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114.9 timmar senaste två veckorna / 417.9 timmar totalt (322.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 18 jun @ 0:58

Early Access-recension
The first month I owned this game, I sunk 250 hours into it within a month. Every time I pop back in for updates, I see quality of life stuff updated, more little things added, just everything working that much more polished and welcoming for newer players.

There is nothing that's quite like it. This thing is like the mix between Cities Skylines and Factorio, in one of the most unique settings. This is by far one of my favorite games of the decade. If you are even remotely thinking about it, buy it.

Please don't be afraid to work your way up with new cities though, the difficulty is super customizable, and can get BRUTALLY HARD to plan your city
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