Sofis Litzankat
Sofia   Portugal
"Love is more than just an emotional response (and sometimes not that at all). Love is a decision you make each day."

My Facebook Page: The Gaming Shark []

Female Zeus avatar was drawn by the amazing Diredude! []
Currently Offline
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Read at your own risk.
I will not accept friend requests unless you leave a comment on my profile stating the reason why you're adding me! [http//Unless+I+already+know+why.]

BattleTag: Silvernnell#2321

Username: LitzankatSofis

Special thanks to:
- Zyddie for dealing with me when no one else would and helping me go through some of my worst moments. Always good to have a little wolf protecting you.
- Patrick for the caring about me and valuing the time we spend gaming together.
- Kyle because I'm his senpai and he's one of the my oldest and greatest friends, even if he's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ at times.
- Paul for remaining by my side after all we've been through.
- Alex because he's an attentive gentleman who got me my 500th game, Besiege.
- Mark for one of the most memorable birthday gifts I ever got. Very happy we found each other again even after our past disagreements.
- Tyler for getting me f*cking Fallout 4. I squealed like a little girl.
- Ricardo for being the irreplaceable person he is and for sticking around even when I'm a pain in the butt. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with.
- Nuno, Iuri and Márcio for the cheerful Dota 2 nights. :d2bloodseeker:
- Daniela for feing a sweetheart, keeping me sane during dark times and for the sleeping patterns ruined with frantic late night talks.:reheart:

Personal Game Records. []
Desktop PC specs. [] :squash:
Leitone 21 Sep, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
Miss you so much Sofi, at least you didn't have to deal with what they did to the saga with Fallout 76. Hope you're flying high wherever you are now, if somewhere.
Voltrivire 27 Dec, 2021 @ 5:28am 
Rest in Peace Sofia
MISTER X 18 Nov, 2021 @ 6:40am 
You're part of the reason I still play Dota 2 today. I've been streaming it on Twitch regularly now. You would have loved my reactions lmao. I freaking miss throwing Rapiers away with you Battle Princess! T_T
SSpArOW 9 Sep, 2021 @ 1:29pm 
Esse é mesmo o teu apelido? xd
Almostward 1 May, 2021 @ 11:03pm 
Sometimes in life there are things we take for granted. A person can be one. I remember when we played Payday 2 with a mutual friend and had a blast pulling of heists without alarms going off only to screw it up at the last second. I may not have knows you to long, and only with that game, but those few hours with you showed you were a great person in life. Its just with great sadness it was cut short.

Hope you are that bright cheerful person i played with years ago where ever you are, and i wish you the peace you deserve.
CLueLess 19 Feb, 2021 @ 7:35am 
I miss you so much Sofia <3 See you on the other side baby :steamsad: