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Évaluations récentes de Skwiz

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227.1 h en tout (22.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is cracktastic, what more needs to be said? Where else can you launch a career as a hobo committing murders for premium dollarydoos? And yes, that does include public urination and defecation because that hotdog you ate had been chilling there for at least a month before you decided to touch it. Your peers will advise you to make an earnest attempt at getting it in the toilet next time. However, my advice is that you get this in your collection now.
Évaluation publiée le 9 janvier 2023.
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93.8 h en tout (22.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is absurdly moreish, I'm always left going "Oh, just one more...", but it's never just one more game. Great fun!!
Évaluation publiée le 25 septembre 2022.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.8 h en tout
This game sucks rancid farts. It slips into all the typical tropes prevalent in the gaming market currently. Yes, swoon us with your decent graphics while you bore us into oblivion with your generic, uninspired and mind-numbingly linear gaming experience. I'd literally get more enjoyment out of a frozen pizza than this and I absolutely despise those.
Évaluation publiée le 10 avril 2022.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
118.8 h en tout (1.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Your life is at stake.

You find yourself in a grave situation.

Kill until you're coffin up blood.

Here laid to rest is my sobriety, I am an addict.
Évaluation publiée le 28 février 2022.
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171.9 h en tout (23.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Relaxing, soothing and utterly satisfying. I dunno about you, but I lose track of everything else when I play this. Highly recommend for those needing a distraction, wanting to chill or engage in some satisfying arrangement.
Évaluation publiée le 1 décembre 2021.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
16.4 h en tout (15.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Having the power of life and death at your fingertips? In marker form? Hell yeah. Welcome to Death and Taxes, where you, Business Man Death, issue swift and concise judgement upon a very broad cast of Earth's inhabitants. Don't get too carried away though, or else the big cheese, Fate himself will be on your case.

A lot of the game is reading, reading between the lines and decision making. Such as it is when you're in charge of delivering life and death to the world before you. While this can be tiresome, I don't find it is in this game. There is a plethora of easter eggs, references, jokes and entertaining little sub plots hidden beneath the surface of the paperwork. And naturally, a lot of endings that cover several major outcomes through your employment period. The writing is filled with humour and enough depth to make it feel less like stamping "yes" or "no" and more like weighing lives on your own personal set of scales. (Without drowning you in excessive detail at the same time. Seeing a theme of balance here.)

While the comparison to Papers, Please is quite a common one and a valid one; I feel Death and Taxes has a little bit more going for it. You are still confined to a deadline, yes. But here you aren't plagued by an ever ticking clock and the looming pressure of having to combine rapid speed with keen accuracy. This compliments the aforementioned writing greatly, allowing you to take the extra time to seek out and enjoy the hidden gems scattered throughout.

Just honest to goodness, great casual fun with a lot of love and thought thrown in.
Évaluation publiée le 5 mars 2020.
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9.0 h en tout
Pinstripe is a relatively brief game that has you rescue your daughter from the evil clutches of one "Mr. Pinstripe", while coming to terms with the consequences of the choices you made in your life leading up to this point. You are to collect clues by way of solving trivial to slightly annoying puzzles in order to progress. This is combined with basic platforming elements and ranged combat, which makes up about the sum of the game as a whole.

While this mightn't sound too bad, (which it isn't, really..) there are a few ♥♥♥♥ that take from what is a reasonably decent experience. There is controller support as well as keyboard controls, however, one cannot remap buttons or rebind keys to cater for a more comfortable playing experience; which is unfortunate as the default and only settings for this so far are less than ideal. It got to the point where I switched between controller and keys as I saw fit for comfort because there were some aspects that were better for one than the other. Seriously, W for jump and spacebar for confirm/interact? RMB does NOTHING, while all combat is handled with LMB. Also, HUGE SECRET; E is to switch weapons, which I didn't discover until at least my fourth play of the game as a whole.

Which brings me to my next point, the achievements. They're broken and aren't guaranteed to pop if and when they ought to. This'll net you extra plays through the game if you're set on completing it fully. While this is a downside, at the time of writing this review, I can thank the community for having found a way around this stumbling block in a way that is legitimate. Hopefully there will be a proper fix for this in the future, so others don't have to chew the same wad repeatedly to get the result they rightfully attained earlier on.

