Also known on Origin as: spo0ong
Also known in Minecraft as: sp0ng
Also known IRL as: Chris D from Radelaide
Proudly keeping the clantag light burning for the #HungOver crew @ Valhalla
RIP Valhalla Forums 2006-2013. We came. We saw. We spammed.
Currently Offline
[#HO]spong 5 Jul, 2015 @ 10:57pm 
I'm no longer the proud father of SimCity on Origin, you are no son of mine any more, and you won't be getting any inheritance money.
[#HO]spong 21 Mar, 2013 @ 11:50pm 
I'm the proud father of a copy of SimCity on Origin so hit me up there if you want to have a game. Username: spo0ong (s-p-oh-zero-oh-n-g)