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Showing 1-9 of 73 entries
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SuiSui's Recommended Basic UI Mod List of Civilization VI
Collection by SuiSui
All the items are compatible with each other, work with Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm, and massively improve your experience of your games. R&FおよびGSが必要となります。全てのmodは互いに互換性があり、大幅にゲームの快適性が上がります。必ずしも日本語対応しているとは限りません。
[Harmony in Diversity] Known Compatible Mods(已知兼容模组)
Collection by D
All Mods are compatible with Recommend Mods, but may not be compatible with each other. 该合集内的内容与【和而不同:推荐模组合集】兼容,但不一定两两兼容,该表内容为可选开启,主要用于兼容性查询,欢迎大家补充。 Warning: Project Metropolis may not be compatible with JNR Aqueduct & Industry Expansion. 注:大都市项目可能与JNR的水渠、
Kaiserredux Suggested Submod Collection
Collection by Log™ from Blammo!
A collection of submods not made by the KX team (aside our own radio mod), but endorsed by our team as both fun to use and compatible/semi-compatible with KX (when up to date). We are in no way affiliated with these mods, just thought they were cool and wa
The Better Together Collection
Collection by Ozoneraxi
Collection of mods and patches that work together (so basically a modpack). Make sure you load them in the same order in-game as they are listed in this collection! You may skip mods that do not interest you but make sure you verify first if the mod requir
Hearts of Iron IV Ironman Collection
Collection by Argentum Rex
My personal collection of Ironman/Achievement compatible mods for Hearts of Iron IV. While most of the mods work with each other, please pay attention and choose if necessary (like for portraits for example). *EDIT* I still update this collection on a regu
Collection by Harvey_Jewface
A Collection of my maps which focus on heavy atmosphere. Whether it's rain, snow, mud, slush, ash, sand or building fires, there's careful attention to the detail that bring these battlefields to life.
USRP - U.S. Road Project - The whole collection
Collection by Endoraan
This collection includes all custom assets from the made by Feare Hello everyone! I know there is a bunch of (OLD) stuff in this collection. Be advised that those assets won't be updated, but replaced eventually ;) I kept them here to make it easier to fin
Maximum stability and performance 3.8.X (July 2023)
Collection by Celador
Mods that improve performance, expand the game and work together. Mods are listed in the correct (I hope) loading order. Removed Expanded Traditions and Ascension Perks, as they have not been updated properly yet. Recommended galaxy generation settings: 60
RimWorld - Essentials [1.4]
Collection by FeelsGoodMan
This collection brings a ton of quality of life improvements. Like bigger stacks, a better camera, new and updated textures and much more! See the feature list for more. This collection is an ongoing project and the list will be edited from time to time. S
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