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1 person found this review helpful
11.5 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
[Difficulty - Hard] (Firstly wanna apologize if this review is a bit incoherent lmao.)

Gotta say, the game definitely made my initial impression of it disappear completely. Originally through early access and through my first playthrough I didn't really enjoy it much, partially because I had bias to the comparison with the Unreal games, and partially because on its own I didn't feel like the combat felt all too different to some of the other boomer shooters I've played.

From the bias, when I thought about an "Unreal-like", I was expecting the weapons to be less conventional/experimental, with a sense of drag to them when it comes to draw + shooting. I was expecting enemies to feel a little more Skaarj-like then they actually were too, and I was also hoping for much larger environments/hubworlds.

From judging it on its own merits upon my first full-game playthrough (only made it up to the final boss), I sped through levels because I wanted to get a better feel of the combat, but I found it to feel either a little too easy or that it felt just about the same as most of the other boom shoots I've played. I also got frustrated with the final boss anime-ninja dodging towards me and knocking me over the ledge, which was my point where I said, okay I'm done with this playthrough. It frustrated me so much not just because it was a game I picked up because it was a boom shoot, but because the concept of the premise interested me so much. With as little spoilers as possible, basically a neckbeard manages to transfer the souls of the departed into a digital environment, and forces them to compete in arenas ala the Unreal games or the (what I feel the combat better aligns towards) Quake games, especially Q3A.

Genuinely this was the dumbest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way I could've gone into a game like this, as when I had played it from its first demo and when it was available through early access, it was clear that the game would put focus onto exploration and lore, through the loop of returning to previous maps to obtain dialogue and collectible Webscape links, all of which offer insight on the universe of the game. It took me a minute to realise I pretty much forgot that entire aspect of the game, and thus, I quite literally and immediately started the game over again, skipping nothing and looking for everything.

After trying my best to collect items and find every secret area (didn't 100% unfortunately xpp), and completing the default and Newcat endings (spoilers lol), it's safe to say that this probably my favorite game newly released this year, and honestly could go on my top 30-50 list. Sure that might not say much since there hasn't really been many games that have released this year that I've wanted to play (Haven't bought Selaco yet, I'm broke ;w;), but that by no means puts down the quality of this game. Combat did still didn't feel all too crazy, which wasn't helped by weapons disappearing sometimes through saves (this game has a couple bugs lol), but accepting it for what it was made it fairly engaging, and especially running back and forth between levels for secret hunting ensured I had made use of my arsenal - What was truly engaging was of course the exploration. By the time I really started looking for secrets, I had to rely on a LOT of backtracking - As I closed the distance between the earlier levels and the latest location I had gone to, I got sucked in more and more by the weblinks I had obtained, one of the first ones being this place called "The Peephole", which had ghastly images that sort of gave me "Lake Mungo" vibes. Reading through the mock Forums, Newsletters and "Secret" Websites I found myself getting more sucked in by the idea of the world as it began to explain how ghosts are being transferred into a digital space, where they were from/taken from, the reasons behind why, and the events + people surrounding this whole scenario. Maybe I may have misinterpreted some information lore-wise through my playthrough (I wouldn't be surprised, I'm a bit dense lol), but there's enough worldbuilding in here, which combined with the environments and basic premise, offers a truly intriguing and honestly euphoric experience if you're into this kind of stuff.

I can't ignore the soundtrack either, which was done by Mothership Loudspeakerz, whom of which had done both remixes and remasters of music from the Unreal games as well as Deus Ex and other games I love (They did a BOMB-ASS remix of the PS1 Ghost in the Shell theme, LISTEN TO IT ♥♥♥♥♥). The Straylight-iness of the music all throughout is impossible to ignore if you're a fan of Unreal/DX, really setting the tone of those games through each level (Especially during conversations), but on its own its seriously atmospheric and iconic work, maintaining that grit and clickiness that you can expect from M.L.S.

So in-short, this game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome. Sure maybe the combat wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be (I grew on it though), and sure it wasn't the Unreal-like I had unfairly expected it to be from the afformentioned combat, but that perspective doesn't matter at all, since the ambience, the music, the story and the environments set a tone that although somewhat Unreal-ish and even Deus Ex-esque, was honestly its own, combining future tech + early internet with the dread-inducing knowledge of ghosts existing + being a ghost.
Posted 14 June.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm all for sticking to your guns and taking care of your baby, but I feel that the separation from New Blood seriously hurt the future of this game, at least in terms of its worth and getting completed.

Wait for sale if you really want this
Posted 26 September, 2022.
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123 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Darkstalkers... What more do I need to say?
Posted 23 June, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
27.5 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
This game sucks so good, and I haven't even finished the f**k'n thing.

Happy 4/20 - BUTTSAUCE
Posted 20 April, 2022.
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29 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
186.8 hrs on record (132.0 hrs at review time)
To summarize: I have an unhealthy addiction/obsession with this game...

