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Neue Rezensionen von Mary Virgin

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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 90
6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
262.4 Std. insgesamt
I have mixed feelings about this. However its more pros than cons.

Pros: It feels more HD than HD versions. Game feels uniform colors are better brighter, game runs faster than originals. Lot of things work better than original HD games like the quirky trap rooms, jumps on jumper fans etc. Places where things were bugged dont act so anymore. Enemies dont get bugged and are more aggressive. Enemy behaviour seems marginally changed from original standalone versions. Maps some corners, parts do appear changed in putting it together. You will see it if you try to jump in Seirra De Chiapas building compund from behind on mountain side or in taking secret rocket launcher in lake. Or the corner across pit once you cross over taking 3rd launcher. Long time players who know the maps in out will notice these differences. Buttons are now highlighted in yellow. In Seirra map at start you do not fall in lake but spawn on small bridge. Color of iron rods to kill Ugh Zhan in BFE changed from red to green so you can see it better. Also jet pack is right behind not in the small room wasting time. So yes many changes.

Cons: Enemy behavour is more sharp and changed if you are too familiar with stand alones. For example I had a hard time with final Harpies in Metropolis in stand alone HD but strangely seemed cakewalk here. Game crashes pointlessly at places especially if in someone else server. Repeat achievements including needing to grind in coop and solo campaigns on Serious Mode is irritating I really hated it. Finishing solo campaign should have been enough in any mode compulsion in unmodified Serious mode is forced. Some of the things that work in original BFE do not work here. Like some places you can jump up to or cut out of maps not many know of. Such work arounds don't work here but I still found similar work arounds in campaign.

My only compaint is the forced achievements grind which is a headache if you already played those in BFE and HD.

Overall its free addon if you own all 3 core games HD and BFE so no issues.
Verfasst am 9. Mai 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. Mai 2023.
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9 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
219.1 Std. insgesamt (179.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
To Be Honest I really do not know how to review this package. I was very tempted to negative review a Serious Sam game for the first time in my life that too classics I love! I loved the original classic games a lot played dozens of times of CD packs. Even bought Gold pack which let me down seeing only bonus it had was an amateurish incomplete fan made 3 map buggy Dark Island mission. When Revolutions was announced I was skeptical. I was not wrong it took many years to make this workable. Fans turned Devs were in charge. The present version is the best working one. So let me list what I do not like about it at present:

The grind of achievements. Having played classics, BFE, HD versions, Fusion all having own set of grinds this one is nerve wrecking most. Some achievements need you to play same TSE Seirra De Chaipas half a dozen times to beat map without taking damage, replay ending exit twice using only knife no weapon else, to not kill more than 7 enemies [the first room of building is crucial where Pumpkin breaks out of wall], on normal modes. Game does not work as well as standalone classic version because they have made it a grind so some things have deliberately been messed like rocket jumping. They have added achievement for Ugh Zhan Mode that is really beating enemies 400x without modification of unlimited ammo in either TFE or TSE final boss maps. The Devs insist you face every enemy and kill it not jump out of arena to hide on a wall or roof. And hence messed rocket jumping up for that reason alone seems, in full game. They added 3 new guns that seem forced and have achievements to find those and use those. It has one compulsary survival mission to play Christmas map that is forced. Allow a gold in any map if needed do not force it on a particular one. I JUST BEAT IT TODAY AFTER LONG ON WRITING THIS REVIEW LOL! Actually I hated it till it was a mess to get on getting it its satisfactory BUT it should not be forced.

TIP: Do save game lots. Lots of frequent game crashes.

