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kayıtlarda 10.4 saat
Giochino carino, breve ma molto simpatico, un mondo colorato e divertente, una buona trama, combattimenti e platforming non troppo difficili.
Yayınlanma 3 Ağustos.
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kayıtlarda 27.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 20.2 saat)
I still have to complete the storyline but I played enough for a review. This game gives me the same vibes as Subnautica, but with less crafting and faster gameplay. The graphics are good, the setting is great, the plot is well written. You get really attached to the car, you feel safe when inside, you don't want to walk too far away and you care if it get damaged. It really grows into you and it fits perfectly with how the story develops.
And having loved Alan Wake and Control, I think the developers set this game in the same universe, without ever explicitly saying it. There are so many things in common that it can't be otherwise, and I love it.

- Great setting
- Great visual and sound direction
- Nice crafting system, not too complicated and it impacts gameplay meaningfully but without being frustrating
- The game doesn't guide you too much in terms of what you should craft and when, and I like it (Minecraft vibes)
- Love the gameplay loop (go out of your base, loot/follow the story mission, get energy from anchors to open a gateway back to base, activate gateway and rush to it as the level collapse into chaos) and the difficulty is well thought

- Mirrors destroy your fps, bring all the mirror settings to the minimum to double your fps, they aren't that useful gameplay-wise or noticeable graphics-wise
- Sometimes you get too many levels without gateways to your base and you are forced to do a few more levels just to find a gateway and exit
- Inventory management of the different resources at the base should be improved with a better auto sorting, higher stacks and shared space between the different storages
Yayınlanma 28 Nisan.
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kayıtlarda 15.1 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
After 15 hours I think I have played enough to write my review, keeping in mind this is an early access game under development. I come from a vast city-building experience (Simcity, Cities Skylines, Tropico, Foundation, Caesar and more).

For the tl;dr people: don't buy it right now, it's a fun game with great foundations and I like playing it, but there isn't much content and there are a few bugs/broken mechanics/UI quirks. It's not for everyone in its current state.

For the dev: the cons are bugs/usability problems I found during my gameplay

- Great graphics and great optimization
- Love the burgage plots system
- Love the fact that you place down a market area where people will set up their tents to sell their stuff
- War seems deep but immediate at the same time
- The environment changing with seasons is the best I have ever seen in a strategy/city building game
- Interesting tech tree system even if it still bare bones at the moment

- UI is a little mess (1), the game doesn't explain what workers of certain buildings do, some of them function without any worker (hitching post, church), or partially work (storehouse, granary)
-UI is a little mess (2), the "working area" option for some buildings (logging camps, forester huts) don't seem to work properly, you "paint" the area but you don't see the area that you are painting, and they seem to work only in the area you are covering when you release the mouse click after painting
- UI is a little mess (3), there is no explanation of combat units attack, defense, strenghts and weaknesses stats against other units
- UI is a little mess (4), sometimes it fails to explain important things happening. I had a low yield of wheat (20 units instead of the usual 150) and my town entered famine. I never understood what happened, fertility was good, crop rotation was set up as usual to always have 2 fields dedicated to wheat every year, the farmhouse had the same number of workers as previous and next year
- The bartering system between your towns doesn't work properly, they either don't trade (even if I have the correct resources in the depots at both towns) or trade too few units to be any useful. I waited 2 years to get the planks needed for the church in my second village through bartering, then decided to build the saw pit because it was too slow and got them in a month
- Since the bartering system is broken, there is basically a soft cap on how much you can develop a region with low fertility, given the animals and berries are a fixed amount
- Getting points for the tech tree is too slow after the first 2 points. I get that you should specialize regions, but some of the techs are needed to push forward the soft cap (previous bullet point)
- The starting debuff to approval rating for homelessness is too strong, if you don't build homes imediately you get this debuff that lasts and blocks any immigration for 1+ year
- A little too much micromanagement of workers for my likes, considering seasonal works (for fields and berries for example)
- Berry hut sometimes bugs with "no resources in the work area", even if the work area is not set and there are 60 berries in the nearby bushes. This is temporaly fixed by setting and canceling the work area
- Hunting hut sometimes bugs because their storage get filled with "animal carcasses (temporary resource)" that never disappear/get processed even if fully employed. The fix is to destroy and rebuild
- We should get a way to reserve resources for production chain instead of selling them in the market
Yayınlanma 28 Nisan.
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kayıtlarda 1.3 saat
Il gioco crasha alla fine del secondo giorno, non è possibile andare avanti. Se non arriva una patch chiederò il rimborso
Yayınlanma 23 Şubat.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 121.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 17.9 saat)
Una volta messo in testa che non gioco per vincere, che non è necessario minmaxare tutto per ottenere il massimo in ogni situazione, una volta capito che non si può avere il controllo di tutto e tutti...
È un bel gioco. Alla fine si tratta di guidare la propria dinastia nel bene e nel male, vivendone alti e bassi, come quella volta che mi sono ritrovato (neutrale) in mezzo alla guerra di successione del trono d'Italia, innescata dal conte di Torino che voleva mettere sul trono sua sorella al posto dell'attuale re germanico. E il mio ducato di Milano è stato occupato e liberato più volte dalla fazione guidata dal conte di Torino, che alla fine ha perso.
Il mio esercito era piccolo, non potevo difendermi, ho dovuto subire.
Però poi, quando il mio nipote di 6 anni, duca di Toscana, mi ha chiesto aiuto contro le pretese dei conti di Orbetello e Siena per strappargli il titolo, ho subito tirato su un esercito per andare a difenderlo e ho vinto.

Alti e bassi, si vive alla giornata.
Yayınlanma 13 Mayıs 2023.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 36.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.0 saat)
This remaster always crashes when alt-tabbing. In 2020 it's not acceptable (it wasn't even in 2005). I'm going back to the standard edition, that one didn't have any problem
Yayınlanma 8 Eylül 2020.
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kayıtlarda 0.6 saat
Impossibile giocare in multiplayer. Non funziona nulla.
Yayınlanma 25 Mayıs 2019.
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kayıtlarda 240.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 52.7 saat)
Gioco all'apparenza semplice, immediato da capire, tuttavia ha meccaniche anche profonde e più difficili da capire. Divertentissimo con gli amici, non va preso troppo sul serio, ma è divertentissimo.

AGGIORNAMENTO: negli ultimi mesi hanno aggiunto personaggi con superpoteri (ovviamente a pagamento) tipo l'invisibilità o la capacità di saltare a 100 metri di altezza e di atterrare dove si vuole. Assieme all'introduzione del rituale della zombie apocalypse (il gioco spawna centinaia di zombie in tutta la mappa che possono essere uccisi solo con armi melee) hanno rovinato il gioco. Al momento è diventato frustrante e pay 2 win. E lo dico con cognizione di causa, ho passato diverse settimane nella top 100 mondiale della categoria duo.
Yayınlanma 7 Nisan 2019. Son düzenlenme 28 Kasım 2020.
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kayıtlarda 0.2 saat
Non è vero che è multigiocatore come scritto. Fake news.
Yayınlanma 27 Şubat 2019.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1,177.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,013.0 saat)
Ubisoft ha intenzione di censurare il sangue, i teschi, le icone dei coltelli, le slot machine e le insegne dello strip club per poter vendere in Cina. La versione GLOBAL. RIDICOLI.
Yayınlanma 2 Kasım 2018.
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