To expand:

*I've bought this game thirteen times, five times for myself (One Unit Whole Blood and Fresh Supply on both Steam and GOG, as well as the 1.0 retail CD-ROM) and eight times for several friends [].

* I've played it more times than I can count, having finished the main campaign and official expansions on Well Done, completed all achievements on this remaster, played it on several ports as well as through dosbox and win95/98 via virtualization, completed the alpha version as well as unofficial expansions like Deathwish and Fleshed Out, and with several modifications like Extra Crispy and Horde Mode

*I've cosplayed Caleb twice, have made art based on the game multiple times, and own one of the original magazine advertisements, and plan to collect/create more memorabilia in the future.

Why get it?:

*Tight but expansive and intricate levels

*Grim yet beautiful and humorous atmosphere

* Being that I love movies like the Evil Dead trilogy, Braindead, Evil Ed, the Devil-Man OVA, and Zombie Flesh Eaters, this is a prime choice for horror/splatter fans

*Two fantastic soundtracks, being the MIDI and CD variants, which can be switched out for other music if you so choose

*Oddball weapon roster and bouncy gameplay (Notables include the dynamite bundle, voodoo doll, life leech, as well as the fastest double barrel in any game I've played)

*Amazing enemy roster, with different critters like the zombie variants, the gargoyles, phantasms, chrysalid pods, and most importantly the different cultist variants

*The cultists get a tab of their own: They'll rip you a new ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ whilst crying and hollering out in mock latin/sanskrit and lobbing dynamite bundles at your corpse and each other. Disposing of them is forever sastisfying, whether it be hearing a harmonious choir of screams when giving them a taste of their own explosive medicine, setting them on fire, running through them with two tommy guns and guns akimbo, or all at once.

*Chaotic multiplayer, especially on map BB7 [Midgard], a tight arena which leaves no room for rest, especially with up to 8 players online or with split-screen. Comes with standard modes like Team DM and Capture the Flag, as well as Co-operative, but also includes an interesting map/gamemode called Zombie Soccer in which you kick a zombie head around to score points in a soccer field while trying to kill your opponents.

*Groovy community of players, mappers, modders, artists here on Steam as well as on Discord and several message boards, as well as some of those who were involved in development of the game.

* A lovely snapshot in some of the early work of Monolith Productions, which would go on to make titles like No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R. , Condemned: Criminal Origins, and plenty of other titles (i.e. the current Middle-Earth series and upcoming Wonder Woman game). I also see it as a testament to the work of Nightdive Studios, having been able to rebuild this game as accurately as possible without access to the original source code and a limited window to update and fix issues ( due to an unfortunate twister of Intellectual Property mumbo, ala Atari), and their recent work like the the DOOM 64, Quake, and Powerslave remasters continues to show their excellence.

*Stephan ♥♥♥♥♥♥' Weyte: Absolutely underrated voice actor, having been games like Freddi Fish, Metroid Prime: Other M, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, in other Monolith titles like Captain Claw and Shogo, as well as in recent endeavors like Dusk and Ultrakill. His work as the malicious Ash/Django-like revenant that is Caleb is unmatched for an FPS protagonist in my eyes, with Postal Dude, Duke and Lo Wang following behind.

*Finally, I'd highly recommend this game as a means to give it further attention, especially with the state of its ownership between Atari (rights to the distribution of BLOOD and BLOOD II - The Chosen) and Warner Bros. (The Blood IP itself via Monolith Productions through Warner Games [Noting that Time Warner had recently been merged with Discovery/AT&T). Already it's been kept alive and "still kicking" via the parties mentioned, but hopefully some further attention may convince either, especially Warner, to truly bring the series back from the dead, or at least convince Atari to allow some further updates to continue, with the possibility console ports and crossplay in the backend.
Posted 11 February, 2022.
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282.4 hrs on record (16.1 hrs at review time)
Game I played this year

(Nov 25, 2020) Alright, I guess I'll write a more in-depth review: Doom Eternal exceeded my expectations when it launched, going from what looked to be a brutal and fast-paced demon genocide (like it's predecessor) to an atomic romp from the view of a one-man apocalypse. Enemies are much more intelligent and stronger than in the last game, dwindling your health to nothing if your crusade lacks ample use of movement, gunplay, and resource management.
All your weapons serve a variety of situational purposes, such as destroying enemy weakpoints, firing upon opponents who fall weaker to certain arms, or stunning your prey before closing in for the kill. The Meathook variant of the iconic Super Shotgun in this game alone is enough to make Doom Eternal one of the greatest video games of all time. Environments and game performance are absolutely unreal, traveling from the hell-ridden wastelands of earth, to the homeworld of the Night Sentinels, as well as both Hell and "Heaven", all running at a consistent framerate in battle. Overall, game of the year contender in my book.

I apologize if my writing is a bit terrible and incomprehensible (maybe even seeming to be unfinished), but hopefully I gave you a gist of the kind of game Doom Eternal is.
Posted 30 May, 2020. Last edited 25 November, 2020.
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