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Verfasst: 11. Jan. 2014 um 23:52
Aktualisiert: 11. Jan. 2014 um 23:54

This is game is like an STD, nobody wants it, but once its spread around a bit, it becomes something we laugh abut later.
Okay okay, yes, this game is awful, terrible even, abysmal, shockingly bad, truly a waste of time, a cheap knock-off that really doesn't seem convincing in any trailers, the grahics are nothing to write to anyone about, don't come here looking for eye meltings, you will be surely disappointed. the gameplay is... ugh, not... no. just no.
Its too hard to get weapons, and killing zombies is not combat so much as it is a chore, there is no "fear" or sense of "accomplishment" it is merely trying to find the weapon spawn points, abusing them, and hoping you have enough ammunition to have some sort of affect on people or zombies.
Want to know about the AI? well guess what, there isn't one. Zombies "sense" you and then vaguely saunter in your direction, powerful stuff.
Ultimately, why do I recommend this game though? if I can? ugh, Its very hard to do so, but there is a hateful charm to this game, do not buy it, ever, EVER for any real amount of money, anything around a dollar or less is pushing it even, but if you can get this for really, REALLY cheap? it has some redeeming factors.
Of course, the multiplayer, bad, very bad, awful even, but! got some buddies to play with you? the experience gets... a tiny bit better, because now you have a goal, eachother. Isn't that romantic?
Turns out, its usually a waste of time, but its a good way to kill a few hours.
This game is terrible, but because of that, its a spectacle, play it with some friends, and enjoy telling some awful stories about this pile of fecal matter ♥♥♥♥ out by some very sad developers.
Also, the microtranactions are awful. never use it, unless you have lost your testicals and feel that at least having in-game purchased items will bring some empowerment to yourself. 2.1/10
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