With these two gripes aside, I'd still recommend the game. The artwork is neat, the dark/ambient soundtrack does wonders for the atmosphere and helps add some level of weight to an otherwise simple story, which borders on being dark and angry one minute, then juxtaposed with toilet orientated classics such as the cavernous wet fart that lasts for 100 years or Pissy the Piss Snake from Pissward Falls. There's more, but I hope you get to enjoy it and work it all out yourself like I did the first time around.

- Atmosphere, art and absurdity
- Brief but enjoyable
- Decent soundtrack
- Button remapping and custom keybinds please
- Fix bugged achievements please
Évaluation publiée le 4 mars 2020.
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0.4 h en tout (0.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Who doesn't know how to flush a toilet after they've had a ♥♥♥♥?
Évaluation publiée le 2 mars 2020.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1.8 h en tout
Druid is a casual puzzle adventure game, notable for its overall brevity, art style and backtracking. For nearly 2 hours, I gave this game my undivided attention as I played through it all from start to finish (including the task of collecting all of the collectables).

The atmosphere of the forest was really quite pleasant and calming, coupled with the signature theme that plays and loops the whole time you are out fossicking around for clues / items / progression. The downside to this is that there is a lot of filler / blank canvas between backtracking and there's quite a large portion of that considering how small the game actually is when all is played out. It may be a ♥♥♥ to some, but I didn't actually mind the absence of a map. Being a Druid, this is somewhat to be expected as you are one with the earth and nature itself. Besides; with all of the aforementioned backtracking being done, you quickly learn what goes where and how shortcuts loop back around to other places. This could be improved upon, though. If you're going to make backtracking such a large part of the game, you've gotta fill up those spaces more, somehow. We want the magical Druid forest, not someone's PowerPoint presentation on the finer points of watching grass grow.

The puzzles and riddles are relatively common sense stuff, considering what you're working with. It's just a matter of putting the pieces together as you come across them, should you have the proper tools at your disposal. This, combined with the demands of the creatures who live in the forest, makes it just seem more like trivial busy work and less like a mental challenge. I found I could speed things up a bit by diagonal walking wherever I could to cover some more ground; the titular character is sadly a one speed guy and that is to say, rather slow.

Your nature runes are also hotkeyed for you, from keys 1-0. This isn't the worst design in the world but it makes interacting with everything a little clunky, especially taking into consideration some of the animations for these, as well as the sometimes overly precise points to use them. I wouldn't mind navigating through these with use of the mouse wheel for a quick scroll through the list. Though, that wouldn't save me from a bug I experienced about halfway through the game, where I got stuck on a mole hill after activating the relevant rune power for it, seizing up like I was having an epileptic fit. Thus having to quit out and back in again - thank goodness the continue function works perfectly fine.

To Druids credit, however, I did play it through without wanting to vomit or desecrate a holy place and while it wasn't the most engaging thing in the world; it was actually kind of relaxing and still offered a little something to do. I'll still slide this one over into the recommended pile on this merit. That's also considering I paid far, far less than a cup of coffee for it.
Évaluation publiée le 29 février 2020.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2.6 h en tout
The Convenience Store possesses a distinct low poly charm that is both nostalgic and creepy in its own right. It's this particular aesthetic, coupled with the atmosphere of the store which makes this little game a good one. Even if you only play it twice to collect both endings and spot anything that you may have missed the first time around. It sounds ridiculous, yes. Especially for a game as small as this. But scoff as you may, I did manage to miss a detail of note the first time around.

The price is modest considering what it does offer you in the fleeting span of time you actually spend playing it. It doesn't bog you down with a ton of needless errands or thumb twiddling, nor does it rush you in the front door, shovel tacky jump scares down your gullet and boot you out the back door again. You're given enough to immerse yourself into the role of working the graveyard shift, while the insidious nature of the store starts to unravel all around you.

There are plenty of other little subtleties on tap here, but instead of highlighting them all for you I think it's best that you go discover and see them for yourself. The only real drawback for me was the story but even then; that's not really the centrepiece here. I would certainly hang out in this creepy little 24/7 convenience store after midnight again.
Évaluation publiée le 27 février 2020. Dernière modification le 28 novembre 2020.
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