
Käyttäjän slastyboy viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 38.3 tuntia (13.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game totally reminds me of the original Deus Ex, which is a good thing. I didn't really get into any of the other games except the original, but I can say already that this game is going to be a classic and it's definitely a favorite of mine. I can't remember having this much fun with a singleplayer game since Skyrim.

Graphics: The graphics are amazing - seriously, they set the bar for what is possible with high-end hardware. Even if you have a top-of-the-line PC, don't expect to run this game at it's highest (Ultra) settings. This game is built for the future.

Gameplay: Like I said, this game reminds me of the original Deus Ex in a good way. The gameplay is very similar to the original, with nice additions like the cover system and the augmentation management tool. The game gives you choices in a multitude of ways - such as dialog choices, aug choices (to enable certain augs, you need to permanently disable other augs), and a wide variety of choice in how you approach missions and situations. Supposedly you can play through the entire game without killing anybody, which would obviously rely on using stealth a lot. However, I find that the gunplay is too fun not to use occasionally, so I take advantage of that when I think it's the best approach.

Bugs: This game is buggy as ♥♥♥♥, there's no way around it. Even with an above-average PC and the latest drivers, the game crashes for me about once every hour or so. A patch came out to fix some of the crashes, but they really need to shore this up before the game is playable for a lot of people. If you decide to play even if you're getting game crashes, make sure you quick save often (default is F5 to quick save and F9 to quick load).

Overall, a great game and I strongly recommend giving it a try. Maybe wait a week or two and see if they fix the crashes or AMD/Nvidia come out with a driver update to fix the crashing.
Julkaistu 25. elokuuta 2016
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