secrets to stay alive. I'd imagine that a completionist run would take forever, just like the base game, these stages are like an hour long.
Közzétéve: június 9.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
2 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
0.4 óra a nyilvántartásban
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
This game is really boring. I love classic shooters like DOOM, Rise of the Triad, and the Build engine games, but this one is just putting me to sleep entirely. The music is very sedated, and it has all the issues of games like Wolf3d with only right angles, and limited enemy variety in the first few stages. At least the few levels I played felt like worse Wolf3d as opposed to Shadowcaster or Heretic. Really generic stock fantasy music + boring goblins. Only thing that felt good was the gore. I like the idea of the weapon design involving things like a freezing chaingun, and then you can shatter frozen enemies with melee or whatever, but the enemy design isn't very engaging, and the lack of a shotgun type weapon in the starting levels, or a slow projectile, or a lightning gun, or really styles of aiming other than fast projectile/machinegun make the game lame to play.

I'm sure it might get better, maybe I could be convinced to return to it, but this was a terrible first impression and within about 30 or 40 minutes I wasn't hooked at all.
Közzétéve: június 8. Legutóbb szerkesztve: június 8.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
8 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
It looks similar to the 8 bit games, supeficially it is similar, and the campaign still isn't well put together like those games. In terms of balance and build order though, what they've done with the game feels *much* better. This was what I was looking for in 8 bit, something similar to C&C but not exactly the same, with just enough depth to be interesting yet not overbearing. This game is much closer to that mark than anything Petroglyph has done in the 8 bit titles. If you like multiplayer RTS games, give it a shot.
Közzétéve: április 26.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
Really disappointed with this one.

I love 90s FPS, and I like the CoC mythos/universe to not only play the TTRPG, but I also suffer through most of the video games put out for the property as well. This should be a game I love. It isn't.

Plain and simple, this game is a modern skill tree and room-lockdown shooter where you wander around, find a quest item, pick it up, the room locks down, you shoot some enemies, then the room opens. The levels *look* awesome but play like total ♥♥♥♥, and the secrets are just lying in the open most of the time, or so easy it's impossible to miss them.

Terrible, probably going to refund.
Közzétéve: április 16.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
3 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
17.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
Yet another game of extremes from Techland. I actually really like *playing* Techland games because of the usually high production values mixed with the expected Eurojank, but I can't say that anything they've done outside of the Call of Juarez games are really good.

The issues with this game are basically identical to those of Dead Island. The actual second to second gameplay is great, but the game just isn't structured around it. The mandatory content at no point really makes the player engage with any of the systems in an engaging way. Unfortunately, you need to play AWFUL levels and experience the terrible story in order to unlock the parts that make the gameplay good.

For a deeper explanation, the freeform parkour system, while unrefined compared to something like Mirror's Edge, feels awesome when you're just traversing the world. The two 'worlds' in the base game are ideal for this and seem expertly structured to give the player both some challenge and restrictions, and still a good freedom in traversal. Kicking, a staple from Dead Island, is insanely fun in this game, especially because of the increased verticality, speed of the player, and the ability to launch zombies with flying jumpkicks. You can stumble and ragdoll zombies, even higher level ones, off of structures and watch as they freefall and splatter on the ground. These two features, the moving and the physics based kicking, would make you think that Dying Light would be some kind of parkour-courier version of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, where you're running bags all over the city, occasionally jump-kicking a zombie off of a building who gets in your way.

Unfortunately, for some reason this game is a level(as in confined stages)-based, light rpg/looter, with with extremely confined stages, mandatory, slow combat, and terrible story. Most of the important levels take place in places like sewers and office buildings, where you need to fight humans or insanely tanky zombies without being able to parkour around them. Sure, you need to traverse the world *to* the location of the mission, and sometimes you even get a(forgiving) time limit to do so, but for the most part the actually good content in the game is just the 'filler' between levels. Y'know the parkour and the kicking that I was just praising? Those abilities are *unlocked* by levelling up. You will be tolerating the campaign in stages, just to make the traversal part of the game more fully-featured, then those abilities are minimally relevant in the 'meat' of the game. Technically agility is levelled by just hurdling objects or doing other animations, but this disincentives gracefully landing on surfaces to move quickly, instead giving you hits of 20+ exp for hitting the object's ledge and watching an animation. Also, you're traversing 'to' somewhere, which is probably a story mission. Oh yeah and the grappling hook doesn't work in large portions of the game, despite being a touted upgrade. All the traversal options should have been immediately available to the player.

I still liked playing it because running around felt awesome, I also got this game for $10 CAD as I owned some games in a bundle with it, and got it for a reduced price. If you like weird Polish zombie games, it's probably worth playing. Hopefully they made Dying Light 2 more of an exploration/traversal game, and focused less on janky fighting and sewer levels.
Közzétéve: március 13. Legutóbb szerkesztve: március 13.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
18.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (17.2 óra az értékeléskor)
Loving this game is the easiest thing you'll ever do, well, the earlier versions are even better, but still.

You already know it's the best, highly recommended.
Közzétéve: március 10.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1.3 óra a nyilvántartásban
For some reason the game says I haven't played it yet can review it. Weird...
Közzétéve: február 24.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
52.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (21.0 óra az értékeléskor)
An absolute pleasure to play, definitely the best of the quasi-milsim type games. Not as in-depth as something like ARMA, but not as far off as something like Battlefield 2, filling a really nice role somewhere in between. The game is insanely immersive and hard-hitting, and while the visuals do leave something to be desired compared to Insurgency: Sandstorm or even Hell Let Loose, which also are in a similar niche, the attention to detail with things like player movement and the way bodies get ripped apart makes that fade into the background, and the flow of the action take the fore.

Only issue, it's hard to play. I live on the East Coast of North America so I ping fine to Europe and elsewhere in my continent, at least enough to play semi competently at below 150 ping. If you live elsewhere, good luck.

Rising Storm 3: Desert Storm when???????????
Közzétéve: február 24. Legutóbb szerkesztve: február 24.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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