Cornwall, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Information saknas.
2 352
Timmar spelade
Wybjorn 22 jan @ 12:59 
Where the hell was your team? Spread out all over the map?
Onlyfan creator 19 jan @ 14:08 
stupid afk player in bounty clash ! unskilled player !
LeonardoDiKarpio 12 jan @ 12:19 
LeonardoDiKarpio 12 jan @ 12:13 
jeszcze się tam połóż
Neppajymy 10 jan @ 15:43 
Only an absolute crumpet of a muppet would play like that. Stick to drinking tea and quit hunt.
Skiikke 10 jan @ 15:42 
ablosutely amazing game thank you very much god save the queen