Travis Henson   United States
"Gotta say, out of all the people I've met on steam throughout the years, my fellow clan members of .:AfD:. are some of the coolest people i know. Glad I was awarded the pleasure of being an admin of the clan. Santa, Valk, Tacos (EEEEE), K!nd, Pickles, Taeyon, Hennrig, and everyone, thanks for being such cool people. <3 haha" <--- I don't remember how long ago this was written, and I know we haven't played together in a long time, but you guys are still awesome in my book. Hands down the greatest people I've met on Steam. Maybe one day we shall play again. Maybe on day.
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this is uswest not south america 16 Thg08, 2010 @ 7:04pm 
I still feel like an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ because you got vac banned. :|
.R4W. VALKYRiE 9 Thg07, 2010 @ 9:52pm 
haha we love u too <33 :P (no ♥♥♥♥)