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Yayınlanma: 21 Oca @ 6:40
Güncellenme: 21 Oca @ 6:45

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The gist of it:
Turbo Overkill is a fantastic old-school fps, a game that clearly takes inspiration from old and modern games like Quake or Doom Eternal, however, its length and certain levels/enemies drag it a bit down.

👍 The good parts:
+Satisfying gun combat
+Fantastic soundtrack
+Good level design

👎The bad parts:
-Overstays its welcome and becomes a bit repetitive later on
-Annoying enemies and difficulty spikes

You play as Johnny Turbo, a cool silent protagonist dude, tasked with stopping a rogue AI. It's a boomer shooter, if you're expecting a Baldurs Gate 3 story, look elsewhere. That being said, the devs did put a bit of an effort into making a genuinely decent story from start to finish so I'll give them credit for that, it's not a genre you play for the story after all.

As you progress through the game, you'll learn more about your background while the main story just keeps getting crazier by the minute. Will it blow your mind? No. Will you be satisfied for what it is and may want more in the future? Probably yes.

Story rating: 7.5/10

The bread and butter of Turbo Overkill is of course the gameplay. As I've mentioned it takes inspiration from other big FPS hitters while still feeling rather unique. If you've played all boomer, classic, and modern shooters you'll be right at home with this one, but at the same time it won't feel super fresh, a double-edged sword I suppose.

You find weapons, you upgrade them, you find skills, you upgrade them and you shoot everything in your path for almost 20 hours which was a bit longer than I expected, and while the game does try to keep things fresh, the samey arena spawn enemy type one after another got a bit too stale for me. Speaking of keeping things fresh, you can ride your bike and your flying vehicle at certain points in the game as well as a mech, however, I found those to be the worst parts of the game.

Enemy variety also kinda of got a bit on my nerves as well as their insane random damage output. I'll admit I started playing on the hardest difficulty which ruined most of my game enjoyment due to how poorly some late-game enemies were designed and the fact that they disable the most important aspect of any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ shooter, the health/armor pickups. That being said the difficulty under the final one was much better at which point I started enjoying the game more.

The guns are well-designed and fun to use with the exception of the sniper one, which is a gimmicky pos and you'll only ever use it to teleport to enemies in one or two scenarios. The most important mechanic though which is mandatory to use in the hardest difficulties is your leg saw. Basically, you can slide into enemies with it and shred them to pieces, and with the right upgrades you can get health and armor doing so.

Gameplay rating: 8.5/10

The soundtrack is amazing, that's all there is to it. The essence of any FPS besides the gun combat is some badass songs in the background to amp you up even more and Turbo Overkill's music does that very well. Surprisingly the game having a decent story, also comes with some pretty good voice acting.

The sound effects for all the guns and whatnot are all pretty good as well, nothing much to say about that.

Audio rating: 8.5/10

Graphics, performance and tech analysis
I understand budget, time, and skill are required for modern graphics as it's hard to optimize them for so many systems, but this game would've been insane on a modern engine like say id tech. As it is, it looks ok most of the time when you're in neon-lit levels, but other times it looks ugly.

The level design is pretty good, the maps are huge, and mostly linear, but they do open up sometimes giving you more freedom. You can even get lost sometimes. Backtracking is pretty much the main core of progressing in Turbo Overkill.

Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 8/10

Turbo Overkill, despite some of my issues with it, is one of the best boomer shooters on the market so you should 100% buy it at any price if you love the genre.

Final score: 8.1/10
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