Its Okay To Be White
Jesus Christ is the only way to be forgiven of your sins and be saved from Hell.
Leftism is Satanic.

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CatholicSupremacy 31 aout à 15h38 
"As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. " AH +rep
Its Okay To Be White 13 mai 2022 à 19h05 
TERF basically stands for a feminist that doesn't want trans people to be part of their movement.
S1mon_Phoenix 10 mai 2022 à 18h12 
what is a TERF?
ChaffyExpert 10 avr. 2022 à 21h19 
Not sure if you have been following along, but i caught a moderator, KillahInstinct, in a lie, trying to justify censorship of right-wingers and christians such as myself with a narrative of "reports" and "just follow the rules" (despite that making no difference obviously).

Pass it along, they are trying to censor us, and we need to fight back.
Its Okay To Be White 10 avr. 2022 à 3h13 
As of 4/10/2022, I have played 666 hour of Left 4 Dead 2. Given the fact I have played since 2012 (on PC), I think it should be more like 1.5K+ hours, but 666 will do.
spceghst 20 févr. 2022 à 13h15 
king among men, god among gamers