过去 2 周 173.4 小时 / 总时数 14,464.7 小时 (评测时 4.9 小时)
发布于:2020 年 8 月 7 日 下午 9:11
更新于:2023 年 7 月 13 日 下午 5:00

Update section for the new Creative Space content:

NGS did it again with how much freedom they give for creative type of players (me). Since its release I've pretty much spent all my time decorating out my space, and I've only finished the front yard and half of the living room. I think it is going to take me months to actually finish the whole main building. And I plan to make a separate smaller house and a yacht too.

There are also logic blocks and people are already making functional mini-games in their spaces.

The UX of Creative Space has a lot room of improvement, I wish they keep working on it.

So basically, NGS now has the best player housing system on top of the best character customization (cosmetic) system. I understand that not everyone like to spend hours in salon and days in personal housing, and they should probably go find other games to play. But NGS still remains THE mmo for me.


One of the best action combat mmo out there, actually feels like playing a CAPCOM or Platinum game.

THE most robust cosmetics customization system. The base face/body editing system is not as complex as those Korean mmos but does the job most of the time, but really shines when you have a decent amount of accessories. The limit really is your imagination (mostly)

The gearing is fairly casual, but player skill plays a much more important role in the combat performance.

New engine has pretty nice graphics. Also banger OST.

The "lack of content" is actually a "pro" for me, because I have a normal life, I like the slower and more casual pace of the current main game. Plus for me personally, phashion is the true end-game, so I can always farm for more money and get more cosmetics sold by the whales.



RMT-caused inflation is still an issue, although I recently started a new farming strategy and is earning a lot more money than before.

Selling basic QoL feature (although the original issue isn't too bad anymore with the new update, but we'll see)

Although I personally didn't encounter any bans, I do agree that they need to provide a better explanation with the bans, especially for players who paid money. Although I don't think they need to provide a fully detailed explanation in case the real cheaters can learn and adapt. But at least give the general category of the ToS violation.

Cosmetics can be expensive, if you whaling (although I'd argue the whales don't care anyway). If you know how to farm money, it's not bad to just buy them from the player market. Although there are some items that's restricted behind the paywall completely.

The current NGS storyline is pretty short, I'd guess it's because they think the players don't care about the stories too much. Base PSO2 actually have hours and hours of stories (not that they are top tier, but it can be fun and whacky at times).

One personal complaint: OMG the unreliable double jump, just make it so that you can double jump in any situation! I don't see other people complaining about it so I guess maybe it's just I'm suck.



If you love really good action combat, want to express yourself through all sorts of customization options, don't mind the lack of story content and a casual-friendly gaming life, don't really care that SEGA is a greedy capitalist corporation just like every other public traded companies, and is a weeb, definitely give it a try!
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