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1 bannissement en jeu enregistré | Infos
2840 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
:Binary_v2:Games i play: I mainly play Cs:Go , Payday 2 and some Unturned
:Binary_v2:Proud admin of Unturnedlord.com

:teleportitem:What Do I Do ?:teleportitem:
:SQL:I had Supreme on my main.Then got this account,So That means I am boosting (add me) !!!
:SQL:I like green as you can probably tell
:SQL:I like drawing.

:teleportitem:Before adding me!!!:teleportitem:
:cmd_v2: Comment Before adding me <--- stupid
:cmd_v2:If you want to trade with me just add me i don't check trade offers really
:cmd_v2:I would like you t ohave lvl 10 at least but i make usually exceptions
About VAC : CSGO i tried to use a viewmodel from internet, if u want to play cs add steamproxy.net/id/Caesar1731
:teleportitem:That is basically all !:teleportitem:

Have a nice stay on my profile :linked2:
LuckyYou 13 sept. 2019 à 14h22 
Wish you a happy weekend ! :heartgr: :CanovasCasinoChip:
LuckyYou 12 sept. 2019 à 12h21 
Have a nice day my friend! ♡
LuckyYou 9 sept. 2019 à 11h20 
The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. 💪😍
LuckyYou 7 sept. 2019 à 2h26 
Have a lovely Weekend! :projectstarship_smile:
LuckyYou 5 sept. 2019 à 8h27 
Have a nice day :)
LuckyYou 2 sept. 2019 à 1h14 
Have an absolutely wonderful week! :critical: