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Team Fortress 2

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Showing 1-9 of 104 entries
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Happy New Year! (1969)
Collection by Sky
The Chilly & Cosy Collection
Collection by Sky
A collection of wintery items I've made over the years! All included items: Have cosy, comfy, cold-weather and/or classy vibes! Are not holiday-specific
Collection by Sky
Style collection for the Fighter-Bomber, a soldier flight jacket with 3 styles!
Sky's Spooky Spectral Selection
Collection by Sky
It's (almost) halloween! All my stuff from this years halloween (including two late summer sets that were more halloween themed than summer themed), plus a chunk of my favorite Halloween creations from years prior (one day medical marble, one day)!
Burning Mann
Collection by Sky
Power Spike
Collection by Sky
Style collection for the "Power Spike", a supercharged hair item for the medic with a regular and very very extra style. Animation previews:
N. Gineer
Collection by Sky
"Minisentry was a good fellow. He hated everyone and everything, but a good heart, nonetheless. Please be more reasonable with my minions next time."
The Mann from Paradise
Collection by Sky
"Y'wanna sign my petition, chucklenuts?"
Le Professionnel
Collection by Sky
He's a janitor, his best friend is a potted plant.
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