Abby   Sunnyvale, California, United States
"never knows best"
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Space Engineers
1 1
Review Showcase
54 Hours played
This game started out fun. After the first area things got a lot harder but it was still fun as it made tactically thinking about fights more important.

Then the update changed all that...

I played coop the entire time so your single player experience may differ a little but overall after the patch the bot AI became insanely more powerful. They could see you through walls many kilometers away. Where previous I could use hills for cover they became able to bullseye us through them. Every shot from an enemy does 95% of your life and they can spam it. Things like mortars and rockets fired slower which allowed some dodging but now it seems impossible to dodge as they always seem to home into exactly where you are. Things like flares and fireworks are useless and radios and other lures work too well. Some things like landmines and gas tanks are cool but are very hard to position in a way you can use them. You're better off blowing up cars or environmental items to get kills.

If all you want to do is sneak past every enemy and only engage objective fights its possible, but that becomes pretty repetitive after a while as all the building are pretty much the same. The amount of enemies between objective points makes fast travel mandatory all the time or you have to very slowly sneak across a map.

Talents are useless. I took medic and with things like large area rockets and radiation bullets that tick with huge radii it's a bad idea to stand near your allies so you can heal them/get them up. Adrenline shots are rare so its better to just use field radios to zerg stuff. A lot of the talents that give passive abilities don't seem to do anything. I was dropped to 10 hp regardless of if I had 30% extra health or 10% reduced explosive damage by nearly every enemy hit. The damage just seems % based so none of that crap matters.

Guns didn't really make any sense. Sometimes I'd take down a class d hunter with a single extended clip of armor piercing ammo from my A4 and other times I'd have to spend three or four. I could one shot some mobs with the 50 cal and then the same mob type same class would take nothing from it. I could see magic glowing weakspots from my marking talent but sometimes they weren't visible at all and even when I hit them it was random on if it made an impact or not. It usually was about the same as if I just sprayed and prayed damage into the stupid bot.

Overall this could be fun if you want to sneak around by yourself for hours but if that sounds like it would get old really quick play something else.
Julia Ghoulia 20 Sep, 2015 @ 10:11am 
dang3rmous3 2 Jul, 2011 @ 12:38pm 
No comment.
dang3rmous3 14 Feb, 2011 @ 1:29pm 
Very, very mean!