Cat   San Antonio, Texas, United States
Hold my tags while I go act a fool.

10:04 AM - AG| Mario: and you were like psh naw yo afk n what not
10:04 AM - N-M8 N3K0: ?
10:04 AM - AG| Mario: exactly my thoughts

7:46 PM - Hagabao|CommFT: By the way, this is how I imagine you whenever I talk to you.
7:46 PM - Hagabao|CommFT: but sadder for some reason. :c

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
8:57 PM - Ch3$t3R: thats where i always test my interp and viewmodels
8:57 PM - Ch3$t3R: in sims3

1:49 AM - 51 tf :3: no!
1:50 AM - seek`nekoken: if you don't I won't invite you to my birthday!
1:51 AM - seek`nekoken: and big brother will beat you up?

11:31 PM - neko`s_gone_emo: WE'RE NOT FRIENDS
11:31 PM - neko`s_gone_emo: J00 LIE
11:31 PM - neko`s_gone_emo: J00 JERK
11:32 PM - TheFrageelay :3: :(
11:36 PM - TheFrageelay :3: :((
TheFrageelay :3 is now playing Team Fortress 2

11:09 PM - neko`LFT | CommFT: any chance I could give you ten bucks to transcribe my mumble interview with Tyrone? XD
11:10 PM - neko`LFT | CommFT: it's horrendous on my part actually
11:10 PM - boulder #vector: nmk,l.gftr6 6666666
11:10 PM - boulder #vector: i just hit my head on my keyboard

[22:13] <+Bdonski> "oh cool nearly enough people for a pug
[22:13] <+Bdonski> 3 users added
[22:13] <+Bdonski> "neko|CommFT_needs_writers|PM:m"

[22:43] <koneko> wait
[22:43] <koneko> when did my name change?
[22:44] <+Stig> Know not neko
[22:44] * Slim ( has joined
[22:44] <+Stig> know not
[22:44] <SureShot> !remove
[22:44] <@TF2Pug-Messenger1> 00,01 8 users added: bereth:04,01m00,01, Mangachu, monkeysuit, neko-chan:04,01m00,01, Stig:08,01c00,01, FootPenis:04,01m00,01, Mikeikeikeikeike, SenorAlberto
[22:44] <neko-chan> oh
[22:44] <neko-chan> OH
[22:44] <neko-chan> I get it now
[22:44] * koneko ( Quit (Quit)

1:15 AM - neko: be like, "where's my birthday present, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?!? need wins :) "
1:16 AM - AG indust+: b4nny's gonna pop out of the giant cake and present me with the esea lan trophy
1:16 AM - neko: lol
1:17 AM - neko: in a bikini?
1:17 AM - AG indust+: ofc
1:18 AM - neko: pics or it didn't happen
1:18 AM - AG indust+: with those twislers on his tits
1:18 AM - neko: oh ofc
1:18 AM - neko: wait "twislers?" or tassles?
1:18 AM - AG indust+: idk what they're called
1:18 AM - neko: I think you mean tassles...
1:19 AM - AG indust+: yeah
1:19 AM - AG indust+: twizzlers would be a nice treat
1:19 AM - AG indust+: but no
1:21 AM - neko: oops tassels

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beees? 23 ABR 2017 a las 4:26 p. m. 
Where is the shovel
Tentai 23 JUN 2016 a las 12:19 a. m. 
Well ♥♥♥♥ here is a comment fool.
Mario 19 JUN 2014 a las 8:29 a. m. 
Poddy 1 DIC 2013 a las 12:08 a. m. 
Invite level Bastion and Sims 3
Dave_ 3 NOV 2013 a las 9:16 p. m. 
Poddy 31 OCT 2013 a las 3:26 p. m. 
Shoot rocket on feet and they turn into cats