charmer ahead

"If you are gonna die, die in a convenient place."
- Triangle, 2016

"We have one pro, and one me"
- Robby, 2016

''Hitler did some dumb things"
- Robby 2017
DJORES 2019年10月27日 9時31分 
man i'll give you a full on blowie if you visit here
chr 2019年10月26日 5時20分 
what if we kissed... in the netherlands.. 😳😳
chr 2019年8月15日 9時53分 
ep ick town royale ... if that's even your real name ...
chr 2019年6月23日 10時34分 
HEY! Get your own gamer girl you right swiping badly typing to endermite dying sweat saliving lowlife
chr 2019年5月14日 8時41分 
Donawd Twump is witewawwy the wowst. He waped me and my 8 othew sistews. He then ♥♥♥♥♥♥ my dad and excwaimed “I’m they’we dad now ♥♥♥♥♥!” Aftew my now mothew feww to the fwoow, ♥♥♥ pouwing out his enwawged anus. I decided to sneak away and make a two ciwcwe jewk echo chambew subweddits that awe somehow stiww popuwaw. I am in contwow “dad”. I have a awmy of mindwess SJW’s at my feet! maniacaw waugh
chr 2019年2月2日 10時31分 
WTF IS AN obra DINN LOL more like o(gayb)ra din(GAY!!! !! )

WTF is AN sorry sorry sorry sorryr soryr rsoruryr