The good parts is its still playable. If you really are a fan of classics if you fancy grinding out the achievements jump in else play solo classics. Thankfully co-op achievements can be unlocked playing just the last boss maps and some vs achievements in split screen mode. A few new secrets got added [Alligator pit in Hatshepsut and finding 3 new weapons in maps later]. The only reason I upvote it is because of love of the game and because you might enjoy some of the survival maps and the Bright island added 8 map campaign. Unlike the Gold CD Dark Island crap, this at least seems fun in many places. It can suffer lags when big fights starts as the maps are big and you may face loading optimization issues with lower GPUs or older machines. If you are an achievement hunter be ready for some frustration. Play it only if achievements don't bother you or challenge. It bothered me truckloads. Most campaign achievements can be obtained on tourist mode thankfully! Achievements grind is a problem I have against Fusion as well. You decide.
Verfasst am 8. Mai 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14. Mai 2023.
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15 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
16.3 Std. insgesamt
This is pretty much a Pixel Puzzles clone. You can solve puzzles piling pieces and drawing it in order or auto snapping them in circle around the pile same way. I really have no patience for 300-600 piece puzzles. Thank God just 4/18 are that tedious. Rest are 180-210 pieces. Art gallery is good like Neko games. Best buy it at sale cheap for easy 18 achievements 100%, Trading cards.

Refer to my guide how to solve it fast using automation that works well upto 350 pieces, and easily! Do rate it if helpful.
Verfasst am 24. Februar 2023.
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18 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
7.6 Std. insgesamt (2.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
OK why you can buy this game:
1] Buy cheap at sale almost less than half a dollar.
2] Get 5 Trading cards and 100% total 69 achievements in 2 - 5 Minutes!
3] It is what it says - a relaxing game without stress and decent music. Too bad you will not relax more than 5 minutes.

Tile swapping 11 puzzles. 10 puzzles give 60 achievements 6 each puzzle. 11th Gift puzzle found on clicking Gift icon on Menu gives 9 Achievements. The 10 standard puzzles have 3 modes Easy, Medium, Hard from 9 to 64 pieces. The puzzles have 3 gallery views to solve - Clothes, Bikini, Naked! Choose any mode any view solve it unlock achievements. Except Gift puzzle the standard 10 can be finished in a second clicking 'Right Tick' button to top right side of puzzle. So these 10 can be done in 30 seconds. The Gift puzzle may take 2 - 5 minutes. It throws randomly a boy or a girl puzzle, need solve whatever it shows first for achievements. Art Gallery is average! Nothing very sexciting to see. Separate players in family will need different windows slot on same pc or another machine if all achievements unlocked or game already played before.

And yeah same bad news. Finish game in 5 minutes farm cards 5 hours for 5 cards. No end to injustice and power wastage on steam!
Verfasst am 21. Januar 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. Februar 2023.
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17 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
5.3 Std. insgesamt
Yet another Furry game best bought cheap at sale for trading cards & 100% achievements.

Game has 16 achievements divided in 2 parts puzzle games. Unlock gallery images on puzzle completion.

Do check and rate my Guide: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2915331396

Part 1: Puzzles 1 to 11 are simple with 9 to 15 piece puzzles. Pieces rain in normal or various angles you must pull out normal pieces place in correct image slot to complete puzzle in timer run time. Its random and may need replays in 15 pieces as all correct pieces may not fall in set time. Refer Screenshot:

Part 2: Puzzles 12 to 16 have 20-25 piece puzzles where timer is over in 10 seconds you need click spacebar to find one piece and you need place it in correct slot in timer. Frankly I placed it and it did not seem to work well and puzzle would end without chance to spacebar next piece. It appears bugged.

The 18+ free DLC patch is supposed to unlock furry feet more so you see their feet not shoes or socks, but it did not seem to work for me. Need ensure its installed properly. Who cares? Actually forget spending so much time on it just click Up Arrow button [used in forward movement in FPS games] and unlock gallery + 100% achievement finish game in less than 5 minutes. LOL!
Verfasst am 8. Januar 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 9. Januar 2023.
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14 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
4.0 Std. insgesamt
Yet another Hentai cheap its so bad its good cheap achievement fest game. Its top down dungeon shooter. Get shot by enemies. You shoot back, collect weapons, upgrades, loot, gold, find an exit portal. When enemies shoot you, well you do not die easy but in some levels there are no enemies and you need collect loot you can die. I have no idea what happens and have no time to investigate. LOL!

