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投稿日: 6月5日 10時49分

here are my [THOUGHTS] about this game:

a great game that tackles the ideas of [SELF] and artificial intelligence.

[STORY]wise, it's complex and intricate, that will make you [THINK] and [FEEL] emotions.

while the visual style is certainly unique, it sometimes gets a little too much, whith me getting legitimate headaches from especially agressively jittery visuals.

honestly, gameplay-wise, i initially liked the idea of a timed exploration within the [[DREAMSCAPE] EXPLORER], where you seek shortcuts to optimize your usage of the limited time you have, on top of actually getting to shoot some baddies that will also give you time bonuses. but no matter how much fun you make a trial-and-error gameplay loop, it's still trial-and-error that will become more annoying the more you play. plus, the combat feels very clunky.

despite the negatives, [RECON]mend you to check out the game.
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