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17 of 17 (100%) Ansaitut saavutukset::

Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

First Unlock

Unlock your first item
Avattu 19.4.2010 klo 19.05

Babo Team-up!

Host a 4-Player co-op game
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Super Babo

Finish the campaign

Magmor Crush!

Crush 100 enemies using Magmor's Colossus ability

Psycho Babo

A fierce kill using every weapon
Avattu 21.4.2010 klo 20.56

Wise Babo

Find all 50 secrets in the campaign

Pro Babo

Win 5 games of Team Skirmish
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Babo MVP

Win a 6+ player CTF game with the most points on your team
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Babo Invader

Win an 8+ player Invasion game
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Officer Babo

Unlock the Officer Ranks

Babo Hero

Unlock the Hero Ranks

King Babo

Achieve the top Hero Rank

Babo Sniper

25 kills using the Striker energy mode
Avattu 22.4.2010 klo 14.48

B*D*I All-Star

Play as every B*D*I class in a versus match
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Scorched All-Star

Play as every Scorched class in a versus match
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14


Get over 2500 points in a skirmish match
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14

Playbrains Rules

Play with somebody who has the Playbrains rules achievement
Avattu 6.7.2014 klo 19.14