Forget all that. Press F8, automatically get portal, walk through it. Done! Get Achievement. 10 or so characters unlock and couple of level completion achievements [F8 anyone?]. 2 Minutes maximum time to get 100% Achievements and 4 hours to unlock all Trading cards!

Buy cheap at sale.

NOTE: If you have save games folder of completed game or someone already finished all achievements on your PC you will automatically get related achievement on opening a puzzle.
Verfasst am 8. Januar 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 9. Januar 2023.
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17 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
5.2 Std. insgesamt
Just when you thought Steam cannot surprise you any more, you are proven wrong. Cheap games are constantly raising the bar, pushing the envelope on how to earm money without working, doing anything and being lazy! You MUST BUY IT FOR THE 3006 EASY ACHIEVEMENTS CANDY, THE REASON why you have bought this masterpiece.

You do not need play anything at all here for those 3006 Candy achievements. Just Stay at Menu in Fullscreen mode and they will self drop by second. Refer Screenshot:

Run game in background 50 minutes. You can try throwing the ball in net to kill time but it works if you throw straight and gets boring real fast after 2 minutes! Do some other work, email your boss, chat with an unknown gal online, walk your dog, watch your favorite TV Show, have great sex with your wife, husband, lover, whatever. Watch Porn or go drive get beer with buddies. Forget the game leave it on.

A game where developers spent more time licensing images, artworks to create thumbnails of Achievements then the game itself. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So just buy cheap at sale.

As achievements flood fast you may find it hard to do any other work or use steam if your PC is not GPU strong as these games clog RAM. So just buy cheap at sale. And yeah you get trading cards. Idle rest over 3 hours more.

Please do rate my Guide if this was helpful! Thank you!
Verfasst am 27. Dezember 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27. Dezember 2022.
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16 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
5.3 Std. insgesamt
OK this is a very complex and challenging game that tests your vertigo tolerance. You MUST BUY IT FOR THE 3445 EASY ACHIEVEMENTS CANDY, THE REASON why you have bought this masterpiece.
1] You must walk to doors open them. Start with those with Exit sign. Refer Screenshot: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2907721880

2] Later you enter a topsy turvy Babel world where perspective exists in multiverse in divergent omnipotent directions all over. Adds a new meaning to the term - "Get some Perspective". Use door to come out of other doors at various angles. Move, Jump up or Down till you access angled doors and keep using them to reach correct Exit door. Dr. Strange Citadel has such converging doors all over. You then find doors with locks and get to doors with keys to open doors with lock. Get 3 Stars for finishing fast. Refer Screenshot:

I hope you got hooked because I will now ask you to forget all this Mumbo Jumbo and Just forget all of above steps. This is after all a Unity Asset cheap Hentai game with Flash animated scenarios. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gotcha by the love handles Lardo. Reeled ya in with bait!

3] You do not need play anything at all here for those 3445 Candy achievements. Just Stay at Menu in Fullscreen mode and they will self drop by second. You can make it window mode by clicking ALT + ENTER if you want to do some other work and let achievements rain in background. Directly choosing window mode won't drop achievements. Refer Screenshot:

This is a more polished version of Achievement Printer. So walk your dog, watch your favorite TV Show, have great sex with your wife, husband, lover, whatever. Watch Porn or go drive get beer with buddies. Forget the game leave it on.

As achievements flood fast you may find it hard to do any other work or use steam if your PC is not GPU strong as these games clog RAM and may cause game crash, Steam crash, PC crash if you fiddle too much with it on. At some point you wont even see Achievements dropping in lag so give it 2 hours. Check Achievement progress from browser if possible. idle it for rest 2 hours after closing for cards.

A game where developers spent more time licensing images, artworks to create thumnbails of Achievements then the game itself. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So just buy cheap at sale.

Please do rate my Guide if this was helpful! Thank you!

