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Verfasst: 23. März um 5:45
Aktualisiert: 23. März um 6:46

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The gist of it:
I'm not usually a fan of short gimmicky horror games, but someone recommended and insisted I play this game, and after finishing it and getting 4 endings, I kinda liked it. It remains a gimmicky short horror experience, but for a cheap buck, Mortuary Assistant can give you a bunch of amazing cheap scares.

👍 The good parts:
+A lot of unique scares with each new shift
+Decent atmosphere

👎The bad parts:
-The story is weak
-Gameplay mechanics remain the same with each shift

There's little to talk here about the story and without spoiling much, you're basically, as the name of the game implies, a new mortuary assistant, who just got hired and is tasked with embalming the dead bodies.

The twist is that you're kinda stuck in this job because the bodies are possessed by demons and you cannot leave or quit your job until all the demons are exorcised. There's a bit more depth to it, as each new shift, depending on how you handle yourself, gives you new story bits on what exactly happened that started this whole business. You eventually find out a bit more about your past as well, but overall I didn't find it that much interesting, nor the actual truth behind it all.

The story is average at best, meh at worst, and I didn't push through trying to get each ending for the sake of it, but rather to get scared.

Story rating: 6/10

Your job is to follow some simple tasks to embalm a body and exorcise a demon. These tasks are easily shown in an easily accessible task menu and all you need to do is find the items, use them on the body, and then pick the right corpse to burn. If you succeed or fail, the shift and the game ends and you have to restart from the main menu again. That is it, that's the whole game.

Finding the right demon or the right corpse to burn isn't rocket science or as hard as I imagined it would be which was a bit disappointing as most of the game is easily on rails. What was cool about starting a new shift, was the scares and that is probably the only great thing about the game, which is why I called it gimmicky. With each new shift, the scares change and there are a lot of them, some will repeat of course, but most of the time, you'll be surprised and scared to see new stuff happening to you. Some of these cheap scares were quite creative and poop-your-pants-inducing.

Sadly other than getting scared, I did not find anything else that was worth doing in the game. It feels more like a demo for the developers to test and hopefully their new game will be far more in-depth.

Gameplay rating: 7/10

Sound design is decent towards okay which is essential to any horror game, so I do have to applaud them for prioritizing that. Voice acting is average, but I did not expect much to begin with so I wasn't really disappointed. As for the soundtrack, other than the main menu one and maybe one it's pretty much non-existent.

Audio rating: 7/10

Graphics, performance and tech analysis
The atmosphere is great, I mean, it's hard not to get scared at night in a mortuary with random things happening to you so props for the great idea.

The game is a bit janky at times, but it does run quite well, had no issues at all with it.

Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 7.5/10

It's definitely worth it on a sale if you know what to expect playing it. Remember, this isn't a high-production horror game like Amnesia or Alien Isolation. It's just a short, get-scared, experience that has some story stapled to it that's not very good. I generally don't thumbs up anything below 7 since games on Steam are already overly positive, but this is one of the few exceptions.

Final score: 6.8/10
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