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Publicada el 21 OCT 2023 a las 5:32

My review page.
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The gist of it:
I am now convinced Supermassive Games were a one-hit wonder devs and have no idea what they're doing and are just milking and riding on the success of Until Dawn. Unlike that game, The Quarry has one of the dumbest characters and plot I've ever seen, along with the fact that the gameplay is an absolute waste of time. To make matters worse it seems horror fans are so deprived of good horror games and movies that they just feel forced to enjoy any trash that is released. I won't be as forgiving.

👍 The good parts:

👎The bad parts:
-Acting is abysmally cringe and nonsensical
-The main story wastes your time
-Gameplay is practically nonexistent

It's not difficult to make a decent horror movie around fantastical beasts such as werewolves or similar creatures, yet somehow the writers managed to make the dumbest plot on the planet that somehow without any logic involves a ghost? maybe? and not actual werewolves but the skinny hairless version of them.

So the gist is, that you play as various dumb teenagers that have absolutely no logic in them whatsoever, which is the norm with horror media, but in this particular case, they are the dumbest I've seen. Anyway, you are at Hackett's Quarry, which is a summer camp for kids that is run by the Hacketts.

Yes, you may be thinking now, wait, why is there a summer camp for kids in a horror environment? Well, dear reader, it gets worse, they run the camp for kids knowingly that there are werewolves being hunted in the area, but it's cool because there's no full moon until the plot of the game starts so the kids are safe lmao and luckily the camp ends A DAY before the full moon starts. Anyway, one of the douchebag characters you play as sabotages the car that you and the other main characters were supposed to return home, and now you're stuck there, BUT get this, the summer camp leader also has a car and he just leaves the characters there when he could've literally saved them all.

The game is marketed as all choices matter and let me tell you right away, they do not. Almost all choices while they initially seem different will ultimately lead to the same exact path. The characters only die if you're absolutely bad at the game or under absolute BS circumstances which I'll talk in the gameplay part.

Every decision the game wants you to make story-wise is absolutely baffling and no way any human being capable of having normal thoughts would do any of those actions. "oh no you got jumped by a humanoid hairless creature, I think it was a bear!!! let's walk alone in the forest!!"

Every single character seems to have double personalities, like this skinny-ass dude tells the guy to do something, the guy does it and then HE STILL GETS ANNOYED. Who wrote this? Find a better job.

Story rating: 4/10

There is no gameplay. You just walk forward, wait for a cutscene, then walk forward again for 1 minute and then another cutscene and sometimes you have to select dialogue choices that most of the time do not matter or impact the story at all although the game tries really hard to make you believe they do.

Oh right, you also maybe shoot the shotgun 2 or 3 times without making much of an impact anyway. There was also a specific puzzle that will impact whether a character dies or not and it was the dumbest puzzle of all time. There are 3 choices for that puzzle, one in which you can retry twice, and if it fails, the guy you play as just says, "eh I won't bother saving you" and leaves the other guy to sit there, another choice in which the same thing happens but it's automatic the first time you do it and the I'm assuming good solution which I could not get because the puzzle had no logical solution other than just randomly picking. Even if it was my fault for failing the puzzle, the fact that any human being just sorta shrugs and leaves his friend in there without doing his best, is absolutely moronic.

I didn't talk about this in the story, but every single character in the game has the exact same mentality, the shrugger, horrific events happen around them and they are just kinda "eh, whatever"

Gameplay rating: 3/10

Voice acting is not very good, they're all bad actors, they seem bored and passive, there is 0 charm in any of them, randomly yelling when they shouldn't, not acting scared when they should, etc.

The music is almost non-existent and the sound effects are just pale.

Audio rating: 3/10

Graphics, performance and tech analysis
The game runs nice, for me at least, on my high end system, but that ain't saying much as there's not much to look at. Environments are dry and devoid of detail, just a cabin here, a forest there and that's about it. Character models look weird, especially their mouth movements and the monsters looked badly designed.

As for bugs, I have not encountered anything so I guess thats a plus.

Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 6/10

Avoid this trash at all costs. Yes, I get it, you're bored and you need your dose of horror and there's barely anything good, but stop giving these people your money. They haven't learned and improved a single thing since Until Dawn.

Final score: 4/10
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4 comentarios
Toyboat 15 NOV 2023 a las 23:16 
Eh, fair enough LOL
Nightserg 15 NOV 2023 a las 7:39 
I will not.
Toyboat 15 NOV 2023 a las 0:37 
I'm sure this is a great review, but "abysmally cringe" put me right out of it. Cringe is already overused as is, but putting "abysmally" next to it is... no, no. Please phrase that differently.
Dire 12 NOV 2023 a las 9:33 
Now that you mention it, I just realized that the counsellors arrived 2 MONTHS before the game begins. And in the flashback scene we even see them going on a hunt, therefore they DID hunt these werewolves while the camp was open, which is a major plot hole. Full moon is obviously once a month. God damnit.