NOTE: If a family members has played the game fully before getting all achievements you will need play on a different non-admin user slot in windows pc to get achievements or a different device.
Verfasst am 27. Dezember 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 9. Januar 2023.
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12 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
4.8 Std. insgesamt (4.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Do not let the fact that this is a sequel to Waifu Secret fool you into thinking this is a different game. It is same game with different colors, character choice and background art nothing more. The game tries hard to make this a Dating Sim + Puzzle game and succeeds too. Sadly the 44 puzzles are monotonous [4 less from previous game]. At some point boring replaying same puzzles again and again!

Check my Guide and rate it please! The guide is for first game but its still overall same game so relevant!

The basic premise is this - Chat up a girl, get into sexy discussions, Solve puzzles involving rotating pieces of a network of pipes so that you can create a pipe between 2 valves for liquid to pass through. Symbolism so strong! Refer Screenshots below. Again they are from first game but functionality is exact same!

1] Chat up. You can skip dialogues clicking arrow buttons at right bottom corner of dialogue box. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2903565845

Solve Puzzle of connecting pipe pieces to create a flowing path.



You need solve puzzles in 30 seconds or 40 seconds timer with 3 stars to get for time taken to solve. Some are very easy solved in first try. Some may need couple of attempts not too hard. There are 3 modes Easy, Medium and Hard having 16, 16 and 12 puzzles. Maybe if you have patience you can solve same piped puzzles all fairly 2-4 hours. Randomly some meaningless anime pointless sex scene loads and frankly these scenes in these games these days are funny or pathetic. I cannot imagine real people enjoy this crap at all. Loading time of game can be issue as is case of most such cheap Hentai games.

Achievement Hunters can solve it all in 20 minutes clicking F. You can even click same in middle of chat and solve puzzle before it loads. LOL! Unlike previous game clicking F will end whole conversation and associated puzzle. Puzzle 11 in Medium is bugged with a critical pipe piece missing and people have reported pipes not responding in Puzzle 12 on Hard. So just press F and dont waste time as developer never fixed them despite promising a year ago.

Get trading cards, buy it cheap at sale. Farm cards over 4 hours. I can only upvote this for cards, easy achievements and cheap discount in a game that at least works.

NOTE: If a family members has played the game fully before getting all achievements you will need play on a different non-admin user slot in windows pc to get achievements or a different device.
Verfasst am 19. Dezember 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 21. Dezember 2022.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
15 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
4.8 Std. insgesamt (4.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The game tries hard to make this a Dating Sim + Puzzle game and succeeds too. Sadly the 48 puzzles are monotonous. At some point boring replaying same puzzles again and again!
Check my Guide and rate it please!

The basic premise is this - Chat up a girl, get into sexy discussions, Solve puzzles involving rotating pieces of a network of pipes so that you can create a pipe between 2 valves for liquid to pass through. Symbolism so strong! Refer Screenshots below.

1] Chat up. You can skip dialogues clicking arrow buttons at right bottom corner of dialogue box [can use auto clicker for long chat]. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2903565845

Solve Puzzle of connecting pipe pieces to create a flowing path.



You need solve puzzles in 30 seconds or 40 seconds timer with 3 stars to get for time taken to solve. Some are very easy solved in first try. Some may need couple of attempts not too hard. There are 3 modes Easy, Medium and Hard having 16 puzzles each. Maybe if you have patience you can solve same piped puzzles all fairly 2-4 hours. Randomly some meaningless anime pointless sex scene loads and frankly these scenes in these games these days are funny or pathetic. I cannot imagine real people enjoy this crap at all. Loading time of game can be issue as is case of most such cheap Hentai games.

Achievement Hunters can solve it all in 30 minutes clicking F. You can even click same in middle of chat and solve puzzle before it loads. LOL! However you still need complete clicking all chats or use autoclicker.

Get trading cards, buy it cheap at sale. Farm cards over 4 hours. I can only upvote this for cards, easy achievements and cheap discount in a game that at least works.

NOTE: If a family members has played the game fully before getting all achievements you will need play on a different non-admin user slot in windows pc to get achievements or a different device.
Verfasst am 19. Dezember 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20. Dezember 2022.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 90