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3 of 32 (9%) 달성한 도전 과제::

개인 도전 과제

Gravity Only #1 level#

Complete level using only gravity shift!
2021년 12월 18일 오전 10시 12분에 획득

Catch the Raven

Scare away a raven!
2021년 12월 18일 오전 10시 11분에 획득

First blood

Die once!
2021년 12월 18일 오전 10시 13분에 획득

All difficult stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore levels!!!

All stars

Collect all stars in the normal levels!!!

Hardcore Zone #1 Stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore zone #1!

Hardcore Zone #2 Stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore zone #2!

Hardcore Zone #3 Stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore zone #3!

Hardcore Zone #4 Stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore zone #4!

Hardcore Zone #5 Stars

Collect all stars in the hardcore zone #5!

hardcore completed

Complete all hardcore levels!!!

Levels Completed

Complete all normal levels!!!

Hardcore Zone #1 completed

Complete all levels in Hardcore Zone #1!

Hardcore Zone #2 completed

Complete all levels in Hardcore Zone #2!

Hardcore Zone #3 completed

Complete all levels in Hardcore Zone #3!

Hardcore Zone #4 completed

Complete all levels in Hardcore Zone #4!

Hardcore Zone #5 completed

Complete all levels in Hardcore Zone #5!

Hardcore Gravity Only #1 level#

Complete hardcore level using only gravity shift!

Hardcore Gravity Only #5 levels#

Complete 5 hardcore levels using only gravity shift!

Hardcore Gravity Only #10 levels#

Complete 10 hardcore levels using only gravity shift!

Gravity Only #10 levels#

Complete 10 levels using only gravity shift!

Gravity Only #20 levels#

Complete 20 levels using only gravity shift!

10 dead

Die a ten times!

100 dead

Die a hundred times!

1K dead

Die a thousand times!

10K dead

Die ten thousand times!

10 stars

Collect 10 stars!

50 stars

Collect 50 stars

100 stars

Collect 100 stars!!!

3 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다