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Her neyse başlayalım öncelikle ben oyunun;Senaryo,oynanış,atmosfer,müzikler ve son olarak + ve -lerinden bahsedeceğim ;) ayrıca oyunun Türkçe yamasıda var link vermeyeceğim zaten kolayca bulunuyor.Hadi Başlayalım!

SENARYO(9,8/10):Öncelikle senaryo cidden başarılı kendine özgün bir hava katarken zevkle oyunu oynuyorsunuz,senaryonun yazarı Drew Karpyshyn abimiz cidden bu abimizin elinden oldukça başarılı senaryolar çıkıyor kendisinin Darth Bane serisini okudum ve oldukça başarılıydı ayrıca kendisinin Revan solo kitabınıda okumayı planlıyorum ki zaten oyunla aynıdır heralde.Senaryoyu özetlemem gerekirse Yavin Savaşından tam 3956 yıl öncesinde geçiyor,bir zamanlar jedi olan ama artık karanlık tarafa geçmiş Darth Revan ve Darth Malak cumhuriyete kök söktürüyor.Bir gün Malak ustası Revan'a Jedi Padawanı Bastila Shan ile ihanet ediyor ve Revanın hafızası siliniyor.İşte oyun tamda buradan başlıyor.İçinde Bastila ve Revan'ın bulunduğu bir gemi Sith filosu tarafından saldırıya uğruyor Revan,Carth adında bir asker ile gemiden kaçış tankı ile kaçıyor ve Taris'e çakılıyor zaten oyunu oynayan veya hikayeyi okuyan arkadaşlar gerisini biliyor..

OYNANIŞ(6,8/10):Oynanış çok sığ,karakterler ağır ve ben oynarken oyun sanırsam buga girdi ve karakter Force Jump yapmıyordu(iyice kanser).Genel anlamda taktiksel fakat jedi academy oynayıp buna daldıysanız yandınız.Ama senaryo unutturuyor işte :)

ATMOSFER(9,7/10):Atmosfer Muazzam.Ben bütün samimiyetimle şunu söyleyebilirimki ben gezegenleri resmen yaşadım! Unutmadan söyliyim oyun 2003'te İlk nesil Xbox ve Pc ye çıktı ve 10 Şubatta ios ve android'e efsane bir şekilde portlandı(eş zamanlı oynamak isteyenlere sonunda tüyo vereceğim).
MÜZİKLER(9,7/10):Müziklerde efsane adeta manzaralara bakarken size huzur veriyor müzklerde Jeremy Soule'dan.Kendisi;İcewind,The Elder Scrolls(3,4,5) ve Metal Gear Solid:Peace Walker gibi yapımlarde yer almış(Helal Olsun!).
Ve geldik finale... Son olarak + ve - lerini özetleyip notlarımı alıp bitireceğim eksiğim varsa lütfen yorumlara yazın :)

-Efsane Atmosfer
-Efsane Hikaye
-Efsane Olay Kurgusu
-Güzel müzikler

-Sığ oynanış
-Oyun bittikten sonra oyunun bize serbestlik tanımaması ve öylece bitmesi
-Sith Apperantice'lerin anlam veremediğim ve 3 jedi/sith'i dize getiren güçleri...
-Oyun Sonlarına doğru Darth Revan'ın kaskını giyemememiz(Neden!?)
-Side Questlerin Gezegenlere göre az olması.
-Kaç yıl olmuş ne bir 1080p seçeneği var ne de mod desteği...

Son olarak:Oyuna sıfırdan başlayacaksanız Force Speed ve Force Heal güçlerini almayı unutmayın(çok işe yarıyorlar) ve eğer telefon ve pc karışık oynayacaksanız sakın ola türkçe yama yüklemeyin Save'i bozuyor ve oyuna başladığınızda itemsiz başlıyorsunuz :D

