
Recensioni recenti di Punished Obesity

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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
14.6 ore in totale (3.2 ore al momento della recensione)
There's a reason why Dishonored succeeded where this title remained buried in the past. I think overall, the idea and concept of a fantasy rpg game set in a source style game is interesting and appealing to me. But the execution is more than simply flawed.

The story is pretty average, not terrible but a lot of the plot points are predictable from the start and it doesn't really take the fantasy themes far out of your generic Tolkien-esque world setting.

The main feature of this game is the combat which is so weird and unrefined that it feels more like I'm playing a janky Half-Life 2 mod than a real published game. The one mechanic that actually does it's job correctly is the kick button, and it's pretty fun to stomp your enemies around an arena or into traps and spikes but after a while it becomes monotonous and you start yearning for more than what's there. Most of the weapons do jack-all against enemies, except for the sword and shield, and the magic always feels like a strange afterthought that never really mixes right with first person source combat. The enemies aren't the worst, their AI is alright, but it feels almost impossible to land a good hit and unless there's a ledge or spike-trap nearby to kick them into you're going to have a rough time fighting them.

I'm also not a big fan of the Quake 3 style camera-bobbing, it just looks like my character is morbidly drunk whenever I try to strafe an enemy.

Overall I give this game a 6/10, it does an okay job at what it tries to be, but if you want an actually decent fantasy rpg with combat that doesn't suck a lot of the time, go play Elder Scrolls Oblivion or Skyrim instead.
Pubblicata in data 29 luglio 2023. Ultima modifica in data 29 luglio 2023.
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8.6 ore in totale (5.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Deleted Scenes sucks. If you're a fan of the Counter-strike series and want to get a different experience from multiplayer, I'd recommend this just to check it out. Otherwise: don't buy this game. Take into context that this is an unfinished early build of a game that never got release. Sure some of the missions are interesting and fun to play, but there are others that just bring the experience to a slog. Some of the level design is ridiculous or downright nonsensical as if the level designers never played a videogame before. The enemy ai varies in difficulty but will sometimes just magically lock onto you the second you walk through a doorway, so imagine how fun that is going through a linear hallway-like level where there are barely any alternative approaches to how you approach a combat situation. Not to mention the enemy placement is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ atrocious and expects the player to have the visual reactions of a Navy Seal, which sure you can argue adds to the realism, but doesn't exactly make it any more enjoyable on a first play through, ESPECIALLY ON HARD.
Pubblicata in data 12 dicembre 2022. Ultima modifica in data 12 dicembre 2022.
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1.8 ore in totale (1.3 ore al momento della recensione)
It's pretty good if you're into RTS games like Command & Conquer, but the tutorials are long as hell though. May require some level of patience and attention most newbies to Dawn of War probably lack.
Pubblicata in data 8 giugno 2022.
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33.6 ore in totale (8.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Deforestation Simulator 2014
Pubblicata in data 11 maggio 2022.
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0.3 ore in totale
Words cannot truly describe the utter marvel and grandeur of this technical masterpiece, from the adrenaline-induced gunplay that keeps you constantly pushing forward, to the gorgeous graphical design and display, this game would be enough on it's own to stand as a solid Valve title. But they didn't stop there, no. The game in addition features a new character simply known as the fisherman, who is so ingeniously well-crafted as a fictional identity, that it creates a whole new depth in intellectual storytelling. The fisherman does a fantastic job at providing social-commentary on racial tensions and gentrification in America, and really has left a personal impact on me ever since I've finished this.
Pubblicata in data 14 novembre 2021.
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70.8 ore in totale (65.1 ore al momento della recensione)
A purchase bundle of 6 full games for only $40 and zero presence of monetary microtransactions? What the hell? This is probably one of the greatest steals I've ever gotten. At least one good thing has happened for Halo these in these past few years.
Pubblicata in data 26 luglio 2021.
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878.3 ore in totale (440.9 ore al momento della recensione)
"If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!"

Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor.

Then, he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat and then he beat the crap out of every single one.

And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a 'zoo'! - Unless it's a farm!
Pubblicata in data 24 giugno 2020.
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4.7 ore in totale
Just wasted 4 hours of my life playing this mod, there isn't much to say that already has been said by others. In short don't play this, it's genuinely bad and buggy as hell. There are better mods out there to spend your time with.
Pubblicata in data 2 maggio 2020.
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147.7 ore in totale (35.2 ore al momento della recensione)
I see you've come down to the reviews to see whether or not this game is good. Well I can say with all confidence that this game is perfect for someone like me who likes FPS shooters.

Now to start off, this game is not going to be Doom 2016, sorry bud. You're occasionally going to have a jump obstacle in a level mostly revolving around the new mobility mechanics and features they displayed like the climbable walls and polls. For some reason people hate this and I don't know why. I like it because it gives the player a separate challenge that isn't just shooting everything. It makes the arena sections feel more fresh, which I cannot say for 2016 since all it was, was basically shooting with no real challenge and sometimes pressing buttons, which started to get a little repetitive for me. So in my opinion I think Doom Eternal did a better job at managing gameplay than 2016. Also people somehow find the parkour difficult, I only found a single jump section in one of the later missions actually challenging and only lost half my health, so I don't know if these people are partially blind or just terrible at FPS platforming in general.

What makes me like Eternal than 2016 is the larger variety of weapons, enemies, and little mechanics that make up the whole design and purpose of the game. You can dash and jump around levels with no restrictions but the enemies trying to encircle you. It's much more challenging, meaning you can't just run into a room full of monsters head on and immediately beat them, you have to actually learn the game and in a sense it rewards you for getting good. In short no pain, no gain.

The only thing I can really say that I dislike about this game is how lame the story gets late in the game but like Carmack said "A story in a video game is like a story in a porn movie, you expect it to be there but it's not that important."

But here's one important thing I want to verify: If you don't already know, in one of the later missions you will go up against a boss called the marauder. He is difficult as specified by Doom's developers and doesn't play by the rules that the other demons follow. If you ever have any challenge with him take some notes from this guy who responds to a lot of complaints about the boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmzAo7uM8Jo and also don't forget, learn how to combo stun lock him with the Super Shotgun and Ballista, trust me you'll need it. :)

Overall 9/10. Perfect sequel to a perfect reboot.
Pubblicata in data 21 aprile 2020.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
35.9 ore in totale (3.2 ore al momento della recensione)
Kid: Mom, can I get Left 4 Dead?
Mother: No honey, we have Left 4 Dead at home.
Left 4 Dead at home:
Kid: Hey Mom, this is actually really good.
Mom: No problem sweety.
Pubblicata in data 9 luglio 2019.
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