The Serious SPY™
My PC specifications []
My anime list!! []
fogo 2022年6月28日 21時09分 
If anyone is curious why I never log back into my account. Once I got a vac ban on this account, I simply lost interest in spending time or money on it. So I went ahead and made a new account. This one is my main and will be my main going forward. I'll just occasionally log onto this account to have a bit of nostalgia hit me as life was on a full break between 2015 and 2020.

So yeah. Wanna catch up and chat? Add me on this new profile.
Bober 2014年12月1日 12時33分 
Manager Esquire 2014年8月20日 11時31分 
beware the VAC
Manager Esquire 2013年9月26日 8時44分 
random comment passing through
The Serious SPY™ 2013年5月24日 9時20分 
ol' Razzle Dazzle 2013年2月11日 22時46分;end=7:22;autoreplay=false;showoptions=false
Watch that, you ♥♥♥♥. He talksa bout hte mobile ♥♥♥♥, and it will calm you down.