神狐稲荷   Japan
Front Mission Evolvedをするために、Steamに登録しました。しかし、このゲーム、ユーザーが少なすぎですね(涙)。しかも、ネットでは酷評の嵐。やってみると自分は面白いと感じたので、やり続けようと思います。初心者で、自分なりに楽しんでますが、上級者やチート(不正改造)の方達には全く歯がたちません。プロフィール名は神狐稲荷に変更です^^外人はチームデスマッチしかしないので、日本人だけでドミネーション、スプレマシー、ラストスタンドをもっとしたいですね(笑)


FME has not been played recently. I recently started to EDF on the recommendation of a friend.and enjoy the game together.

Currently Offline
Dr. Orange 6 Sep, 2014 @ 7:20am 
Hello Sinnko^^
Just a little greetings from Norway.
I hope all is well with you^^
Lilu Minayii 23 Dec, 2012 @ 6:00pm 
Hello Sinnko^^

You´re veryy WELCOME:)))and i´m very glad you joined the Regulaters:)))We will meet hopefully very soon in EDF and blow some insects up:))

Have a very nice Day:)))
and i wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR:)))
Dr. Orange 21 Dec, 2012 @ 3:17am 
Hey Sinnko^^
I was very pleased to see your message.
I also saw you tried the game. I hope you like it.
I look forward to play together as soon as possible.
Dr. Orange 30 Oct, 2012 @ 5:41am 
Hello Sinnko Inari^^
I hope everything is ok with you^^
You write on your profile:
"I will not only FME, and enjoy the game together"
Now you have a chance, EDF is very much fun, and all play together as friends, helping eachother.
It would be very nice if we could have a chat some day.
Hope to see you soon^^
captainobvious 30 Sep, 2012 @ 8:53pm 
Hey, Inari! I just got last stand mode for FME, and I'm looking to test it out with someone. So I was wondering if you had it too. Glad to see you enjoying the game again! If you'd like, you could leave a message on my profile.
EX〔pan daa〕maru 14 Aug, 2012 @ 8:06am 