Profilimden Star wars Türkiye grubumuza katıla bilirsiniz GÜÇ SİZİNLE OLSUN!
Metal Gear Saga Legendary Quotes Made by Tuğrul Pekgenç
:Ocelot:- What's your name?
:VSnake: - Snake.
:Ocelot:- No, not that name. You're not a snake, and I'm not an ocelot. We're men with names. My name... is Adamska. And you?
:VSnake: - John.
:Ocelot:- Plain name. But I won't forget it.
:Miller: - Snake? you still here?
:Miller: - c'mon, let's go back.
:VSnake: - I'm not going back.
:Miller: - Huh?
:VSnake: - I'm done.
:Miller: - Snake you don't mean...
:VSnake: - I'm done looking for the truth.
:Miller: - What are you saying, Snake?
:VSnake: - I was wrong.
:Ocelot: - C'mon boss, everybody's waiting for you.
:VSnake: - ...she betrayed me, Kaz
:Miller: - She what?
:VSnake: - In the end, she put down her gun... and when she did... she rejected everything in her life up to that point, including me.
:Miller: - What do you mean?
:VSnake: - In giving up her life she abandoned everything she was as a soldier...
:Miller: - And you consider that betrayal...
:VSnake: - I won't make the same choice as her, my future's going to be different...
:Miller: - then...
:VSnake: - Yeah, that's right... from now on... call me BIG BOSS!
:ManOnFire: - Shoot him! ...Do you hear me! I said shoot him!!
:Ocelot: - Sorry Colonel. I'm afraid I can't do that.
:ManOnFire: - What do you mean, you can't?
:Ocelot: - I made a promise to The Boss.
:ManOnFire: - Silence! I am your commanding officer! Are you questioning my authority?
:Ocelot: - Fight like a man Volgin....
:VSnake: - Where's Quiet?...
:Quiet: - I did not chose to be Quiet. I wanted to express my feelings to you. If only we shared a common tongue...
- ...
:Quiet: - Vengeance was that drove me to them... The only language left to me, revenge. But the words we shared... No, that was no language at all. That's why i... I chose the language of gratitude instead, and go back to silence.
:Quiet: - I am Quiet... I am... the absence of words.
:VSnake: - I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I wont see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds.
:VSnake: - I haven't forgotten what you told me Boss. We have no tomorrow, but there is still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future further away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there is no time to waste. Some day the world will no longer need us, no need for the gun or the hand to pull the trigger. I have to drag out this demon inside me and build a better future. That's what I...heh...what we will leave as our legacy. Another mission, right Boss?
:Ocelot: - This is only the beginning Snake. America will descend into chaos... It'll be the Wild West all over again. No law, no order. Fire will spread across the world. The people will fight... And through battle they will know the fullness of life. At last... Our father's will... His Outer Heaven... Is complete. Somewhere out there... I know he's laughing. We are beasts created by man. Unless the light is put out... The shadows cannot be erased. So long as there is light... Erasing shadows will do no good. I am Liquid's doppelganger. And you are his... Just like your father. You're pretty good.
:Miller: - KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS... What does that mean? There's got to be a reason that's there...
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid... It disappeared...? I couldn't tell you why, but it looks like that gun's light erased the marking. You see any more of those things around there?
:Miller: - Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake... Good, you erased a marking.
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater... Nice work. Keep it up.
:Miller: - Metal Gear AC!D... Looks like that's nothing special...
:Miller: - Metal Gear Arcade... Hm? Guess that can't be right...
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots... That one disappeared too, huh? There's still more to go. Where could the next one be?
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid Touch... Hm? Guess that can't be right...
:Miller: - Metal Gear... Nice work!
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes... Another one gone. That's the last...
''Not yet Snake. It's not over yet!'' - Liquid
:Miller: - Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker... You did it! You erased all the markings... But every one of them will always be with you.
''You seem to be a fan of Hideo Kojima games...Thank you for all your support!''
:Miller: - You might be able to erase the markings, but the memories will never disappear...
:VSnake: - We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in.
:Ocelot: - What is that stance? And that gun?
:Ocelot: - If you're not The Boss... then die!
:VSnake: - You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do, but testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place; you tend to twist your elbow a little to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique.
:Ocelot: - You... filthy American dog!
:VSnake: - But, that was some fancy shooting. You're pretty good.
:Ocelot: - Pretty good...
:Miller: - We're not burying them at sea? What then?
:VSnake: - We'll make diamonds from their ashes take them into battle with us
:Miller: - A shining light to our brothers in arms, even in death.
:VSnake: - We are diamond dogs.
Ghossy 20 Sep, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
ThEmre 17 Jul, 2017 @ 10:54pm 
+tep bende
Ghossy 17 Jul, 2017 @ 3:44am 
+rep taşşaklarını yalayim ağzıma alayım
Şaka Pili 30 Apr, 2017 @ 5:21am 
Hhh 22 Jan, 2017 @ 9:30am 
+rep kartal yiyen horoz kıyafetli peçete
ThEmre 29 Dec, 2016 @ 4:39am 
+rep oc