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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 87.5 hrs on record (64.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Sep, 2018 @ 11:05pm

I wasn't sure about the game initially, I didn't even want to see anything on it because the industry has gotten such excessive mileage over remake after remake after remaster and I didn't have the confidence in Bethesda to do anything right (even if it's got the remnants of id software doing it)

Boy was I wrong. Okay it's not what I would call faithful to DOOM in every way but it gets the high action, easy to identify threat by a quick glance and an array of satisfying weapons.

I'm not even sure why I'm writing this, maybe because I wanted to take 5 minutes off a project to think about something else. Because, let's face it you've heard how good this game is, how they managed to port it to a freakin' tablet (The Switch) and now you're here, looking at some stranger's review.

It's a great game, it's got lore if you feel like reading up on that or just ignore it and shoot tons of things in well designed maps that let you explore and hunt for secrets. The game isn't just eye candy, it's really well made, it's fast, it's smart, it's got a lot going for it in variety, challenge and replayability.
I got it on PC and Switch and it's always fun, ALWAYS fun, even with the weaker performance on the handheld the game's funfactor refuses to be held back. The levels are big, with tons of detail that really add up, easter eggs too like the Dopefish. They somehow made all this believable.

Some say the glory kills are repetitive and boring, well those people are playing on the wrong difficulty. Because on harder levels you're relying on those to get you out of bad situations since they drop health and sometimes ammo. If you aren't in need of those? Then don't do it. You have like 9 guns with 6 different alternate-fires and alt modules ways to use them so you're the one repeating it on yourself.

If I had to come up with negatives, I guess it's that there's some short cutscenes that you can't skip. They're not there in arcade mode but, I don't really dig arcade mode- it's a great feature but I feel like it pressures me too much to go faster than I want vs at my own pace. Also Bethesda and id of all people NOT having mods is stupid, there's no excuse. DOOM and Bethesda titles have always been great homes for mods and modders and this game wouldn't be any different. Also, the multiplayer is generic and only okay. I don't think it's BAD but it's not the same deal. I think it feels like a wonky halo-clone if anything...if Halo had a power up that turned you into a demon that let you rampage a bit.

Look, ya like shooters? Do you want to rip demons in half? Do you like a really replayable game with lots of options? This is the game for you.
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